Super Scientist of Super Seminary

Chapter 170 Planet Melo Destroys Death God Karl Appears Please Subscribe!

Chapter 170 Planet Melo Destroys Death God Karl Appears Please Subscribe!
"Lin Xiao, this energy is too terrifying. If it is not restricted, the entire Angel Nebula will be impacted!"

There was a trace of anxiety on Kaisha's face, she didn't expect the explosion of the black hole engine to be so terrifying.

"Indeed, if we work together, we should be able to solve it!"

Lin Xiao also frowned, she didn't expect to face such a test after gaining great strength.

They don't care, even if the divine body is really unable to withstand being destroyed, it can still be reborn in the core space of the universe.

And this force obviously doesn't have the power to destroy the universe, at most it can hurt them a little bit.

But the Angel Nebula is going to be miserable. This is the core of the nebula. If the energy spreads out, even Frazier may suffer.

At this moment, Hexi and Morgana, who sensed the movement, also came out, and were shocked by this terrifying scene.

"What's going on?" Morgana asked.

"That idiot Hua Ye blew himself up!"

Lin Xiao spread his hands, and continued.

"Let's not talk about this, you guys help me to isolate the space of the explosion."

"Space Control: Isolation!"

Lin Xiao's spiritual power instantly enveloped the Rubik's Cube fleet, controlling the space with powerful spiritual power.

Completely isolate the space where the Rubik's Cube fleet is located from this space.

The safety of the Rubik's Cube fleet is guaranteed, and the worries of the future are solved.

Lin Xiao's mental power began to cover the explosion range, and layers of space walls began to wrap the spreading shock wave.

The three daughters of Kaisha used their original power to help Lin Xiao regain his mental strength.

The superposition of countless space walls finally suppressed the spread of the shock wave, but the area that was originally covered has become nothingness.

The power of the void has actually eroded the material universe into a void, which is really frightening.

"This space is useless. If the space wall is removed, the material universe will be gradually swallowed up."

Lin Xiao said affectionately and solemnly, he never thought that the erosive power of the void would be so terrifying.

"So what?" Morgana asked.

"I can't think of it at the moment, Lin Xiao, do you have a solution?" Kaisha shook her head and said.

"There is indeed a way." Lin Xiao's unexpected answer stunned the girls.

"What way, tell me quickly."

He Xi, who had been silent all this time, was the first to ask.

"I think the universe is divided into two sides, one Yin and one Yang build this world."

"Yang is the material universe, and yin is the void. Judging from the lives of our material universe, the power of the void is very powerful, capable of changing, destroying, and even eroding the material universe."

"But I think that the core power of the two sides is the same. The material universe is just the matter created by the sun side, so it is vulnerable to the void."

"If we throw this space into the core of this cosmic group, the original power there should be able to suppress this pure void power."

Lin Xiao quickly finished speaking, and then looked at the three women.


"It makes sense."

"Just do it!"

The three women all nodded, approving Lin Xiao's opinion. After experiencing the incident in the core space, they all believed in Lin Xiao's insight.

"Let's get started, let's work together."

"Space Control: Move!"

Lin Xiao's mental strength began to exert strength, and with the support of the three women, this large block of space began to gradually disappear.

The core space of this cosmic group suddenly opened a huge crack, and a completely sealed space was thrown in.

Then the space wall that blocked this space dissipated, and the void energy in it rushed out instantly.

The core space began to vibrate violently, and the original forces of yin and yang were confronting each other.

Just as Lin Xiao expected, although the power of the void is powerful, it is like a rootless tree in this original space.

The powerful void energy was extinguished and swallowed by the endless source power of the core space.

The core space of this cosmic group also gradually returned to calm, without any waves.


Lin Xiao closed her eyes and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Lin Xiao, hurry up and rescue Melo, this planet cannot be destroyed."

At this moment, a trace of panic appeared on Keisha's face.


Lin Xiao was a little puzzled, even if Melo was her hometown, there was no need to panic, right?
Hexi and Morgana, who are also angels, are not so exaggerated.

"I'll explain to you later, let's go."

Before Keisha finished speaking, the figure had disappeared.

Lin Xiao frowned, opened the space, and walked in with Hexi and Morgana.

At this time, the planet Melo has been completely captured, and all the defense modules on the surface have been dismantled.

The cities and defense systems inside the planet were moved to flat ground.

Under Karl's conspiracy, the Melo Heaven, which glorifies the entire universe, has become dilapidated and will no longer return to its former prosperity.

And at this moment, Planet Melo is on the verge of destruction.

Without the support of the defense module, the planet Melo could no longer resist the strong gravitational force of the black hole, and was about to be completely swallowed by the black hole.

All the mountains, rivers and waters of the planet Melo have been swallowed by the powerful gravitational force of the black hole. Half of the planet's surface has been destroyed, exposing the magma world inside the planet.

