come to the world

Chapter 652 Feng Su's Playground

Chapter 652 Feng Su's Playground
The city is full of beautiful girls, looking pleasing to the eye.

Especially with the sailor suit, just looking at it makes people feel refreshed and has the urge to kneel and lick.

Of course, Wu Ming and the others were not among them, they just joined in the fun, turned around and headed to the city center.

The city-state of Latmala is Feng Su's core territory, and it is also where she sits.

Senior Colonel Chu's search radar reacted violently here. According to the senior colonel's analysis, Feng Yueyue is likely to be imprisoned here.

"The radar shows that the little Lord God is here. We need to find her. In addition, Feng Su is a seven-star powerhouse. My concealment ability is difficult to be effective in front of her. So we have to split up and search the city hall separately. Feng Su's The manor, and the water park she likes to go to, try to find the little Lord God in the shortest possible world."

Hearing what Senior Colonel Chu said, Wu Ming frowned slightly and asked, "Water park is also the goal?"

It was hard for him to imagine that a seven-star heroic spirit comparable to a saint would like to go to such a naive place as a water park.

Colonel Chu shook his head slightly, and said secretly: "Although Feng Su is very powerful, she is still a big lolita. She was 17 years old three years ago, and she is only 20 years old this year. You can't expect that a 20-year-old girl can Resist the lure of water parks.”

The Silver Meizu do not need to practice, their strength is doomed at the beginning of their awakening.

Feng Su's awakened heroic spirit is a seven-star star, and she herself is a seven-star star, which has nothing to do with cultivation.

Therefore, one cannot look at the world of chaos and the Silver Meizu from the same perspective as the world of the heavens, the two are incomparable.

"I hope you're right."

The three of them split up. Colonel Chu went to the city hall, Zheng Zha went to Feng Su's manor, and Wu Ming went to the playground.

Although Wu Ming didn't think that Feng Su would lock Yueyue in the playground, it wouldn't take much effort to go and see.

Red Star Playground.
Silver Charm's technology level is not high-end, whether it is the name of the playground or the facilities inside, it seems that it is not as good as Disney on Earth.

Moreover, the name Red Star is too earthy, such an old-fashioned name, it feels like Wu Ming has returned to the 70s.

Walking in the playground, Wu Ming used his senses to find Feng Yueyue's location.

Many people who come to the amusement park carry their own heroic spirits. The power of various heroic spirits gathers together, like a huge source of signal pollution, which makes Wu Ming's sensing ability drop by not a little bit.

And just when he was thinking about whether to kill all these people so that he could relax, a familiar face appeared.

"Yueyue, no, it's Feng Su." An elegant figure walked through the crowd like a fairy descending from the sky.

None of the people who came to the playground could see her, just like these people couldn't see Wu Ming, the world had been isolated.

"Who are you?" Feng Su couldn't be seen by others, but Wu Ming could, and on the contrary, the other party could also see him.

Feng Su walked forward step by step, and the crowd couldn't help avoiding her, not thinking there was any problem at all.

Wu Ming stood on the opposite side of the crowd, watching Feng Su walking step by step, his eyes were full of confusion.

He had an idea, is this what Yueyue looks like when she grows up? No, Yueyue doesn't have such an elegant temperament.

"Who are you, an outsider?" Feng Su was wearing a sportswear, looking at Wu Ming with her head tilted.

Just as Wu Ming was about to answer, Feng Su suddenly smiled and whispered, "Forget it, I don't care who you are, get out of my territory, outsider!"

Uh! !

The elegant and noble goddess suddenly became a little sister, which made Wu Ming choke back what he wanted to say.

However, he was not afraid. He met Feng Su's gaze and said, "Three years ago, there was a little girl who looked like you. Where did you hide her?"

"Three years ago!" Feng Su took another look at Wu Ming, and suddenly said with a smile, "I want you to take care of it."

After saying a word, the lively playground was suddenly empty, only various amusement facilities were still in operation.

