Xueba, don't leave after school!

Chapter 120 To Test Her

Chapter 120 To Test Her

Han Shiyan and Han Yan sat side by side on a bench in the hospital corridor.

He lowered his eyes and slowly opened the dumplings brought by Han Yan.

The thermal insulation effect of the thermal insulation bucket is very good, and it is still hot since it was brought from home.

Han Shiyan lifted the lid and looked up at Han Yan.

Oh chopsticks!

Han Yan immediately took out chopsticks from the other pocket and handed them to Han Shiyan.

Han Shiyan ate very slowly.

He was quiet, and Han Yan didn't know what he was thinking.

"Actually, I know how to make dumplings, but because my grandpa and grandma got sick together a few days ago and couldn't take care of grocery shopping, I had to go to a nearby supermarket to buy a few packs of quick-frozen dumplings."

After Han Yan finished speaking, she turned to look at Han Shiyan again.

"Yeah." Han Shiyan still lowered his eyes, making it hard to see his expression.

After Han Shiyan's winter vacation, his grandparents became ill together.

In this way, all the big and small things in the family fell on Han Shiyan.

It wasn't serious at the beginning, but it became serious two days ago.

Grandpa is old-fashioned and stubborn, so he insists on not coming to the hospital.

It wasn't until the day before New Year's Eve that Grandpa couldn't bear it any longer, and Han Shiyan forcefully sent him to the hospital.

Therefore, Han Shiyan spent New Year's Eve in the hospital.

Even during Chinese New Year, the hospital is still overcrowded.

Even the hospital beds were moved out and crowded.

The two old people, grandparents and grandparents, are naturally inseparable from people in the hospital.

Various inspections, such and such payment... many complicated things.

Han Shiyan stayed in the hospital and asked Han Yan to go back.

Han Yan actually wanted to stay in the hospital, but Han Shiyan's attitude was rather tough, so she had no choice but to go back.

In the evening, she called Han Shiyan and asked if he had eaten.

He said don't worry about him.

In the middle of the night, Han Yan thought about it, and Han Shiyan must have no time to eat, so he cooked quick-frozen dumplings and brought them over.

Han Yan was full of thoughts in her heart, and when she looked up at Han Shiyan, she inevitably felt a little sad.

Even during the Chinese New Year, Han Shiyan's parents did not come back. Han Yan had a guess in her heart, but she didn't dare to ask, and she couldn't ask.

Han Shiyan finished eating the dumplings and stood up: "I'm going to wash the thermos, you wait here for me and don't wander around, I'll take you back when I finish washing."

It's not safe for a girl to come and go this late.

Han Yan sat on the chair obediently: "I won't go back, I will stay with you at the hospital tonight."

Han Shiyan frowned. Although he didn't make a sound, his meaning was very clear.

"We are a family. Today is the New Year. You are all here. I don't want to stay at home alone. The New Year is only when the family stays together."

In a short sentence, Han Yan said it very seriously.

Han Yan is undoubtedly well-behaved and sensible.

Han Shiyan was silent for a moment, then turned to wash the thermos.

In the ward.

The beds of the grandfather and grandmother are next to each other.

Han Shiyan took Han Yan into the ward.

He stepped forward and looked at the two old people respectively, and tucked up the quilt for them.

When it was Grandpa's turn, he opened his eyes suddenly.

His eyes turned from Han Shiyan to Han Yan, and his voice was hoarse: "Why is Xiaoyan here?"

Han Shiyan took half a step back, Han Yan stepped forward, squatted in front of the hospital bed, and said softly, "I'll accompany you."

"Where do you need your two children to accompany you, go back to sleep!" Grandpa frowned, turned up the volume, very dissatisfied.

"Grandpa!" Han Yan pouted and acted like a baby with him: "The whole family must be together during the Chinese New Year."

After hearing Han Yan's words, he became quiet.

His eyes fell on Han Shiyan.

There was a message in his eyes that only Han Shiyan could understand.

Grandpa opened his mouth slightly, as if he had something to say.

But before he could speak, Han Shiyan turned to look at the thermos on the bedside table.

He reached out and lifted the thermos down and said, "I'll pour water for you."

Jiang Mu couldn't fall asleep even after hanging up the phone, and was still very excited.

Just when there were unread messages on WeChat, Jiang Mu clicked on WeChat again.

The unread message was sent by Han Shiyan.

Jiang Mu opened it and saw that the message Han Shiyan had sent her was more than an hour ago.

He should have called her after seeing the red envelope she sent him.

It shows that Jiang Mu's red envelope has been received by Han Shiyan.

He returned another red envelope to Jiang Mu, and also sent a sentence: "Happy New Year."

Jiang Mu opened the red envelope Han Shiyan sent her.

The amount of the red envelope is 160 six.

It was 100 yuan more than what she sent.

She still earned it.

Jiang Mu couldn't stop the smile on his face.

She sent Han Shiyan an emoji: "Thank you boss.jpg."

After waiting for a while, without waiting for Han Shiyan's reply, Jiang Mu fell asleep holding the phone.

The next day.

When he woke up, Jiang Mu was still holding the phone in his hand.

Han Shiyan didn't reply to her either.

Might be really busy.

Jiang Mu got up and had breakfast, and then started thinking about it again.

Could it be that he ignored her on purpose?

Is it possible that he sent her a red envelope of 160 to test her?
Probably not, Han Shiyan is such a positive person, he wouldn't be so fussy.

Ahhh! ! !
Jiang Mu felt that he might be sick, so he thought of something messy to do!
On the first day of the new year, we should pay New Year's greetings to the elders.

Jiang Mu's grandparents are gone, but her grandparents are still there.

Early in the morning, Jiang Mu's family went to her grandparents' house.

In the next few days, Jiang Mu kept visiting relatives non-stop.

Seven aunts and eight aunts, all kinds of cousins ​​and cousins...

The Jiang family is a big family with many relatives.

Jiang Mu also got more and more lucky money, but in the end it was Tang Wen who left.

After Jiang Mu left relatives for two or three days, she continued to make up lessons.

I have been making up lessons until the beginning of school.

She didn't see Han Shiyan for half the winter vacation, and she was very happy when she thought of seeing Han Shiyan at the beginning of school.

Woke up early on the first day of school.

It took 5 minutes to pick out the clothes, and then put on the hat and scarf that Han Shiyan praised for looking good.

She changed her clothes and came out of the bedroom. Tang Wen saw her and said, "Hair is a bit long. Find some time to trim it."

When Jiang Mu was a child, for the convenience of practicing martial arts, he always wore short hair.

At this size, when the hair is the longest, it can at most cover the ears.

She was busy studying in the past few months, and she didn't have time to fix her hair, wasting time.

Jiang Mu stood in front of the mirror, looked left and right, and said self-consciously: "The hair is a bit long, and I don't bother to cut it. Let's talk about it after the college entrance examination. Cutting hair is too troublesome."

The bangs in front had covered his eyes somewhat, Jiang Mu moved aside, adjusted his hat again, and then turned and walked towards the door.

"Mom, I'm going to school."

"I haven't eaten yet!"

"I'll just go out and eat something!" Jiang Mu's voice came.

Then came the sound of the door closing.

(End of this chapter)

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