Chapter 235

Gong Ruini felt that it was necessary to record one point, that is, don't take the adults' words too seriously.

Thinking that Zhao Gang should not be too excited when he quickly said that there was a reward after hearing whether she had a reward, and even specifically said that there was a material reward.

"What's the matter, what's the matter." Zhao Gang rubbed his bulging stomach, "By the way, Nizi, I heard that you should take it easy."

"That girl, what are you going to mean?" Zhao Gang actually didn't expect too much, although Zhao Xuran was very sure of it.

But Gong Ruini is a girl, what can she do.

Although this girl has all kinds of money in her hands, she is just a miser. If you want her to take out the money, it is absolutely not expected.

Ah, no way, do you want her to bleed?Gong Ruini was really going crazy, "I have no money."

If Zhao Gang was generous, Gong Ruini wouldn't mind bleeding too, but Zhao Gang couldn't stand up to Zhao Gang's own shamelessness, and even asked her to mean it.

Hmph, since my lord did this, Gong Ruini is also determined.

"Ah, don't pay me." Zhao Gang had a look on his face, how could you look at your uncle like this, as much as he was wronged.

Hmph, it's all acting, hum, you can't be fooled, "I know, I've made up my mind, since it's to celebrate these black fungus."

Hmph, Zhao Gang can take these black fungus as a material reward, and Gong Ruini doesn't mind using the black fungus again.

"I can't, girl, your uncle and I have already made a black fungus feast. If you cook another black fungus dish, who do you think will be convinced." Zhao Gang suggested that Gong Ruini should look at the reactions of everyone around.

Recently, the frequency of eating black fungus at home is a bit high, but it is not as much as today. Although everyone eats up the food, everyone is a little tired.

Zhao Guangran was the first to jump out, "In the short term, I don't want to see black fungus."

"Nizi, let's eat something else delicious." When Zhao Guangran thought about it, he thought Gong Ruini would be punished. You must know that he had already thought about the punishment if he failed the physical examination. It was all kinds of relaxation that made Zhao Guangran all kinds of disappointed.

Since there is no way to carry out the punishment, let Gong Ruini bleed profusely, so as to relieve the anger in his heart.

Gong Ruini ignored Zhao Guangran's words, and turned to look at the three members of the Gong family. They were close relatives of her family, so they wouldn't cheat her.

Gong Ruini looked at Gong Tao and his wife and eldest brother Gong Ruiwen with various expectations.

Gong Ruiwen's mouth moved, "Nizi, I don't want to eat black fungus anymore." No matter how delicious something is, I can't stand eating it every day, let alone Gong Ruiwen doesn't think the fungus is so delicious.

Hmph, don't pay attention to the big brother who betrayed us, we still have our parents.

Cai Meina avoided Gong Ruini's eyes, and did not dare to look at Gong Ruini. Well, although she didn't answer, the answer was very obvious.

Gong Tao did not avoid Gong Ruini's eyes, just when Gong Ruini thought someone would stand by her side, "Nizi, Dad doesn't want to eat black fungus anymore, the taste is really unacceptable."

"Father, I want to eat meat." These days are all kinds of busy, physical exertion is a big deal, black fungus is a big harvest, but this thing can't compare with meat at all.

After eating meat, Gong Ruini fainted. Why was she so foolishly thinking that her family would definitely help her?

Apart from some bacon, there is no fresh meat at home. Gong Ruini didn't dare to think about how much meat she wanted to buy if she wanted meat that everyone could eat satisfactorily.

That amount must be a lot, and maybe the small treasury that has just been expanded has just been given to Gong Tao and Huo Huo.

"Eat meat, eat meat, eat meat." Zhao Guangran was delighted by Gong Tao's proposal.

Okay, ignore his words and think he is a villain?Zhao Guangran felt that he was really a good person, so he just suggested to eat delicious food, but Uncle Gong couldn't stand it and said that he wanted to eat meat.

Zhao Guangran felt that Gong Tao's proposal was not enough, "Nizi, I don't ask too much, the meat should be the same as today's black fungus."

Zhao Guangran really thinks that he is a good person, and he thinks so for Gong Ruini.

This person can't be so shameless, can't go too far, Gong Ruini couldn't even point at Zhao Guangran, so she could only look at Zhao Xuran pitifully.

At critical moments, we can only count on Zhao Xuran to suppress Zhao Guangran.

"It seems that my brother is useless, even Uncle Gong said so." Hmph, Zhao Guangran would not allow it if he wanted to find a rescuer. Although the elder brother did not express his opinion, but according to his elder brother's previous record of partiality, Zhao Guangran was really worried that his elder brother would let go Help Gong Ruini.

The eldest brother let go of his own words, but he was worried that he would fall apart due to the persuasion given to his eldest brother by the Gong Ruini Alliance.

Are you in a hurry?Gong Ruini looked at Zhao Xuran pitifully. After all, she only had such a little money, so she couldn't just waste it all.

"Son, this is the result of everyone's discussion, and it was you who suggested to make Nizi feel good." Zhao Gang was worried that his son would have to show one or two in front of Gong Ruini after digging a hole.

Ahhh, Gong Ruini is really about to vomit blood, how could she forget the culprit of this matter when she got excited, what's the use of asking this kid for help now.

"That's right, since you agreed to this, Nizi, you must do it." Zhao Xuran reminded Gong Ruini that she agreed to this without being forced.

Of course Gong Ruini knew about this, but the problem was that she was tricked by Zhao Gang, otherwise why would she agree so stupidly.

The problem is that it's useless to make these protests now, these people will not admit, "I know." Huh, it is impossible to let her be fooled in the future. I have never seen so many shameless adults, even brothers and children. Pit.

"Since we want to eat meat, we don't need to spend money, we can go to the mountains." Gong Ruini's pitiful eyes made Zhao Xuran still soft-hearted, it is not easy for a little girl to make money.

Such delicate skin, due to wearing in the bushes, was often bitten by insects, and the delicate little girl endured it all.

Zhao Xuran didn't even know that this matter would turn out like this in the end, to be honest, he also had to take some responsibility, so let him and Gong Ruini finish it together.

Go hunting in the mountains?This is a solution, Gong Ruini's eyes lit up, "Brother Xu Ran, you can't lie to me."

Gong Ruini shook her fists at Zhao Xuran, if this guy dared to deceive her, she really didn't mind showing off even if it was flamboyance, otherwise she really thought she was easy to bully.

"Definitely, if I didn't help you, how about I help you pay for it." Zhao Xuran really wanted to say that just hitting him with that little fist didn't hurt at all, but the little girl is very delicate, so don't let her cry.

Ahhh, Zhao Guangran expressed his dissatisfaction with why his beloved elder brother would stand up. If it were him, his elder brother would definitely not be so easy to talk to. annoyed.

"Brother..." Zhao Guangran shouted dissatisfied.

"It's enough to eat meat." Zhao Xuran didn't think he would be unable to complete this task, "We'll have barbecue at that time."

I haven't had barbecue for a long time. Although it's a bit hot this day, it's really nice to eat barbecue in the cool breeze at night. "Uncle Gong, it seems that you haven't eaten barbecue yet. This time is just right to eat barbecue."

"Okay, unfortunately there is no wine." Although Zhao Gang brewed some wine secretly, he drank it up long ago. Gong Tao expressed a little disappointment, but he could still accept one or two.

(End of this chapter)

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