Chapter 322

Nan Yi was listening to Wang Wanying talking about how annoyed she was for forgetting such a big matter of sending manuscripts.She didn't blame Jiang Yu, but blamed herself all the time.

Nan Yi didn't understand: "Why should you blame yourself? Don't all people make mistakes?"

"But I don't want to make mistakes." The girl replied firmly: "I have studied well since I was a child. I am a child of someone else's family in the neighborhood. I don't think I should make mistakes."

Nan Yi was taken aback.

I have been a scumbag for more than ten years, and I really can't understand this kind of feeling.

But I still want to ask her the question that has bothered her recently: "You said, is a person's academic performance really that important?"

When Wang Wanying heard her ask this question, she thought it was someone saying how her academic performance was doing.

He smiled consolingly and said, "No, your academic performance will only give you more choices in the future. It doesn't mean everything. I don't value grades, it's just that the goal I'm going for requires good grades, so I have to work hard."

"What is your goal?"

Looking at the wide road ahead, Wang Wanying took a long breath: "I want to go to Normal University and become a teacher like my dad."

Nan Yi was surprised: "Your father is a teacher?"

"Ah. To the primary school teacher." Realizing that she was about to say the wrong thing, Wang Wanying changed the subject in time: "Nan Yi, what do you want to do in the future?"

"I want to be a star. Take the actress kind."

The little girl raised her chin slightly, like a proud little princess.

Every dream deserves respect.

Wang Wanying was happy for her from the bottom of her heart: "It's good, so I can tell my students that I and the actress are high school classmates."

"Okay." Nan Yi smiled, her amber eyes filled with light.

She was full of confidence, Wang Wanying took a second look, but still couldn't help but said, "I know this might be abrupt, but Nan Yi, you have to study hard. I read the news that many celebrities write typos, or are picked up for their low education. It's easy. Being vilified. That's horrible."

Learning is very important.

Nan Yi used to think that it was enough to be rich, but recently she felt that the gap with Ning Zhixu was a bit big...

Nan Yin responded with a huh, kicking small stones with her toes as she walked.

He seemed to speak casually: "What university do you think the best learners will go to? For example"

She thought about it.

Said Lin Weixia's name.

"What university will Lin Weixia take the second place in the whole grade?"

Lin Weixia is a study committee member, and they all know each other.Wang Wanying replied to her: "Lin Weixia said that she wanted to go to the university of BJ. For sure, the best students basically go to the best university. Just like Ning Zhixu, if he maintains this score, he will not be far behind the perfect score. A few points, I will definitely choose Tsinghua University and Peking University in the future.”

Tsinghua University and Peking University.

Nan Yi really struggled with this problem when she was a child
I thought there were only these two universities in the country.

Still wondering whether to go to Tsinghua University or Peking University.

Now that I think about it, it's a good thing I didn't tell Nan Yaoye about this, otherwise he would have killed her.


The two chatted all the way, and when they entered the radio station, there was only one person inside.

Lin Weixia was sorting out the manuscript, when she saw Nan Yi coming in, she subconsciously frowned.

He didn't make provocative words like before.

But she purposely only greeted Wang Wanying, and pulled her into a warm chat.This behavior is very similar to the way elementary school students exclude a girl who doesn't like them.

Nan Yi didn't bother to talk to her, leaned against the wall and sent a text message to Ning Zhixu.

[I'm in the broadcasting room, are you coming? 】

As expected, the other party replied in seconds.

[Well, wait for me to pass. 】

 Release the fourth watch first, and watch the rest of the day.

  [Junior high school history, one question per day on May 5]

  Which of the following statements about the historical role of feudal vassal hegemony in the Spring and Autumn Period is incorrect ()
  A. Gradually reduce the number of vassal states
  B. Promoted national integration

  C. The war brought disaster to the people
  D. Qin became the strongest country among the vassal states
  Oh man, another day full of damn positive energy.

  Let us smell the breath of Xueba and fall asleep peacefully.

  The gentle chirping fell on your cheeks.


(End of this chapter)

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