At this moment, Lin Xiao and the others appeared between the planet Melo and the black hole.

The terrifying black hole couldn't affect them at all, but the tragedy of Planet Melo made the three kings of angels stunned.

And their appearance also attracted the attention of Triangle and Karl.

A huge number of triangular bodies began to surround them, ready to attack at any time.

"Dear Queen Keisha, congratulations on your new life, my god Karl has something to convey."

In the encirclement of the triangle, Snow, Carl's number one horseman, stepped out, regardless of Kesha's reaction, and continued.

"My god congratulates you on your new life, but I hope you cherish life and leave with your lover. My god will not make things difficult for you."

"Carl, get out, this kind of role is not worthy of talking to me."

Snow was proud, but he didn't expect Kesha to ignore him directly, which made his black face turn red with anger.

Carl's projection appeared in front of them, still with a gentle smile.

"Queen Keisha, do you have anything to say?"

"Carl, you are a wise man, why did you collude with the Triangle, don't you understand what they want to do?"

Keisha had a little anger on her face, completely different from her usual indifferent look.

"Queen Keisha, I'm sorry, their goals are the same as mine, of course I know what they want."

"I understand your concerns, but I really can't resist the temptation to create an era."

"You created the age of theocracy, and I want to create the age of void. You are too powerful. I don't have the confidence to defeat you alone, so I am looking for a partner."

Karl's gentle expression disappeared, although the words were still respectful, but the sharpness had appeared.

"How stupid, do you really understand what the void is? Do you want to destroy this universe?"

Keisha's killing intent has condensed into substance, and the silver wings behind her have emerged, ready to strike at any time.

Karl, on the other hand, was lost in thought, but he quickly raised his head, his eyes filled with determination.

"Queen Keisha, I still want to try, so please die again."

As Carl's words fell, the triangular army surrounding Lin Xiao and the others moved.

The triangular body fighters here are stronger than when they joined forces with the angels, and it seems that the whole family has been dispatched.

Not only did the main force become fighters of the third generation, but there were also quite a few mottled blue fighters of the fourth or even fifth generation.

Keisha didn't talk too much anymore, her powerful original domain was opened, and the silver long sword shuttled continuously in the space.

The current Kesha is different from the past. Three generations and four generations of fighters are like ants, and they can barely resist the five generations of fighters in the original field, and they will also be baptized by her silver sword.

The battle became a massacre from the very beginning, and no amount of ants would be of any use in front of the gods.

Enraged, Keisha targets any visible enemy.

This terrifying scene made Carl, who was watching, frown wildly, and several messages were sent out.

Three silver-white dolphin-like creatures appeared in the space, and rushed towards Kaisha who was killing all directions.

The silver triangle is protected by dark energy, and Kaisha's original domain cannot destroy them.

The sharp silver horn exuded a cold light, and slammed into Kaisha fiercely.

The sneak attack was successful, and the three sharp unicorns slammed into Kesha's back hard, knocking her staggering.

But that's all, three silver wings flew out from behind Keisha, slashing fiercely at the triangles that attacked her.

These triangular bodies are very powerful, Silver Wing just entangled them, and was not instantly killed.

And the six gods under Karl, under the protection of the big clock, also rushed into the field to attack Kaisha.

"Hexi, Morgana, go help Kaisha, I will solve this black hole."

Lin Xiao looked at the silver light and skills flying all over the sky, then turned her head and said to the two people beside her.

And he himself turned to face the black hole, and stretched out a palm.

"Spatial Mastery: Compression."

The palms of the hands were fisted, and the powerful spiritual force manipulated the space layer by layer to wrap the entire black hole.

As his fist clenched tightly, the space surrounding the black hole began to compress violently.

The powerful black hole was gradually compressed by the space and became smaller. Lin Xiao is still controlling the continuous coverage and compression of the space.

Eventually, the black hole is compressed into a small point, retracted into the singularity.

Lin Xiao exerted strength again, and the singularity shattered. The black hole that made everyone helpless was crushed by Lin Xiao.

Moreover, the winner was also decided on Kesha's side, and the three silver triangles were cut into pieces.

The body is eroded by the power of the source, and it is impossible to revive it.

The six gods of Karl who were attacked by Morgana and Hexi were all cut to pieces by Hexi's sword light.

But the big clock seemed to be able to touch the origin, and the power of the source on Liushen's body was canceled out by the big clock, so he didn't die yet, but wailed in pain.

"Carl, the black hole is gone, and the triangle is also defeated. Let me see what else you can do."

Lin Xiao sneered and flew in front of Carl's projection, and said with disdain.

"Lin Xiao, we meet again. Every time I see you, I am always shocked."

"It was a huge mistake not to get rid of you at the beginning."

Carl looked at Lin Xiao with a complicated expression. The ants had grown into giants, to the point where even he needed to look up.

