Chapter 1781
When Gong Ruini and the others picked up Zhang Dong and rushed to the edge of the moat, there were already many people on the river.

Dongdong is better, Pingping sees people on the river in the car, where can I sit, that excitement.

Jianjian also became excited, "There are so many people."

"Aren't they worried about falling?"

"No, the ice is very thick." Zhang Dong made a thick gesture, "We are villains, so nothing will happen."

"But you can't go to the center of the river." Zhang Dong said that if they want to go, they have to stay near the shore.

Pingping kept nodding his head. Before coming, his parents had made three agreements with their children, and the main idea was to pay attention to safety.

If you see them behaving unsafely, take them away immediately.

The things that Zhang Dong wanted them to pay attention to were all within the scope agreed by his parents, and of course they agreed and agreed again.

In fact, Zhang Dong regretted it a little bit. If he got serious, it was really not a joke.

Fortunately, Uncle Zhao is here, but Uncle Zhao is so nice, he will accompany Pingping and the others to play.

It's okay for dad, he is working hard to make money, Zhang Dong keeps comforting himself, even though dad can't play with him, but dad loves him.

"By the way, I need to buy skating tools." Zhang Dong is a native of the capital, so of course he has a set of skating tools.

It was the first time for Pingping and the others to come here, and Gong Ruini and the others were busy with various tasks, so they forgot about this.

And skates?Pingping followed Zhang Dong's line of sight and found what he was carrying.

That is the skating tool, Ping Ping looked at Zhao Xuran anxiously, without the tool, wouldn't they come here for nothing today?
"It's okay, there are some nearby." When Zhao Xuran went to college, he would come to the moat to skate here in winter.

I drove along my memory and touched it. After asking a few people on the way, I finally found the place.

Pingping saw a row of selling similar things as Zhang Dong brought, so he knew where to go, and when the car came to a complete stop, he opened the door and jumped out.

Gong Ruini really couldn't keep up with this brat's speed, and her face was a bit ugly.

I have been educating this brat for a long time, and told him that he can only open the door by himself after the car is stable and the adult opens the door or tells him that he can get out of the car.

I didn't expect this guy to be really impulsive, and he didn't care so much at all.

"I know." Zhao Xuran was also quite frightened by Pingping and the others' impulsive actions. Although there were no vehicles passing by, he couldn't take chances.

Gong Ruini glanced at the things sold outside, "It's a bit prettier than when we were before, but it's still ugly."

As soon as Gong Ruini opened the car door, she returned to the car in the cold wind, "I'm not going, so why don't you buy me a pair along the way."

Going out in a hurry, Gong Ruini didn't have time to search for the tools she used to skate every year, especially the shoes she bought back then were really ugly, Gong Ruini didn't want to be embarrassed.

Gong Ruini couldn't help but sigh when she didn't expect that after so many years of development, it would still be such an ugly shoe.

"The things produced are so ugly, and the quality is all kinds of good. Will the business be good?"

Zhao Xuran stopped the car, grabbed his wallet and was about to get off. Hearing what his wife said, when he got out of the car, he almost lost his footing.

"You, you, people will only dislike the quality of things that are not good enough, but you have to dislike the quality of things that are too good."

"There's no way, it really can't catch your eyes, but it also shows that you are a real person." Gong Ruini sneered.

Kind people, sometimes they really don't live long.

"Good quality means that things can be used for a long time. Not everyone is like us, who use new models when they come out."

"If we make such daily necessities in the future, the quality must be good, but not too good. After decades of use, we will starve to death."

Hehehe, Zhao Xuran didn't say anything, but he quite agreed with Gong Ruini's idea.

Zhang Dong is better, he is just so-so, although he thinks he is ugly, but he is not that picky as a man.

An An felt that all kinds of things were out of sight, "Brother..." An An looked at Pingping with an aggrieved expression.

The latter patted her, "Let's buy one first, and then ask mom to take us to buy nice ones."

If I knew it would come out, I should really call my mother to buy a good-looking one.

Is mom willing to buy it?An An is worried that her mother will say that they have already bought this item, and they don't use it often, so there is no need to waste it.

"Mom doesn't have any, do you think mom would like these?" Even my younger sister doesn't like it in various ways, how could my picky mother like it.

That's right, neither did my mother. When An An saw her father coming down, her mother didn't even come down. Apart from the cold weather, she probably thought the things here were ugly.

Zhao Xuran thought that he was really not too picky about things like clothes, but he didn't think that the things here could be so ugly that they couldn't be seen.

"Buy a pair as you like, and ask your mother to take you to buy a new one." Zhao Xuran couldn't bear to see his daughter being wronged.

The clothes my daughter wears since she was a child are all very beautiful, how can she wear such ugly shoes.

Okay, okay, An An is happy.

Ping Ping is not happy anymore, he is not stupid, Dad is talking about you, "There is no part for me and my brother."

You have to fight for yourself, or maybe your parents will really forget him and his brother.

Pingping felt aggrieved, why is it that boys are valuable in other people's families, and it is my turn, boys are as worthless as they are.

"You, Cheng, it's your share." Zhao Xuran wanted to ask why boys are so delicate, things can be used as long as they work, is it necessary to be so picky?

Thinking of the skates that Zhang Dong brought, his son should not be too careless.

Hey, why is Dad so talkative, but Pingping was stunned, usually Dad is really not so talkative, he will keep nagging, saying that he is an older brother and shouldn't argue with his younger sister.

Pingping didn't think about why Dad was in such a good mood, why did he think so much, this time he had such good luck, but next time don't count on it.

"Thank you, Dad." Ping Ping hugged Zhao Xuran excitedly, and kept saying hello to Dad.

The people around looked at this group of people cheerfully. Although the little customers made it clear that they disliked the bad-looking things they sold, they all admitted that the things were not good-looking.

After all, the price is here. You can't ask for good quality and cheap price, but also good-looking things. This is embarrassing.

Moreover, these people know how to buy skates and the like, maybe they are their customers. These people who make a living are sensible people.

After the father and son interacted with each other, they began to sell their own products vigorously.

Since they only planned to use them once, they just randomly picked something and left, since the price was not expensive, Zhao Xuran was too lazy to bargain with them.

In winter, if it is not survival, who would be willing to come out to earn this hard money instead of warming at home.

After a while, several people came up with big bags and small bags.

"Let's go, let's go skating." After getting into the car, Ping Ping shouted excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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