Chapter 258 Comparison
Gong Dajiang didn't take this matter to heart, especially when he found that the old woman was concerned about his whereabouts recently, and as long as he went out for a long time, she would ask all kinds of questions.

Gong Dajiang was very annoyed, especially his clothes had been turned over by others, but Gong Dajiang was so angry that he was half dead.

In this way, Gong Dajiang somewhat believed what Gong Tao wrote in the letter. As for why Gong Zheng knew about it, it was not simple enough. He should let Gong Qiang hear it when he planned.

It is impossible for this kid to stand up and talk to Gong Tao about this, and he is also worried that he will be annoyed in various ways when he finds out. Gong Dajiang can only say that this son is very powerful in calculating his family members.

But except for one person who calculated his brothers and sisters, there was no other way to calculate, which made Gong Dajiang very disappointed.

What's the point of calculating about brothers and sisters all day long, with only so little money in the family, I really don't know how he can calculate those.

Gong Qiang didn't know that his father was disappointed in him. He was really worried recently. The child needed money to study, and before the family expenses, his wife would support him.

But since the family's financial power has been taken over by the old man, the old lady's support has decreased.

Up to now, it has completely changed and there is no support at all, but Gong Qiang is very angry.

"Money, money, money." No matter how Gong Qiang calculated, he could only say that money was not enough.

Gong Qiang could only point his gun at Dong Li, "When will your natal family pay back the money?"

"We can't just let the married girl keep posting money." Gong Qiang was annoyed when he thought about it. He didn't think so before, thinking that the Yue family treated him very well. Every time he went, he was a high-status person.

But now think about it, no matter how high the status is, can you be rich and have a high status?
Dong Li was also numb, "Without money, it's not like you don't know the situation of my natal family."

Not only could she not pay back the money, but she even wondered if she could subsidize one or two.

In the past, Dong Li always said that Cai Meina had an uneasy natal family who would keep trying to extract money from her, which made her life so hard, and she couldn't take good care of Gong Ruiwen.

But look at her situation now, don't laugh at anyone, anyone's life is hard.

"So what's the situation of your natal family? Your son doesn't like to study. If the old man is willing to let go, he can save a lot of money." Although the old man has retired, he has many old friends and cannot be appointed as a leader. But it is okay to enter the factory, maybe you can let go and let others arrange an easy job.

But his own stupid son, recently had thoughts about the old man, and the attitude he usually sees is not very good, Gong Qiang feels bad when he thinks about it.

"Can the old man let go?" Dong Li always felt that the old man was angry enough to react so much, but the eldest grandson was valued by the old man.

"No matter how noisy Gong Tao's family is, can their status be stronger than our son's?" Dong Li couldn't guarantee how her own Gong Dajiang would treat his family, but Zhang Lan definitely liked Gong Xiaoyu, and that was enough.

After marrying into the Gong family for so many years, it's not that he doesn't know Gong Dajiang's attitude towards Zhang Lan.

It's the eldest son and grandson again. Gong Qiang would be convinced of this in various ways before, but now he looks back and sees when his old man was convinced.

Even if he is the eldest son, his old man only pays attention to the important points, and more of it is the result of his old mother helping him keep talking good things.

If he didn't have his own wife, Gong Qiang didn't think he would have done it better than Gong Tao.

And now it was his children's turn. Gong Qiang knew that his abilities were not as good as Gong Tao's, but he didn't believe that his children were not as good as Gong Tao's children.

Up to now, Gong Qiang doesn't think Gong Tao's children are powerful, but is the child who can make the old man miss him really as useless as his mother said?
"Do you think I'm really not as useful as that trash like Gong Tao?" The more Gong Qiang thought about it, the more annoyed he became.

Although the old man didn't express any opinion on Gong Tao's almost entering the factory office, he thought that the old man's silence made Gong Qiang know that the old man was disappointed in him.

When asked this question, Dong Li didn't know what to say. She really didn't know where Gong Qiang got the courage to think that he was better than Gong Tao.

No matter how you look at it, Gong Tao will live a down-to-earth life, even if he suffers setbacks.

"Think about it, after Gong Tao went to the Northeast, didn't he get up and live as usual." Although he didn't know how Gong Tao's life was over there, even if Gong Dajiang and his wife said how hard Gong Tao lived,

Dong Li didn't think that Gong Tao would really live such a hard life, it should be a cover-up.

Gong Tao's life was many times more sad than Gong Qiang's, but after Gong Qiang suffered setbacks, he complained and complained, but he never thought that he was the head of the family and he should stand up.

Dong Li didn't ask Gong Qiang to have Gong Tao's ability, but he could have more than half of his ability. The problem was that he didn't even fulfill this wish.

Gong Tao didn't hear Dong Li's dissatisfaction with him in his words.

Some things were true, but as his daughter-in-law, she complained all kinds of things to herself, how could Gong Tao endure it, and kicked her up.

Dong Li didn't expect Gong Qiang to make a move, she was dumbfounded.

When she came back to her senses, she was already lying on the ground, "What's wrong with you."

"You kicked me." Dong Li was annoyed at that. A man didn't do anything by himself, didn't reflect on himself, and thought of beating his wife. I really don't know how he has such a big face.

"Can't kick you?" Gong Qiang was already in a rage, seeing Dong Li dare to refute, how could he hold back, he was rude to Dong Li in all kinds of ways.

Originally, if Dong Li stopped gnawing, Gong Qiang would have stopped earlier, but Dong Li didn't know if she was very angry, and her mouth was talking about Gong Qiang's incompetence.

As a man, how could Gong Qiang endure such a breath, and the strength of his shots also increased.

Gong Xiaoyu heard the movement at home, so he went over to look secretly, and found that it was Gong Qiang who beat Dong Li, and the speed was so fast, he didn't dare to come out at this time, what if Gong Qiang beat Dong Li.

Gong Qiang, who was busy beating people, didn't see Gong Xiaoyu's figure, but Dong Li could see it clearly.

In fact, Dong Li also regretted it and begged for mercy, but she couldn't hold back Gong Qiang and continued to fight. She thought that Gong Xiaoyu would come over and help pull Gong Qiang away, but she didn't expect to just leave like this.

Dong Li knew that this son was lonely, and if he didn't give him enough benefits, even his parents would not care about him, but seeing her son really ignore her, Dong Li was really sad.

The man failed the exam, and the son was like this, and her mother's family still expected her to save her. Dong Li really collapsed in all kinds of ways.

"Tell you Dong Li, go back and ask your natal family to pay back the money, or don't blame me for being rude." Gong Qiang, who vented his anger after calling, said that this way of venting is really good.

"If your family doesn't pay back the loan for a day, I will beat you until your family pays back the money." Gong Qiang pointed to Dong Li and said that he would not let Dong's family go.

(End of this chapter)

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