Reborn genius ace girl

Chapter 245 There are chapters to talk about

Chapter 245
Immediately someone called Jin Zhi.

Always find out what the situation is first, is the other party seeking revenge or provocation?
After those people called Jin Zhi, someone immediately organized a team to search the mountain.

Jing Sheng was far away from the crowd, standing in an extremely inconspicuous corner, his eyes were searching for any suspicious traces, and then his eyes fell on the projector on the tree.

remote control?

Mirror sound immediately searched the mountains.

But the mountains are lush with trees and jagged rocks. It is too easy to hide someone, but it is too difficult to find someone.

This mountain was originally used for them to hide in an emergency, but now it seems to be full of danger.

A mercenary team wanted to go up the mountain quietly.

As soon as I walked to the foot of the mountain, I saw a little red spider on the ground.

Hey, this spider is quite beautiful...

Just as the leader picked it up, the spider in his hand suddenly lit up red.

Will it still shine?

The man took a closer look, and then, there was a bang!
Jing Sheng saw that the team that had just left had been annihilated before going up the mountain, and his face became a little dignified.

The explosion here suddenly made the atmosphere stagnant and tense.

Everyone's heart sank.

The other party, seriously!

They didn't know what tricks the other party had, and everywhere seemed to be full of traps.

"Drive the helicopter up and scan with heat!"

The sound of the mirror gave instructions to those people.

Then everyone quickly launched the helicopters, and five helicopters took off at the same time.

Even if she destroyed one, there are other things, as long as you can find where she is, the problem will be simple!

Yunbojiu watched this scene with leisure.

Helicopter lifts off, scans.

Nothing can be found on the mountain.

Heat doesn't work?
She has jammers!

Mirror sound saw the helicopter go up, and immediately made a judgment.

Heaven, that woman is out of control.

Jing Sheng said: "Carpet-like shooting towards the mountain!"

As soon as Jing Sheng finished speaking, he saw the helicopters in the sky exploding one after another.

Jing Sheng's face changed completely, and he stared blankly at the flames in the sky.

How is this possible? !

Those few had just landed, and it was impossible for them to be planted with bombs in advance. Could it be that her bombs would still move by themselves? !

"Get out of the way, the plane has fallen!" The crowd shouted, and the five planes landed together, and many of their own people were injured and burned.

Everyone dared not act rashly.

Yunbojiu looked at his watch and said, "There are still 5 minutes, if Jin Zhi doesn't arrive..."

She will wait.

The original intention was to want Jinzhi's strength, not to wipe out the enemy's lair.

She can still distinguish between short-term anger and long-term strength.

After Jingsheng changed his clothes, he moved up the mountain little by little at an extremely slow speed.

Yunbojiu had noticed him a long time ago, and now the red spider bomb was beside Mirror Sound.

5 minutes passed.

The conference building blazed again.

The crowd was restless.

Is this feeling of powerlessness to fight back really done by one person?

Finally, Jin Zhi's car drove into the park slowly.

Looking at the mess around him, Jin Zhi couldn't believe it, his base camp was beaten to ruins in just one night? !

Jin Zhi shouted: "Who are you! If you have something to say, why bother doing it!"

Yunbojiu's faint voice sounded: "I also want to talk about it, but Mr. Jin seems to have a lot of opinions on me."

this sound...

Jin Zhi's face froze, and he looked around, from confusion and panic to anger and fear.

"Yunbojiu!" Jin Zhi shouted.

Yunbojiu took the phone away and said, "It's me, Mr. Jin."

(End of this chapter)

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