Mrs. Yipin: a farmer's doctor

Chapter 480 Winter Hunting

Chapter 480 Winter Hunting (4)
"You're back to your senses!" Jun Nanjin shook her five fingers in front of Zhiran with a funny face.

Zhi Ran abruptly withdrew her gaze, her face was a little hot, she was about to die, this was the first time she saw a man, she lost her mind.

"I said Zhiran! I'm not bad looking! Why do you always look disgusted every time you see me? Isn't the difference in treatment between you a little obvious?" Jun Nanjin looked slightly dissatisfied .

There was even a little bit of jealousy in the words that came out of his mouth, but looking at the exaggerated smile on his face, one could tell that he was just joking and joking.

Zhiran glanced at Jun Nanjin, then at the other two, and finally landed on the man of the Immortal, shaking her head and saying, "Prince brother-in-law, I really admire your courage."

"What's the matter?" Jun Nanjin touched his face in confusion, feeling that there was something in Zhiran's words.

"Originally, you looked handsome on your own, but when you stood with him, you were far behind. You were obviously born with your head on the ground first!"

After Zhiran finished speaking, Jun Nanjin didn't react immediately, but the man of Yixian understood the meaning in the blink of an eye, and smiled softly, his warm voice was as pleasant as the spring water in the mountains.

"Miss Tang is very interesting."

Zhiran looked at the young master in front of her with admiration, and truly felt that he was the most handsome man she had ever seen since she came to this world.

"This is the first son, Rong Yiyang! You must have heard of it! I heard that you wrote a poem next to his painting!" Jun Nanjin saw that Zhiran was interested in Rong Yiyang , and introduced her instead.

Zhiran stared wide-eyed, with a look of sudden realization, and said, "No wonder, so you are the number one son!"

It was worthy of the name, Zhiran silently added in her heart.

"The number one son is just a false name given by everyone!" Rong Yiyang had a good impression of the little girl in front of him.

Although she would show an obsessed look, she was slightly different from the women who looked at her like this in the past. In front of Miss Tang, there was only deep appreciation in her beautiful eyes.

It's like appreciating a fine jade, without lust or possession.

It will not make him feel like a thorn in his back.

"Hey, it turns out that everyone knows each other! It just so happens that we are going to hunt, isn't it the same?" Yu Qi suggested with a happy smile on his face, raising his lips.

Jun Nanjin stared at Zhiran in a daze, and Zhiran also looked at Jun Nanjin, but they didn't think the same thing.

Jun Nanjin was worried that Zhi Ran didn't know how to ride a horse, and it would be boring to go there. After all, she couldn't ride a horse, so there was no hunting!They don't hunt around on the ground with their legs.

But what Zhi Ran thought was, when her sister and the others were working so hard, Jun Nanjin still had time to go hunting, wasn't it a little muddled.

"Go hunting at this time?" Zhiran raised her eyebrows and said, "Aren't the movements hibernating at this time? What did you hit?"

At this time, Zhiran had already put away the smile on her face, and gave Jun Nanjin a reproachful look, which made Jun Nanjin baffled.

Yu Qi was a big lala, and he didn't notice that Zhi Ran's expression was wrong, and he even booed and said, "This is the time to test kung fu!"

"I don't want to go if I'm not interested! Prince, you'd better not go! The Empress is still seriously ill! You just want to have fun and play around, don't be caught by someone, I will give you a book when the time comes." Zhi Ran took a look, they all looked very friendly with the prince.

Only then did Zhi Ran dare to say such a sentence.

Jun Nanjin was stunned for a moment, and smiled helplessly. He knew what the queen mother and the others were doing now, and instantly understood why Zhiran was angry.

Nine times out of ten, it was definitely not for his filial piety, it must be that her second sister was so burdened, and he was running around because of this matter, and he was still playing around.

Zhiran must be apologizing for Yuyan.

"This is an appointment with the other two imperial brothers, I don't want to miss the appointment, right! I have already reported to the queen mother before." Jun Nanjin made a embarrassed look.

Zhiran stared at him for a while, guessing that he might want to use this time to try something out.

Or go out and be tested by others.

At the moment, he said worriedly: "I want to go together too. I just haven't hunted before. Let's see what's going on!"

Jun Nanjin frowned and asked, "Are you sure? You don't know how to ride a horse, and it would be boring if you went."

Zhiran shrugged nonchalantly, anyway, she didn't really go hunting, and riding a horse, she believed she would learn it soon.

She is skilled in martial arts, even if she picks a fierce horse, she is not afraid that the horse will throw her, not to mention that with Jun Nanjin present, she will definitely pick a docile mare for her, and then learn the basic moves Can't it be easy to hit the road!

"Okay, okay, more people make it more lively, let's go!" Yu Qi smiled and showed a mouthful of white teeth, showing a very playful look.

Seeing that Zhiran really planned to follow, Jun Nanjin couldn't refuse, so she could only say, "Follow me in a while."

"Got it! Long-winded." Zhiran said coquettishly.

Jun Nanjin said dumbfoundedly: "Other people want to listen to my long-winded words, but they haven't had a chance yet! Don't be dissatisfied. If it weren't for the sake of you being Yuyan's sister, I wouldn't care about you!"

"Oh, thank you so much!" Zhi Ran looked contemptuous.

The two bickered all the way out of the palace gate.

The hunting ground was built in Hailian County. Along the way, because Zhiran didn't know how to ride a horse, she specially got a carriage for her to ride, so the speed also slowed down.

In Zhiran's words: "Don't act like a dandy and let horses run wild in the street."

From Zhi Ran who was on the carriage, she secretly glanced at Rong Yiyang's back, thinking silently in her heart that such a picturesque man should stay in one place quietly and treat her as a scenery.

But looking at his angry horse in fresh clothes, the person is more lively.

There are two royal hunting grounds in the imperial capital, both in Hailian County. The hunting ground they went to today is the smaller one.

But the animals are much more ferocious. On a surrounding mountain, it is said that there are big bears infesting, but I don't know if they can still meet in this kind of weather.

It happened, and I don't know if it was lucky or unlucky.

It was the first time Zhiran went hunting with someone, she was a little ignorant, she didn't know anything, she just followed Jun Nanjin around blindly.

Walking all the way to the hunting ground, looking around non-stop, I only feel that it is obviously colder than the inner city of the imperial capital because of the open space.

Zhiran shrank her neck, and Jun Nanjin asked considerately, "Is it cold?"

With that said, he untied the cloak to be tied on by Zhiran.

Zhiran immediately took a step back and said, "No need!"

(End of this chapter)

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