Yanshen, your helper is online!

Chapter 665 Son, when will you marry my daughter-in-law to Zhang's family?

Chapter 665 Son, when will you bring my daughter-in-law home?

Besides, if Fu Yan hadn't stopped her before, she would have rushed to their base long ago!

God knows how long she has been waiting for this day?
This kid from her family had been prevaricating her all the time!If she didn't expect someone to be by his side, she probably thought that her kid didn't want them to see him!
"Hello auntie."

Lin Yan nodded obediently, she really didn't expect Fu Yan to be so indifferent, and his mother to be so... enthusiastic!

Mu Yunxi laughed so hard that she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear, she really liked this girl so much.

It's a different feeling than when I first met her.

"Come in quickly, don't stick around outside."

Mu Yunxi took Lin Yan's hand and went into the house, completely leaving her own son aside.

This made Fu Yan helplessly sigh.

He knew it would be like this!

Entering the house, there are two old people sitting on the sofa in the house, one with a smile on his face and the other with a serious face.

The moment Linyan entered the room, the smiling grandma pinched the old man beside her.

It's the first time for grandson's daughter-in-law, and he just put on such a stinky face, so what if he scares people away!
Under the threat of his own daughter-in-law, the old man's face softened.

"This is Yanyan, she looks so cute!"

Grandma Fu stood up on crutches, and walked slowly towards Linyan.

Lin Yan was a little flattered, she quickly stepped forward and supported Grandma Fu.

On the other side, Fu Yan who was walking forward quickly was held back by Mu Yunxi.

Fu Yan looked at her strangely.

I saw Mu Yunxi blinking at him, and tiptoeing into his ear and whispering, "Son, when will you bring my daughter-in-law home?"

Fu Yan's slightly lowered body froze, it was this question again...

This is the stepmother, right?Not long ago, his heart was pierced by words, and now his mother is piercing his heart again, huh?

"Always discuss formally with Yanyan's family first."

Fu Yan almost told Mu Yunxi the exact words of Lin Yan.

I saw Mu Yunxi nodded, "That's right, this is too hasty, wait until I pick a good day to ask Yanyan's family to come out and discuss the marriage."

When it comes to marriage, Mu Yunxi is very excited.

This gave Fu Yan a headache.

Moreover, he was afraid that his mother would not be able to wait until the competition...

"Mom, we'll talk about this matter after the game is over, don't make decisions on your own!"

Fu Yan is well aware of her mother's character, since she said this, she must be impatient.

Mu Yunxi whose thoughts were seen through: "..." Can she stuff this son back into her stomach and be born again?


Fu Yan frowned and shouted in a low voice.

Seeing this, Mu Yunxi twitched her lips. This means that she forgot about her mother after having a daughter-in-law!

"I see, you can play with peace of mind."

Although Mu Yunxi said yes, but he had his own calculations in his heart.

On the other side, Lin Yan, who was supporting Grandma Fu, was held by Grandma Fu all the time.

This made Lin Yan, who had never been close to the old man, somewhat uncomfortable.

Just now, she just subconsciously looked at the old grandma's inconvenient legs and feet. She was afraid that she would fall, so she stepped forward to give her a hand, but she couldn't even let go of her hand...

"Grandma Fu, your legs and feet are inconvenient, please sit down first."

Lin Yan supported the old man and sat back to his original position.

Seeing Linyan like this, Grandma Fu liked her even more.

This little girl is so cute for some reason!

"Good good..."

Grandma Fu's smiling eyes narrowed into a line...

(End of this chapter)

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