"In your eyes, I was just an ant. How could the great god of death care about the life and death of an ant?"

Lin Xiao said with a faint smile.

"Unfortunately, you are still a little short of background, and the planet Melo is doomed to perish."

Suddenly, Lin Xiao was startled, and quickly turned to look at the planet Melo not far away.

Three intertwined black hole engines suddenly appeared above the planet Melo.

Then a huge black beam of light descended from the sky, covering the entire planet Melo in an instant.


Keisha let out a mournful cry, the attack appeared so suddenly that no one could react.

A planet without a defense module is too fragile. Facing top gods like them, destruction is only a matter of blink of an eye.

This is the case on the earth, and it is still the case on the planet Melo. Kaisha and Hexi have built so many defense modules to prevent this kind of thing from happening.

It's a pity that the defense module is gone, and the planet Melo has become helpless.

The black beam of light faded, and the planet appeared in front of everyone intact.

But everyone knows that Planet Melo is over.

The planet began to collapse, dissipating into the space little by little, and soon the bright Melo planet would disappear.

"Space Control: Solidify."

Karl is so persistent in destroying the planet Melo, he must have a huge conspiracy, so Lin Xiao can't let him do so.

The collapse stopped, and the planet Melo was enveloped by Lin Xiao's powerful spirit, and the space was fixed.

But the dissipation of the planet continued, and Lin Xiao's space failed to retain the destroyed planet.

"Carl, get out!"

Lin Xiao was furious, and smashed Karl's projection into powder with one punch, then roared at the starry sky.

Karl didn't come out, but looked at the planet Melo.

"It's about to appear, Lin Xiao will do his best to protect Tianren No. [-]!"

Kesha raised her spirits, the original power in her body surged, and Kaisha was preparing to fight.

"Kessa, what's going on?"

Lin Xiao was confused, he couldn't understand what Kesha said now.

This feeling of ignorance made Lin Xiao extremely uncomfortable, as if he was the only outsider.

"Planet Melo is actually the same as the Tianmen defense system, hiding Tianren No. [-]."

"And Tianren No. [-] is doing the same thing. If Tian Ren No. [-] is destroyed again, the void will descend, and this universe will end."

Keisha finally finished speaking, but the content surprised everyone.

What Kesha said, not to mention Morgana didn't know, even Hexi didn't know.

"Quick, it's here."

Kaisha stared at the original position of the planet Melo, and it seemed that something was about to appear.

The space began to fluctuate violently, and the Tianren No. [-], which Kaisha had been hiding all along, appeared on the planet Melo.

At the same time that Tianren No. [-] appeared, pitch-black beams of light descended from the sky.

Karl shot again, and their ultimate goal was Kaisha's Tianren No. [-].

"Damn it, space barrier!"

Of course, Lin Xiao couldn't let Karl succeed again. His strong mental power controlled the thick space wall and blocked the attack.

The four of them also acted at the same time, appearing around Tianren No. [-], and the original power spread on their bodies, protecting Tian Ren No. [-] inside.

"It seems that a decisive battle is inevitable, show up, mottled blue."

After staring at Lin Xiao and the others, Karl spoke slowly, and then the projection disappeared.

A pitch-black space suddenly appeared, and Karl and a figure completely condensed by void energy walked out of it.

"Carl, you are finally willing to come out. The person standing next to you must be an extraordinary person. Why don't you introduce me?"

Although Lin Xiao's tone was ridiculed, the killing intent all over his body had already condensed into substance.

Carl, a great scholar, has brought a lot of advanced knowledge and theories to this universe, and is a true genius.

But genius often represents madness, too much contact with the dark side of the universe, his thoughts have been corrupted.

In Lin Xiao's view, Karl is the ultimate fear, and he was born to destroy this material universe.

Now, he is the source of chaos in the universe, and he is just one step away from opening the void and plunging this physical universe into darkness.

Maybe he didn't know the consequences of opening the void, but he still chose to do so. It can only be said that this genius is crazy.

"This is the king of the mottled blue triangle, a strong man who has evolved into a true void god."

Carl introduced in a gentle voice.

"Haha, is he the one who tempted you to do all this? You blinded your genius brain for nothing, and you don't even know it when you become a pawn."

With a disdainful face, Lin Xiao taunted Karl.

"No one can tempt me, everything is out of my will, you leave now, I can forget the past."

Looking at Carl's expression when he said this, Lin Xiao felt that it would be useless to talk too much. Now that the final boss has appeared, let's start the fight.

"The three of you are going to deal with the king of the triangular body, and I will go and see how strong this genius god of death is."

Lin Xiao whispered to the three girls.

Seeing that Karl seemed to want to say something else, Lin Xiao suddenly made a move.

 Do you think Lin Xiao can win?

  Ask for a ticket!Give a wave of rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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