come to the world

Chapter 411 Exile

Chapter 411 Exile

The punches were like a violent storm, and they hit Loki one after another.

Loki was so depressed that he almost vomited blood. Usually, he used teleportation to beat others. Today, others used teleportation to beat up violently. As expected, it was the mountain dog who died on the mountain for many years, and the karmic cycle of retribution was not good.

"Doctor Doom, what are you waiting for, come out and help me!" Loki, with his nose and face bruised from the beating, yelled at the metal door behind him.


The metal door opened slowly, and the man called Dr. Doom, who was riding a silver surfboard, was the brainwashed Victor.

Unlike being a villain in the movie, Victor has not been blackened because of Wu Ming's appearance.

But he was more unlucky. His personal doctor was actually a Hydra person, and he was implanted with a chip out of nowhere, and went on the road of villain again.

"Victor alone is nothing to me, but with this surfboard." Seeing Victor stepping on the surfboard, Wu Ming showed a cautious expression.

Silver Surfer's surfboard has the power from swallowing stars. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a super artifact, but I don't know how effective the surfboard can be in Victor's hands.

"Magic impact!" Wu Ming stretched out his hand, and the blue brilliance shot out.

Victor didn't dodge, he stepped on the surfboard with both feet, letting the beam of light hit him.

In an instant, the blue shock beam passed through Victor's body as if passing through the fog, and hit the metal door behind.

A big hole was directly melted out of the metal door, but Victor seemed to have nothing happened, still drifting in leisurely.

"Wu Ming." Victor tilted his head, doubts flashed in his eyes: "It's such a familiar name!"


This is not a reminiscence, just a simple whisper.

Before Wu Ming could speak, Victor pushed his hands forward, like white tides of waves, surging from all directions.

"Space!" Wu Ming shouted in a low voice, shuttling through the subspace to avoid attacks.

In the next second, Victor's gloved right hand also pierced the space and grabbed Wu Ming's shoulder.

"Resist the halo." A halo spread from the inside out.

The moment Victor's hand touched the halo, it couldn't help being bounced away, and he took a step back.

Taking a step back, Victor was a little surprised and looked at his hands.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Wu Ming grabbed directly down. If he had the perspective of God, he would see that his hands had broken through the space and appeared in the basement of the villa.

In the basement of the sea view villa, there are countless superimposed protective circles, and in the middle are two precious stones covered in glass.

Wu Ming's hands broke through the space, directly appeared in the glass cover, and took the two gems into his hands.

"Space." Holding the space gem, Wu Ming's eyes fell behind Victor.

The surrounding light quickly dimmed, and a dark hole emerged, mixed with an unimaginable attraction.

"Exile." Wu Ming stretched out his hand and pulled it forward, and the black hole turned into a gluttonous mouth, swallowing Victor in one gulp.

Victor's whole body turned into silver white, and the power of the surfboard wrapped his whole body, but it was of no use.

If all the power is divided into a priority level, then the power level of the infinite gems must definitely be higher than the power of the surfboard.

In the face of other attacks, the surfboard can nihilize Victor, creating a special state of existence and non-existence.But in the face of the power of the infinite gems, the role of the surfboard is offset, no matter how Victor struggles, he will inevitably be exiled.

"A single infinity gem may be useless against the Swallowing Stars, but it is enough for surfboards." Looking at Victor who was exiled to an unknown place, Wu Ming had a further improvement in the power of the infinity gems. cognition.

This kind of power of creation, the six gemstones superimposed on each other, can even create a brand new universe.

Unless it is beyond the universe, there is no power higher than it. This is also the reason why Thanos with infinite gloves has few opponents in the vertical and horizontal Marvel.

"I think there is some misunderstanding between us. In fact, we can be friends." Seeing that Victor was banished to an unknown place with just one move, Loki immediately came to his senses.

There is a saying that those who know current affairs are heroes, and it refers to people like Rocky.

