Fourth Lord's Black Moonlight Queen

Chapter 964 I Thought You Understand Me

Chapter 964 I Thought You Understand Me
"how so!!"

Hongzhou hugged the little elder brother who had died for a long time, and murmured in despair.

"Oh, I should be very clear! In the past, Shanrou was young and could withstand the storm, but I seem to have made nonsense into a habit."

"Hong Zhou, I want to make peace with you!"

She was fed up with the days of fear and fear. It has been more than ten years since she married Hong Zhou in the fifth year of Yongzheng.

He is already the Amma of several children, but he still lives recklessly.

She's had enough!

"Shanrou, we will have children, please don't do this!"

Hong Zhou stretched out his hand to hold Shanrou's hand, but she shook it off forcefully.

"My lord, it's up to you to mess around as much as you want in the future! I won't care about you anymore!"

Shanrou dragged her exhausted and weak body after giving birth, and numbly began to slowly get up and put on her clothes.

"There are two documents on the table, one is the divorce document, and the other is the divorce document. I have signed my name."

"My lord, Fujin is a miserable person, I beg my lord to give Fujin a way to survive~"

Nanny Fu, who had served Fujin all her life, knelt in front of the prince crying bitterly.

She knew Fujin's temper too well, and knew that there was no room for change in this matter, but if Fujin was given a divorce certificate, her life would be completely ruined.

There is a huge difference between the letter of releasing one's wife used by Heli and the letter of divorce of one's wife.

He and Li belonged to a relationship of one shot and two separate lives. Divorcing his wife means that the man has stepped on the face of the woman's entire family. The big family does not allow this person to be lost.

"Tang Law. Household Marriage" stipulates after the article "all offenders who are righteous and divorced": "If the husband and wife are not in peace and harmony, those who are reconciled and divorced will not sit (inquiry)." The husband must "release the wife's letter" to the wife, and the offspring continue to use.

When reconciling with her husband, a woman can take all the dowry with her, and after reconciling, she can remarry.

It is generally believed that both parties are at fault, and then a consensus is reached, and the woman takes the dowry and returns to her natal family or remarries.

Being divorced is usually due to the woman's lack of personal morality, the fault is on the woman, and the woman was kicked out of her husband's house.

Abandoned wives who are divorced cannot even return to their natal homes, and the unmarried daughters of their natal homes will also be humiliated because of this. The difference is huge.

Those women who were divorced by their husband's family were scolded by thousands of people, and it was even more difficult to find a good marriage.

But he and the prince are children of the royal family, so how could they agree to divorce?

In the case of reconciliation and divorce, the husband and wife divorce voluntarily through agreement. Generally speaking, if the man divorces his wife through reconciliation and divorce, it is because he wants to cover up something.

It is very likely that it is a family scandal. They are wronged, so they are naturally willing to lower their stance.

Madam Fu has lived for decades and experienced the three dynasties of Kang, Yong and Qian, but she has never heard of the case of Aixinjueluo's reconciliation.

"My king forbids it!"

"If the prince insists on this, then I have nothing to say, I just hope that I will spend the rest of my life in this ancient Buddha with green lanterns in this fragrant courtyard, and end this remaining life!"

Shan Rou only looked at Hong Zhou calmly, without any waves in her eyes, like a pool of lifeless stagnant water.

"Sweet and gentle."

With his eyes, Hong Zhou motioned to the mother Fu in the room to leave immediately, and immediately approached Shan Rou with his dead brother in his arms.

"It's my fault. You are pregnant with a child. I should spend more time with you and your child."

"Is it? And then going outside is absurd? I've had enough! I've been terrified for you all these years, sleeping and eating, have you ever considered my feelings?"

"I thought you understood me!"

Hong Zhou looked at Shanrou with some hurt.He doesn't think he is wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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