Chapter 638 Popcorn

Zhao Guangran is in a really good mood today, knowing that Gong Ruini actually punished Uncle Gong.

This is great news. Although I don't know why it will be punished, it is not fake news, but real news.

In particular, Gong Ruini was so angry that she didn't want to come out for dinner. This move scared Zhao Guangran.

You must know that he has always punished his parents and elder brother. No matter how wronged he is, he never dared to express dissatisfaction, let alone use this method to protest.

It's not that Zhao Guangran never thought about using this method, but he blocked the door for his father when he was about to do it. If he really dared to do this, he would have nothing to eat in the future.

You said that his parents said so, Zhao Guangran is not stupid, how could he be willing to make mistakes again, of course he can only eat obediently.

But now that Gong Ruini did it, Zhao Guangran said that he was really looking forward to what Uncle Gong would do.

If Uncle Gong just let Gong Ruini go like this, then he will get the same treatment in the future.

In fact, Zhao Guangran didn't want to go out, so he wanted to stay at home to see if Gong Ruini would really stop eating, and also wanted to know what Uncle Gong, who had always doted on Gong Ruini, would do.

He didn't expect that there would be a popcorn maker in the village. How could he sit down?

It's not that Zhao Guangran didn't think that maybe Gong Ruini would take advantage of this time to steal food, but after thinking about it for a while, it shouldn't be such a coincidence for her to catch the opportunity.

It's not that Zhao Guangran didn't think about whether his elder brother would help, but his elder brother never condoned those who continued to fight after making mistakes, so he dragged Gong Ruiwen away.

There is no way, who makes Gong Ruiwen look worried, Gong Ruini promises that as long as the front foot goes out, the good brother who loves his sister will definitely give Gong Ruini something to eat.

After Zhao Guangran returned home with the processed popcorn, he immediately went to find Gong Ruini with some finished popcorn.

Zhao Guangran didn't have good intentions, he just went to see if Gong Ruini was firm, but he always remembered that when he punished him, Gong Ruini didn't laugh or guide him to play.

Zhao Guangran had wanted to take revenge on Gong Ruini for a long time, but he had never been able to find such a good opportunity. This time he caught him.

"Nizi, eat." Zhao Guangran lay at the door and looked at Gong Ruini's room.

Then Zhao Guangran, who walked in cautiously, took popcorn out of his pocket and gave it to Gong Ruini, "Young lady, this is good, but it's sweet, I added a lot of sugar."

"It happens that there is no one, so you can eat."

Zhao Guangran was probably worried that Gong Ruini would not want to eat, so he added, "I won't laugh at you." I will only laugh when you pick up something to eat and stuff it into your mouth.

Are you really so kind?Gong Ruini wanted to cooperate with the acting, but someone's eyes really revealed his thoughts too much, "Brother Guangran, your expression betrayed your heart."

Ah, no way, Zhao Guangran was dumbfounded. Was he really so obvious?

Hmph, it must be cheating him, "Ah, you are going too far."

Am I too much?Gong Ruini was very satisfied with Zhao Guangran's mood. Someone wanted to dig a hole for her to jump in, but unfortunately she didn't go in, and even got him into the hole. The mood was as good as it really was.

"Let's line up today." It's really a foodie. Even this is so exciting. Gong Ruini didn't get too cold about this thing, that is, when I first saw it, I missed a few bites, and then I didn't have much. interest of.

"Well, there are a lot of people. After I received the news, I went as fast as I could. I didn't expect it to be too late." Zhao Guangran was not too frustrated. Although he wasn't the first, he was at the top anyway.

As for Gong Ruini not eating, Zhao Guangran said that it was not a problem, as long as he ate a few mouthfuls happily in front of Gong Ruini, and when Gong Ruini was hungry again, it was up to Gong Ruini to pick and choose.

Zhao Guangran assured that Gong Ruini would definitely eat it, so he ate happily while talking to Gong Ruini, and at the same time did not forget to say, "It's delicious, it's really delicious, and it's sweet."

Looking at Zhao Guangran's mouth that kept chewing, Gong Ruini kept saying in her heart to bless Zhao Guangran to become a big fat man, let him eat, let him eat, is there any difference between eating so much and some animal?
"Eat more if you like it." Is this food delicious with beef?This thing is rubbish, thanks to what Zhao Guangran ate it was an effort.

Gong Ruini really felt that Zhao Guangran was really pitiful, and such things were delicious. I really couldn't imagine how excited he would be if he ate potato chips, chocolate pork jerky, etc. in the future.

Whether she will eat and eat and become a big fat man, Gong Ruini is really looking forward to it.

The more he ate the popcorn, Zhao Guangran felt more and more boring, because Gong Ruini didn't pay attention to him at all, and just let him eat and eat.

If it wasn't for someone coming to the rescue, Gong Ruini might not have held back, but now that she is half full, how could she like such junk food.

Don't even explain that you know that the kid on the other side doesn't use his brain, and he won't step in, so let's eat.

Gong Ruini still remembered that Zhao Xuran mentioned that today's father's cooking skills are very good, and Zhao Guangran ate a lot of noodles, so what time is it, even if he went out for a walk, how much space does he have in his stomach.

Still eating so much popcorn now, I'm really worried that his stomach will explode.

Look, I knew she couldn't bear it, Zhao Guangran saw Gong Ruini sweeping over from time to time, he was secretly happy in his heart, and he ate more and more vigorously.

"Nizi, it's delicious, eat it." She grabbed a handful and handed it to Gong Ruini.

My mother, the hand that was full of saliva from eating actually grabbed food for himself. Isn't this eating his saliva?Gong Ruini felt more and more disgusted the more she looked at it.

"I don't want to eat." Gong Ruini lowered her head and typed honestly. If she stared at this kid again, she probably would really stuff food into it.

Don’t eat again, hum, we don’t believe how long you can bear it.

Zhao Guangran intentionally wanted Gong Ruini to ask for something to eat, so what he ate was flattering, and he would say it from time to time.

After Zhao Xuran washed the dishes and talked outside, when he returned to Gong Ruini's room, he saw his idiot brother eating popcorn.

What surprised him the most was that his younger brother ate a lot. He watched the bag brought by Zhao Guangran come in, and now most of it has gone down.

Glancing at Zhao Guangran who was still eating, Zhao Xuran said angrily, "You still eat, isn't your stomach full?"

Why didn't this kid feel a little bit, just to let Gong Ruini eat, how did he ruin himself?I really don't know how his brain grows, Zhao Xuran really doesn't understand his own brother's brain.

(End of this chapter)

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