If you have the upper hand, he doesn't mind submitting to you, even kissing your boots.Conversely, if you show weakness in front of him, he would like to jump up and step on you a few times, and then kick you away.

Facing the powerful Wu Ming who possessed two gemstones, Loki had already forgotten what he had said before.

But he forgot, but Wu Ming didn't.

Looking at Loki with an innocent face, Wu Ming smiled and snapped his fingers, and directly used the space gem to open a space door.

Solemn, vast, majestic, and simple.

Inside the space gate is a complex of palaces, with a distinct Nordic style, which is where God's Domain is located.

Loki turned his head in disbelief, looked at the God's Palace inside the portal, and stammered, "What do you mean?"

"Say hello to God King Odin for me, I told him for a while, I will visit him." Wu Ming pushed forward lightly, pushing Loki into the space door.

No need to think about it, Odin would be so surprised when the disappeared Loki appeared in the Palace of God.

I believe that with this pleasant cooperation, and the help to Thor last time, meeting Odin will be a matter of course.

As the guardian of the earth and the supreme king of the gods, Odin is very powerful.

Wu Ming didn't have the Infinity Gauntlet to use the power of the Infinity Gems, so he had already focused on Odin, planning to let these gods who like to watch dramas help him make something similar to the Infinity Gauntlet so that he can be more powerful. Ok use infinity gems.

"I look forward to meeting you." As a quasi-cosmic powerhouse, Odin's perception power is very high.

Just as Loki appeared in God's Domain here, Odin's voice came over. It was obvious that the other party had been watching the earth, or what Loki was doing.

Odin has been monitoring Loki, which did not surprise Wu Ming.

As the king of God's Domain, Odin has lived in a humble place for tens of thousands of years, and he has already mastered conspiracy methods.

Rocky jumping up and down to make trouble, I am afraid in the eyes of this king, it is as ridiculous as a child playing house.The reason why he didn't move, maybe he just wanted to see what step Loki could make, or maybe he was afraid of Thanos who was hiding in the dark, which made him look like he didn't know anything.

A truly smart person never pretends to be smart, but behaves more like a fool.

A wise man, a fool, don't really uncover the mask, who knows which one the other party is playing, or which one is the role being played.

"Odin." Wu Ming withdrew his gaze, closed the space door casually, and said to himself, "Compared to you, Thor is ridiculously immature, and the future of God's Domain is worrying!"

As the heir of God's Domain and the inheritor of the throne, Thor needs to possess many qualities.

Being powerful is only one aspect, what is needed more in managing God's Domain is to be careful and be able to resolve the external and even internal conflicts of the gods.

Thor is more of a warrior than a qualified commander.

If Loki really has the style of a king, rather than a little cleverness, it may be really unknown whether the throne will pass to Thor.

It's a pity that Loki's failure lies in the fact that he cares too much about his adopted son's identity, and also likes to play tricks too much, reversing the difference between kingly and deceitful ways.

Conspiracy means can be used, but Sun Tzu once said that the art of war is accomplished only when it is combined with righteousness and supplemented by surprises.

Only using tricks, ignoring the kingly way, this is the biggest failure of Loki.If he is really a smart person, he only needs to show wisdom that Thor does not have, enough to command the overall situation of God's Domain, and a qualified king.

When the time comes, Odin really wants to pass on the position, so he can't help but compare the two, considering who is more suitable for charging and who is suitable for sitting in the center.At that time, even if Thor was Odin's own son and Loki was just the son of the Frost Giant, for the sake of the future of God's Domain, Odin had to make up his mind.

"Unfortunately, my own son is just a martial artist, and the picked son is only smart. He is really a tiger father and son." Wu Ming shook his head regretfully, and walked through the big hole in the metal door.

One step across, another piece of heaven and earth.

Many doctors are busy. Johnny and Susan are lying on the operating table, and they don't know if they have been brainwashed.

"Papapa" glanced across the audience, and Wu Ming clapped his hands vigorously, attracting the attention of many doctors, and said, "Gentlemen, it's time for you to get off work."

(End of this chapter)

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