Mrs. Yipin: a farmer's doctor

Chapter 228 Building a Shed and Giving Medicine

Chapter 228 Building a Shed and Giving Medicine (1)
"You mean Master Kong opened a warehouse to help us with food?" The woman who had complained before heard this, her eyes widened immediately.

"Yes, but many people don't know about it! Master Kong didn't let people tell. I heard that Master Kong couldn't bear to see the people starve to death, so he decided to take the risk of being dismissed from office and beheaded to open a warehouse." The tone of the woman who spoke was full of admiration and worship.

Zhiran listened quietly, then smiled slightly.

Although this kind of thing spreads, Master Kong will inevitably be blamed at that time, but it is not completely useless, at least he has gained a good reputation in the hearts of the people, and with the support of the people, the emperor should not easily kill Master Kong. Even if he gets angry, he will be dismissed from office at most. If he is better, he might still be able to make his way to the top.

"Miss, do you want to take a break?" Xiu'er didn't dare to speak loudly this time, for fear of causing dissatisfaction from others, so she whispered in Zhiran's ear.

Zhiran waved her hand and refused, the women before and after would probably not agree with them.

She asked: "Who is the person who distributed the food in front? Is Master Kong there?"

Xiu'er stood on tiptoe and stretched her neck to look forward, "When I received the food before, the people who distributed the food were all fifteen or sixteen-year-old women, who looked like maids of the Kong family."

Jin'er stuffed the food in Xiu'er's arms, and said: "You stay here with Miss and don't run away. I'll go ahead and see if Master Kong is coming."

Although the young lady didn't speak, she thought that if the young lady asked Master Kong at this time, she must have something to say to Master Kong.

"I know, how can I run around!" Xiu'er held two small bags of rice grains, pursed her lips in dissatisfaction, and unconsciously took another step towards Zhiran Station.

After Jin'er ran away, Xiu'er complained to Zhiran, "Sister is really serious, she has to tell me every time, as if I am so ignorant that I will cause trouble for Miss."

Zhiran squinted her eyes, looked at Xiu'er jokingly and said with a smile: "Jin'er is right!"

"Miss!" Xiu'er stomped her feet in dissatisfaction, but did not dare to speak loudly.

Zhiran smiled and admired Xiu'er's dissatisfied face, wanting to be angry but not angry, she found it funny, rolled her eyes, and blinked when she saw Xiyu who had already received her food.

In their carload of people, she ran ahead because of her small size, why did Xiyu still receive food ahead of her.

Zhiran looked back and turned to the back, only to see Yingying standing quietly in the middle of the line.

"Go and call my eldest sister." Zhi Ran whispered to Xiu'er.

Xiu'er glanced around, saw Xiyu, took a step forward, then retracted, and told Zhiran: "Miss, don't run around, I'll be right over."

"This girl..." Zhiran couldn't laugh or cry.

Seeing Xiu'er pulling Xiyu over, Zhiran noticed that there was something wrong with Xiyu's expression, and her face was a little pale, so she took her pulse immediately and asked, "What's wrong?"

"No, I'm fine!" Xiyu twisted her hand, trying to break free.

Zhiran didn't hold her hand forcefully, but said, "Sister is showing signs of heat stroke, so I have to go back quickly."

Xiyu waved her hands and said anxiously, "No, I'm fine! You can get your food at ease! I'll just take a rest under the shade of the tree."

"Did you bring the mint sachet I prepared for you? It will be more comfortable to hold and smell it." The weather was hot, Zhiran went into the mountains and came back after picking a lot of mint.

It is also made into sachets and boiled for tea.
Xiyu shyly said, "I forgot to bring it."

Zhiran raised her eyebrows and didn't ask any further questions, but said, "I don't think you've worn it for a few days, did you forget where you lost it?"

As she spoke, she took off the sachet at her waist and handed it to Xiyu.

"You take it and use it first. After I go back, I'll go up the mountain and pick some more!"

The mint at home happened to be used up, so I had to go up the mountain to pick it again to make sachets. Fortunately, Zhiranyuan also wanted to go to the mountain, so it would not be troublesome.

"No need, I'm fine, you can wear it!" Xiyu blushed with guilt, and rejected the sachet that Zhiran handed over.

It doesn't matter if Zhiran's body needs a sachet or not, but it's hot now, and with a mint sachet on her body, there will always be a faint mint smell, which is very refreshing and pleasant, so she insists on wearing it.

"Don't make trouble! Wear it well!" Zhi Ran whispered with a serious face.

Xiyu became honest immediately, and Zhiran hung the sachet on Xiyu's waist with her own hands, and at the same time told Xiu'er: "Go and see how many of us have finished receiving the food, and let those who have received the food go to face the food." Qingfang."

Zhiran and the others were already eye-catching, not to mention beautiful, all of them were fair and rosy.

Among these sallow and thin people, they are outliers.

In addition to the few people before and after, I heard Xiu'er calling her Miss before, and now she was talking to Xiyu, the people in front and behind all strained their ears to eavesdrop.

Upon hearing Yan Qingfang, the women in front and behind all stared at Zhiran with dissatisfaction, and even muttered in dissatisfaction, "You can afford Yan Qingfang's products, but you have the nerve to come to receive the food, you really love to take advantage of it."

"That's right! Master Kong took such a big risk for the poor people like us."

Zhiran pretended that she couldn't hear them, and said to the dumbfounded Xiyu, "Sister, go with Xiu'er first."

"But here..." Xiyu looked at the people in front and behind hesitantly, fearing that Zhiran would be bullied, she pulled her sleeve and whispered, "How about, let's go! Anyway, we are not short of food."

Zhi Ran glared at Xi Yu, "You go first, Lord Kong asked me to come, I'll wait for him here, and discuss something with him."

Xiu'er was so angry that her face turned red, just as Jin'er came back, she muttered a few words in a low voice, and led Xiyu out of the long queue.

"Miss, are you alright?" Jin'er asked softly, but her quiet eyes glanced at the people in front of her and snorted coldly.

"It's all right, Master Kong is here?" Zhiran couldn't see the front, the front line was a bit chaotic, several people stood together in front of the food distribution shed, blocking the food distribution people.

"Not yet! I just inquired, Mr. Kong will come later. He came early in the morning and hurried back to the yamen. He will come when he is done with the matter." Jin'er said truthfully.

"But Mr. Kong is in front, should I invite him over?"

Zhi Ran's eyes flickered slightly, "Which Young Master Kong?"

"Both young masters Kong are here, but they are busy, they didn't notice me." Jin'er thought, if he saw her, he would know that Zhiran was here, and there was no need for her to ask, the two young masters would definitely follow. up.

"No need, don't bother them when they are busy. Go help Xiu'er and send everyone to Yan Qingfang. Forget it, let's send them to the commoner workshop! Let's make friends at the commoner workshop at noon today. Meal, rice is expensive now, eating out of restaurants is too eye-catching."

(End of this chapter)

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