Dimensional Brawl

Chapter 777 The Vow of Unbreakable Wings

Chapter 777 The Vow of Unbreakable Wings

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In the end, Arthur still formed a bond with Juliet. In order to show his piety, Arthur showed his true flaming teeth——


Black and white prohibition! "

The black and white photons gradually turned into feathers and built on Arthur's back, gradually denser one by one, and the entire space was covered with dark and shining feathers, which were nearly two meters long when stretched out.

The texture of the feather is extremely delicate, and the veins are clearly visible.

Although it is theoretically impossible for the flaming teeth to be formed into overly complicated forms, and most of them are melee weapons, Arthur's black and white prohibition completely breaks the rules, which is both a special case and a supernatural ability.

"Is this Arthur's fang? Beautiful..."

Juliet couldn't help reaching out and touching the past, it was soft and warm.

"Well, due to special reasons, I can't show it. I can only use a weapon made of soul to disguise it as a flaming tooth. However, since it becomes a double-edged sword with Juliet, it must be shown.

If you make a vow with this thing, it is a vow to your soul. From now on, no matter what happens, you must fulfill your duty as a double-edged sword, and you will never leave it, so——

You have to think about it, Juliet, if you form a double-edged bond with me, you will face unimaginable consequences. Although there are some things that cannot be explained to you in detail, my world is full of darkness. What you are carrying is definitely not a simple future. If you are well aware of it, come and make an oath! "

Although Arthur felt that he was fine, he still had to make Juliet think clearly.

"?~ya...it's okay because—"

Juliet gradually untied the thin pajamas on her body, her slender body curves and the ups and downs of her chest jumped into her eyes...

"Even if you are tripping with double blades, you can't do this at any time. The realization I asked you to make is not..."

Arthur stretched out his hand to scratch his cheek, although he restrained himself from looking, but he really couldn't erase the strong sense of anticipation in his heart, Juliet was very petite no matter where she was, her crystal clear skin was like precious jade under the moonlight Gradually refracting the light...

"Because I am [Avenger], Arthur is not the only one with the same dark future..."

Juliet turned around gradually, and there was a long scar on her slender back...


Arthur couldn't help showing an intolerable look, who left such scars on such a cute and petite girl?
"My future is as dark as Arthur's, so I want power, to be strong.

I have a very good family, mom and dad are very gentle, mom can tell a lot of stories, dad is Jinli's number one brave man, all of this was destroyed that night——

On that winter night, my father left the house with a stern expression on his face, leaving only one sentence: "I will be back soon, so please don't follow me"...

In the restless waiting, my mother and I soon heard a violent earthquake, as if we had foreseen something, I shook off my mother who stopped me and rushed out of the house...

Dad... lost... when I ran up to my dad who was lying in front of that man... he stroked my head and gave me a sorry smile... and...

The wound on the back was left by that man.

In order not to forget the sorrow when my father was killed, in order not to forget the hatred for the man who killed my father... I can't forget, I can't forget, I will never forget... This thing is to show that he will come to kill me one day And it was engraved..."

Juliet's sadness is like a gorgeous crown of shattered ice crystals, leaving only endless regret and pain that cannot be erased, her tightly clenched fingers hang down pale and powerless, and she looks a little incoherent...

"Really? The Avenger? If that's the case, find someone you really like...

If you want to obtain powerful power, you must have a container to carry this power. Without a vessel to carry it, the inexhaustible power will only collapse in the end. The reason why I want to form a double-edged bond with Juliet , because I want to protect you from getting hurt.

There is an extremely dark abyss around me, this abyss will swallow me at some point, but if it is to protect Juliet, I can become stronger. The first thing is—

Power, this kind of thing, will only emerge when protecting an important bond. I want to be gentle with Juliet and not want you to suffer harm, then I must become strong, so strong that no abyss can break my wings! "

Arthur manipulated the black and white wings to hold Juliet in his arms——

"What the pair of wings are supposed to protect is not me, but the people around me, so Juliet doesn't have to worry about getting hurt again on the back, because I exist, instead, my back will also be guarded by Juliet.

We all need strength to break through the cage of this world and soar to the higher sky. "

"?~ya... Arthur smells like Papa..."

Juliet felt a very warm chest...

"Father? Whatever, although I'm not ready for that, but if it's this kind of fetter, I will have more ambition, right?
Do you know, Juliet? "

Crystal frost condensed in Arthur's hands, gradually forming a frost wolf and a frost bird...


Juliet tilted her head and looked at Arthur.

"On the shoulders of the great god Odin, there are two divine crows, which respectively symbolize [thoughts] and [memory]. They fly all over the world every morning and come back to report what they have seen and heard to Odin.

There are two wolves crouching under the feet of the great god Odin, named [Greed] and [Desire]. They are responsible for guarding.

If I am the god crow, then Juliet is the god wolf, and the culmination of our exhaustion is the throne of the god king—absolutely double-edged!
I have galloping wings, and Juliet has sharp claws, let's reach that limit together and fulfill our respective dreams.

Maybe we are destined to meet, and we are together by the mission sent by the great god. "

Arthur couldn't help thinking, if this is a coincidence, then let's continue to be a coincidence.


Juliet's chest lit up with the flames of the dawn star pattern and turned into double blades, which appeared in her hands, and the double blades and Arthur's double blades were stuck together——

"Those who form a bond should try their best to spend time together, whether it is joy, sorrow, or health, until the day when death separates the two..."

Under the oath of the soul certificate [Blaze], Arthur and Juliet officially became the double-edged swords, and they moved towards the ultimate of the soul together.

(End of this chapter)

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