Xue God has mines at home

Chapter 458 Have You Heard of Ning Zhixu?

Chapter 458 Have You Heard of Ning Zhixu?

Half a month before the college entrance examination, considering various review criteria, the tenth high school decided at the last minute to recommend the exemption quota to Lin Weixia.

As soon as the news came out, Jiang Yu cried to death in class.

Everyone in the third class once knew who this quota should belong to.

During the last half month of holiday before the exam, Nan Yi silently packed up her textbooks and papers, held a stack of books, and walked the campus again.

Along the way, the first-year and second-year elementary school girls and juniors in school uniforms all cast envious eyes.I envy them for being liberated, envy them for having survived for three years.

"I heard that there is a girl who got into Tsinghua University without taking the exam. It's amazing."

When Nan Yi turned the corridor, he heard the two elementary school girls walking in front talking, and the lines were full of envy and admiration for the lucky one.

"It is said that their graduates this year are very good. The total scores of the top few on the big list are all very high. I don't think there is any need for recommendation, and they can go to any school they want. I, a scumbag, can only be greedy. "

The subject changed, and the girl mysteriously touched the arm of the person next to her: "By the way, have you heard of Ning Zhixu?"

Ning Zhixu.

It is always rooted in Nan Yi's heart, but the three words she never mentioned in the past two years just penetrated into the eardrum without warning.

The footsteps couldn't help slowing down, and her arms bounced up the books in her arms. Nan Yi walked slowly behind the two of them.

"Ning Zhixu? Of course I've heard of it! Mr. Xu's name was very famous back then. It is said that he is super invincible and handsome, and he gets almost full marks in every exam. He is perfect in every aspect. It's a pity that he transferred to another school just after we entered school. , have no chance to see the deity."

"What transfer?"

There was a rush of people in the corridor. Speaking of this, the volume of their gossip was deliberately lowered.

"Ning Zhixu committed a crime and went in. Two years, do you think his life has been ruined? Otherwise, this recommended spot must belong to him. We still have his full-score composition in the essay. How awesome character."

Society you Xu Ye.

Pretentious No.1.

It's awesome.

People are not in the arena, there are always his legends in the arena.

"Sister." Nan Yi called to stop the person in front, her voice was soft and not aggressive at all.

Many people looked back, not sure who she was calling.

Nanyi is still a man of the tenth high school for the past two years, and that face is impressive enough.

The girl was wearing white T-blue jeans, her hair was still tied into a high ponytail, showing a stunning appearance.Carrying a schoolbag behind her back, holding a stack of books in both hands, standing where the sunlight is projected by the window, with her chin slightly raised, she is still the proud and expensive little princess.

——"Are you talking about Ning Zhixu?"

She looked directly at the two people in front of her, and there was a stream of light in her amber eyes.

The impact of beauty is huge, and the two elementary school girls nodded dully.

Nan Yi smiled proudly, and straightened her back in the sun: "This is super invincible and handsome, with almost full grades, and excellent in all aspects, Mr. Xu is my man."

Every word the girl uttered fell to the ground.

These words are both maintenance and showing off.

Nan Yi's face surprised everyone.

One sentence shocked everyone.

Here in Nanyi, Ning Zhixu will always be her firm choice.

Having walked all the roads she had traveled, shielding herself from the scrutiny from all directions, the little girl walked through the corridor alone, sucking the tip of her pantothenic acid vigorously.

59 days left.

Nan Yiyi can take Ning Zhi Xu Xu home.

(End of this chapter)

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