I want to collect the pieces quickly

Chapter 214 The Little Demon's Journey to Cultivate Immortals

Chapter 214 The Little Demon's Journey to Cultivate Immortals (Extra)

As far back as I can remember, I have lived with my brothers and sisters in Xilian Temple. I have never met my parents, and I don’t want to look for them. Since the moment they left me in the wild, I have never been with them anymore. has anything to do with it.What's more, my life in Xilian Temple is very good. My brothers and the abbot treat me very well, they are my family.

Because of the education I received since I was a child, I made an oath before the Buddha very early on that I would dedicate my entire life to the Dao without reservation, and spreading the Buddhadharma to the world will be my lifelong pursuit.

Meeting her was an unexpected accident.

I don't know why a flower demon likes to run into the temple so much.Yes, as early as the beginning, I discovered that she is not human, she is a demon.She didn't tell me her real identity, she thought I didn't know, but in fact I knew everything.I have learned some spells from the abbot since I was a child. How could it be possible that I can't even tell the difference between a demon and a human?
She likes to come to me very much. I don't know why she came to approach me, and I have nothing for her to plot. I have thought about this question for a long time, but I haven't thought of an answer.

The only thing I know is that I don't repel her approach.Facing her intentional approach, I chose to connive. I know this is wrong, but I have no way to stop my behavior.

It wasn't until she was able to affect my mood that I suddenly realized that her influence on me was already so profound.I have to find a way to eliminate this effect.

I thought for a long time before I came up with a solution that I thought was very good - I want to go down the mountain.I feel that as long as I leave her, her influence on me will be gradually eliminated as time goes by, so I choose to keep this matter from her. Hesitantly chose to leave with me.

But in the end I still didn't leave alone, she still followed.

We first went to Mobei, where she wanted to go the most. In fact, I really don’t understand why she wants to go to such a dry desert as a flower demon. Doesn’t she know that a flower demon like her can’t survive in the desert? of it?

When I was in Mobei, some things happened, her monster identity was exposed, those people who were kind to her were alienated from her without accident, she didn't care on the surface, but I know, she was really very happy in her heart sad.

I don't know how to comfort her, but I will tell her with my actions that when everyone abandons her, I will always stand behind her and protect her.

It's a pity that I still didn't protect her well in the end.

I watched her leave in front of me, but I couldn't save her. I watched her lightly said that she would remove all obstacles for me, and then killed herself. For the first time in my life, I felt what it means to tear my heart split lung.

she left.

I left the capital, and took the withered peony flower she turned into to many places that she hadn't had time to go, and took her to see many scenery that she wanted to see but never had the chance to see again.

Many years later, I finally fulfilled the vow I made in front of the Buddha when I was a child, but unfortunately, she failed to see it all.

Maybe God heard my heart, and I saw her again.

At that time, she was standing in front of the sugar figurine booth, drooling over the sugar figurine, and I couldn't help but walk over, it turned out that she had no money.I paid for her, and she turned away with a bunch of sugar figures, and disappeared into the crowd.

I don't plan to look for her, because when I looked at her before, I saw her pupils were clear and strange. She doesn't remember me, but I'm not sad. This is actually quite good, without those pasts She can continue to be a carefree flower demon, she doesn't have to bury those memories like me, and dare not recall them easily.

A person's life is really short, and it goes by in the blink of an eye.

When I closed my eyes, I didn't expect to have the opportunity to open them again.When I opened my eyes again, many memories suddenly appeared in my mind.

It turns out that I was originally the Yuze Immortal of the Heaven Realm, and I went to the mortal world because of a calamity. Before I went down to the mortal world, my bad friend accidentally tied my red thread with the red thread of a flower demon, so I got this The fate of my two lives with her.

After returning to the heavenly realm, the bad friend told me that the red thread had been untied, so I don't have to worry about it.But how can I completely let go, my heart has been thrown on that flower demon as early as the calamity, even now that I have all the memories, I find that I still can't let go of that flower demon.

I thought about looking for the flower demon in the past, but I didn't know how to find her, so I hesitated.

One day in the sky, a hundred years on the earth.

When I was still hesitating, I heard that many people and demons from the mortal world had become immortals, and I was invited to see if I was interested.

I have never been interested in these things, but the bad friend said that one of the little fairies this time was originally a peony flower demon. Hearing this, I have to say, I was suddenly very excited.

Could this person be her?
I went with expectations.I am very satisfied with the result, it is indeed her.

She was still so eye-catching in the crowd, so I saw her at a glance.I didn't go to her right away, but looked around and observed her for a while.

She is very popular.When I saw her rejecting a male fairy again, I couldn't bear it any longer. I left my bad friend who had been chattering beside me, and walked in front of her pretending to be calm.

"I don't have someone in my hall, would you like to come to my place?" I heard myself ask.But after asking, I couldn't help but feel regretful, was the tone too cold?Will she reject me like she rejects others because of this?

"Okay, I do," she said.

Fortunately, she agreed.

I took her back to my palace.At the beginning, I tried my best not to get close to her. After we got to know each other well, I began to think of ways to make her adapt to my existence little by little. I wanted to be the most special person in her heart.

The time when she agreed to be with me was the happiest time in my life. I carefully held her in my arms, as if my heart was stuffed with sugar, feeling sweet and satisfied.

It wasn't until a long time later that I found out from my bad friend that the red thread between me and her had been entangled for a long time, and he couldn't untie it. When I heard this, I suddenly felt very lucky. Fortunately, there was no way to untangle the red thread. Only then will I have the chance to meet her again.

So, she and I are predestined by God.

(End of this chapter)

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