Chapter 238 Regret
Looking at the prey the children had caught, Gong Tao couldn't help but be thankful that they had already made preparations.

Zhao Gang was quite surprised. His own sons all brought bows and arrows to go out. How could they gain so little? There is a problem.

"Guangran's commotion is a bit big today." Zhao Xuran was also speechless, he really didn't think that Zhao Guangran was here to make trouble.

Gong Ruini glared at Zhao Guangran in displeasure, knowing that this guy had such an idea, Gong Ruini would not agree to this guy going up the mountain even if it was to tear his face.

It's all right now, the prey was not caught, and she was still full of anger. Gong Ruini said that she should not be so stupid in the future.

"Ah." Zhao Gang glared at Zhao Guangran who kept shrinking back, "What's the matter?"

It's not that he never took his son to hunt before. This kid behaved very well. Why did he make such a mistake today.

Especially Zhao Xuran, who has always been good-tempered and indulged this kid, can get so angry that he can imagine that what this kid did is not ordinary and excessive.

Zhao Guangran had all sorts of courage when he did it, especially no matter how angry Gong Ruini was, the elder brother didn't say anything, which made him have all kinds of courage.

I didn't expect that my eldest brother was not angry or angry, but that he was not the place to get angry at that time.

"Dad, I can explain that." The old man's face was so ugly that Zhao Guangran was terrified.

Zhao Guangran looked at Zhao Xuran with all kinds of begging for help, even Gong Ruini, who was most unwilling to ask for help, did not let go.

Hmph, how could Gong Ruini speak up to help her when she made all kinds of embarrassments, "Dad, there is no way for everyone to have barbecue today."

If they didn't meet any animals, Gong Ruini wouldn't be angry. It can only be said that they were not lucky enough, but they encountered so many animals along the way, but they either made strange noises or made relatively loud movements. Animals from all walks of life were scared away, and Gong Ruini was so angry that she wanted to kick Zhao Guangran like a ball.

Gong Tao didn't think that Zhao Guangran's problem was his daughter's failure to complete the task, which made him say, "It's okay, Dad went to see the trap, there are animals."

"There are pheasants, and there are rabbits." Although the number is not many, but with the animals Gong Ruini and the others hunted, it should be absolutely enough.

"Ah, and these." Gong Ruini was very happy when she saw these animals. No matter what, she would never open the skylight today. "Dad, I'll go get some vegetables, and then we'll roast them."

In fact, Gong Ruini has already thought about it, although it doesn't matter if you don't have too much meat, you can eat whole vegetables wrapped in meat, or grilled vegetables, and leeks, this thing is also good.

In particular, Gong Ruini saw some mushrooms along the road, and picked them home on purpose. When the time comes, she will eat the mushrooms roasted, which can definitely fool the meal.

Ah, the vegetables are still baked?Zhao Gang had just reprimanded Zhao Guangran, and when he came over, he heard Gong Ruini say that he needed to prepare roasted vegetables, so he felt strange.

"Can vegetables be eaten?" Zhao Gang used to eat barbecued meat, and he never grilled vegetables at all.

"It should be fine." Gong Ruini actually used to eat barbecue before time travelling, and would order vegetables every time, so she was used to the barbecue with vegetables, so she just said it.

But now hearing what Zhao Gang said, she knew that she had made a big mistake.

"Meat can be grilled, and vegetables are fine too." Gong Ruini said unsurely.

Well, from a child’s point of view, meat and vegetables can be eaten, and they can also be roasted. Anyway, there are a lot of vegetables in the field. If you don’t eat them, you can dry them and wait until winter. Huo Huo is fine.

"Okay, let's go get some vegetables." If you can't eat them, you can dry them in the sun or save them for tomorrow. It won't be wasted. In fact, even if it is wasted, it's okay. Vegetables in winter are worthless.

Gong Tao really wanted to say that he didn't want to eat vegetables, shouldn't barbecue be eating meat, but Zhao Gang has already taken action, well, isn't it just barbecue, then on the hour, "Ah, Zhao Gang, you should get less vegetables."

Although it will not be wasted in the end, it is better to leave it in the field to grow slowly than to pick it up.

Zhao Gang is not very fond of vegetables, although people need to eat some vegetables every day, but for a grown man who has so much workload every day, he must eat more meat, otherwise this life will not be ordinary.

Zhao Gang just picked some vegetables, that is, according to Gong Ruini's words, well, Gong Ruini didn't say anything when she saw it. Anyway, if the food is delicious, they will take the initiative to pick vegetables. Anyway, the private plot is right next to it. Far.

Zhao Guangran stood pitifully on the sidelines and reflected on his own mistakes, watching Gong Ruini and the others busily processing the ingredients, he was annoyed in his heart, he really didn't know why his brain was so hot at that time, he would come up with such a thing idea.

Hua Miaozhu knew that Zhao Guangran had been wronged recently, so occasionally when the child lost his temper, Hua Miaozhu would indulge a little or two appropriately, but unexpectedly, he would let the child's temper get worse.

"Do you know the mistake?" Hua Miaozhu walked to Zhao Guangran's side and asked.

Zhao Guangran kept nodding, "I know, I shouldn't be narrow-minded."

"That's it..." Hua Miaozhu waited for a long time, and her grandson said this. After a long time of introspection, the kid came to such a conclusion, which made her feel helpless.

Zhao Gang mentioned before that Zhao Guangran should be severely educated, but his actions recently were a bit too much, and Hua Miaozhu stopped him. After all, beating children is not the best way or way to educate children.

Ah, is there any more?Zhao Guangran looked at Hua Miaozhu in confusion, "Well, I shouldn't lose my temper without thinking about things."

"Is there any more?" Hua Miaozhu felt that what Zhao Xuran said was right, and she was actually hurting Zhao Guangran by relaxing her demands.

On the contrary, with Gong Ruini's various comparisons with Zhao Guangran, Zhao Guangran made all kinds of efforts.

Hua Miaozhu immediately reflected on her behavior. Although she was satisfied with Gong Ruini's paintings in various ways, due to some inherent thoughts before, she was still not good enough for Gong Ruini.

In fact, thinking about it now, Gong Ruini is really much better than her grandson, at least she is more serious. Even if she has to go to the mountains to collect Chinese herbs every day, she will complete the tasks that should be done seriously.

Hua Miaozhu thought of the painting Gong Ruini had seen recently, and she could clearly see Gong Ruini's progress every time, and the progress was so obvious.

Hua Miaozhu considered the matter and didn't talk to Zhao Guangran, but this kid panicked, if even grandma didn't help him, Zhao Guangran didn't know what would happen in the future, it should be very miserable.

No, you must have a deep understanding of your own mistakes.

In this way, Zhao Guangran made all kinds of serious thinking mistakes. When Hua Miaozhu came back to her senses, she found that Zhao Guangran had really made all kinds of serious and profound reflection mistakes, which surprised her, but it would be nice if she could recognize her own mistakes .

(End of this chapter)

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