Chapter 479

Gong Ruini was lying in the back of the car, completely dizzy. Alas, I thought it would be better to take a car than a train.

For example, at least she could lie down, for example, she could sleep comfortably, but she didn't expect that the situation was much worse than taking the train.

There are all kinds of bad things about the train, but at least one thing is better than taking the car, that is, it is not ventilated.

In the past, Gong Ruini felt that the cabin was not ventilated, and the smell was unpleasant, but the air in the cabin was good, but the wind kept blowing in.

"Is it cold?" Zhao Xuran saw Gong Ruini's body tremble, and knew that she must be cold.

But there was no other way, the place where they were staying had already been surrounded with quilts, but the wind was already strong in winter, and when the car was driven, the wind would pour into the car bucket for free.

Gong Ruini nodded, she really didn't want to talk, she was worried that if she opened her mouth, the heat in her stomach would be gone.

"Pour some hot water for you." Tang Pozi had been filled with hot water before departure, but it should not be too hot by this point.

Zhao Xuran felt the cold wind blowing past his ears,
Seeing that Gong Ruini's small face was much thinner than when she first set off, Zhao Xuran felt very reluctant, "We will have a delicious meal in the capital."

Delicious, that is to eat meat, although they also ate meat along the way, but not as comfortable as at home, Zhao Guangran was excited when he heard Zhao Xuran talk about a good meal in the capital.

No, you shouldn't eat meat, "I don't eat meat." The family brought some quail, and in order not to cause accidents on the road, the quantity they brought was not much.

Zhao Guangran was really worried that if the eldest brother did something, he would eat up the source of future money, Zhao Guangran would not be willing to do so.

If it wasn't for being on the road, if it wasn't for Zhao Guangran's inability to take care of himself, he would have taken care of those quails long ago.

vegetarian?When will my younger brother become so good and stop eating meat?Zhao Xuran was surprised. You must know that at home, this is a master who advocates eating meat.

"Well, I don't eat meat. If I eat meat, I will eat money." Gong Ruini was also worried that Zhao Xuran would eat the quail cruelly. This is money.

"By the way, the comic books are all ready to be noted." Gong Ruini has already made plans, and when they arrive at the place, they will start doing business immediately.

For this reason, Gong Ruini took out her New Year's money to buy a batch of quail eggs, and she couldn't wait for the quail to lay eggs before doing business.

"Remarks are ready." Zhao Xuran was about to collapse, and Gong Ruini asked him countless times along the way, "It's right next to it, and Uncle Gong has already made a simple bookshelf."

Gong Ruini pretended not to see Zhao Xuran about to collapse, arched her body and got under the covers.

Cai Meina looked at Gong Ruini moving around, and couldn't hold back, "You're not driving the heat out of the bed."

"Look at Ban Xia, they are not as active as you." Cai Meina patted Gong Ruini's butt lightly, telling her to be more honest and stop moving around all the time.

Alas, didn't we think that we could get a little hot by moving a little bit, but we didn't expect our old lady to treat her so cruelly.

Alas, a child is a child, and there are no human rights. Gong Ruini got out of bed after thinking about it, "I can't sleep, otherwise I won't want to sleep at night."

"It's okay if you don't sleep." Cai Meina has nothing to say about whether her daughter changes her mind. This girl is really changeable, "Then read a book, otherwise, when you arrive in the capital, how will you catch up with your classmates?"

Cai Meina knows that her child's grades are good, but isn't that the grade in the Northeast, and she doesn't know what it's like to go to the capital.

In Cai Meina's mind, the quality of education in primary schools in Beijing is many times better than that in rural areas in Northeast China.

She is not a person who insists on how many grades her children should get in the test. She just thinks that her child is a person with a strong sense of victory. What if she arrives in the capital and finds that her grades are worse than those of those children.

When I was in Northeast China, because Zhao Guangran said that Nizi's sports performance was not good, I exercised myself in various ways, and I expected that I would work harder in Beijing.

Also look at Zhao Guangran's seriousness along the way, often reading and reading with a book, Cai Meina looked at it and said that she was not tempted, it would be a lie.

But no matter how heartbroken it is to see my daughter sitting in the car every day, she is trembling, what can she say.

Ah, reading, please, isn't it just homework in elementary school, there is really no pressure on her, is it necessary to read?

"Let's read together." Zhao Guangran was really serious along the way. There was no other way. Before leaving, his father talked to him and had a long conversation with him, meaning that he could do business when he arrived in the capital, but he had to get good grades. , must not fall to the top ten in the grade.

Zhao Guangran really felt that his father's request was not usually high. You must know that this is the top ten in the grade, the top ten in the school in the capital city, not the top ten in the rural elementary school.

He wanted to protest, but looking at his father's face that he didn't agree to talk about, Zhao Guangran, who was in a weak position, really had no other ideas except to hold his nose and agree.

Hmph, isn't it the top ten?Zhao Guangran said that as long as Gong Ruini is watching and his elder brother gives him special training, the top ten is really not a big problem.

"Nizi, you should try your best to take the exam, or I won't do well in the exam." Although it's embarrassing to say this, Zhao Guangran really has nothing to do.

Anyway, in front of this group of people, Zhao Guangran really didn't think he could still have the so-called face. Since he didn't have the so-called face, he might as well lower his figure and let Gong Ruini help him.

Exam hard?Isn't this letting her play at a normal level and not hide it?This style of painting is wrong. You must know that in order not to let her overshadow the limelight, Zhao Guangran invited her to eat delicious snacks and kept making her happy, in order to prevent her from regretting that she wanted to work hard to get into the top ten of her grade. .

Gong Ruini was surprised, even Gong Ruiwen was also surprised, "Guangran, what are you doing?"

"Oh, there is no way." What's going on these days, he has already told Gong Ruini not to work hard to get a good grade in the exam because of him, why ask the reason, I don't know if this will make people very embarrassing?
Zhao Guangran just didn't know how to explain it, the more he was like this, the more curious Gong Ruini and the others were.

Zhao Guangran, who is able to save face, is so willing to give up his face. It is really not an ordinary problem. Anyway, Zhao Guangran has no face. Gong Ruini waited for him to answer slowly. Anyway, we have time to waste.

Gong Ruini's non-cooperation made Zhao Guangran uneasy, and spoke out Zhao Gang's agreement.

As expected of Zhao Gang, Gong Ruini understood, the co-author was Zhao Gang who was worried that Zhao Gang was only concerned about making money and didn't even think about studying hard, so he made such a suggestion, which really touched Zhao Guangran's lifeblood.

"How?" Zhao Guangran didn't care what everyone thought, he was anxious to know Gong Ruini's thoughts, in his mind, there was no reason why Gong Ruini would not want to be in the limelight.

Of course not, Gong Ruini said arrogantly, "I just want to be a kid with better grades in school quietly."

Isn't it too noticeable to rush to the top ten in the grade? This is very different from her plan.

(End of this chapter)

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