Feng Su's figure disappeared, only a faint laughter came, and it turned into a sentence, let's play slowly.

"Yueyue is a bear child. Feng Su, who is the true self, is indeed a bear child. Even if she looks beautiful and becomes a goddess, she is not cute at all!" Looking at the quiet playground, Wu Ming was deeply touched for a while.

The true self and the ego are not unconnected, on the contrary, the connection between the two parties is very deep.

Feng Su's slow play is not just a simple prank, but possesses terrifying power.

Wu Ming turned his head slightly, and saw black flames burning on the merry-go-round horse, and the cute appearance of the merry-go-round horse was also changing to a ferocious appearance.

Similarly, the various puppet bears, pandas, and squirrels used as decorations are also undergoing inexplicable changes.

"Big brother, do you want to play with us?"

A blind bear with sutures on his face looked at Wu Ming with a ferocious face.

With a smile on his face, Wu Ming observed the changed playground and asked, "How to play?"

"Head chopping game, your head is big and round, I like it so much!" Little Bear held a sickle and chopped off Wu Ming's head without hesitation.

Wu Ming's body disappeared instantly, and when he reappeared, he was already standing on the Ferris wheel.

In sight, a group of ferocious puppets riding black wooden horses rushed towards his position one after another.

"Sir, do you want to watch the flying knife show?" A man dressed as a clown waved to Wu Ming while sitting on the Ferris wheel.

In the next second, two handles flew through the air, heading straight for Wu Ming's eyes.

Wu Ming tilted his head slightly, and just when he thought he was dodging, two sharp knives suddenly came into view.

Gently closing his eyes, the sharp knife pierced his eyelids, but he could no longer move forward.

Wu Ming reached out and grabbed the blade of the flying knife, rolled the flying knife into a ball like rolling waste paper, and whispered: "Must hit the rules!"

Boom! !
The standing Ferris wheel suddenly trembled, and the whole Ferris wheel seemed to come alive.

The circular tracks split into arms, the bottom brackets became legs, and the Ferris wheel became a Ferris giant.

There are countless mouths on the body of the Ferris giant. They are the sightseeing cars of the Ferris wheel itself, and they are densely packed at a glance.

There was a roar, and the big mechanical mouth bit down instantly, as if to eat Wu Ming in one bite.

Wu Ming tapped his finger lightly, and whispered in his mouth: "Time!"

The power of time washed away, and in just one second, it seemed that hundreds of millions of years had passed.

The skyscraper giant is old, his old eyes are blurry, his limbs are weak, and even the teeth formed by gears have fallen out.

Before Wu Ming could go any further, the skyscraper giant fell to the ground with a "boom".

He is too old, the ruthless years have deprived him of the glory of the past, and he needs to rest for a while before doing it.

"Don't be arrogant, I'll beat you to death after I rest for a while!" The skyscraper giant was panting, and Wu Ming shook his head.

The next moment, Wu Ming turned the time around again, rushing past the entire playground.

Visible to the naked eye, everything here is getting old, and the ruthless time is vividly reflected.

The ferocious little bear holding a scythe has turned into a shambling old bear.

The sickle in his hand has become a crutch to keep him from falling down. Let alone chopping off other people's heads, he can't do it even if he wants to chop off his own.

"Feng Su, it's time for them to retire. It's not a good habit to abuse the widowed and lonely elderly!"

Wu Ming pushed lightly, and the beheaded bear fell to the ground, as if he had pushed a 90-year-old man.

The other puppets were also looking at him panting, their heavy panting sounds like an old stove pulling a broken bellows.

Even the originally ferocious appearance became ugly and cute as he aged, like a toothless tiger, maintaining his dignity as the last beast king.

"Sir, I want to...cough cough cough.Would you like to see the flying knife show?"

Before the clown's throwing knife could be shot, it fell to the ground.

He bent down to pick it up tremblingly, but failed several times. He was still a master of throwing knives, a demented player of the elderly performance team.

(End of this chapter)

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