Chapter 961


Seeing Wu Fujin covered in blood, Mrs. Fucha was terrified.Almost lost my footing.

"Fourth sister-in-law, Shanrou is fine, it's just a few thieves!"

Fourth sister-in-law Fucha's family is like a gentle white moonlight, Shanrou dare not speak too loudly, for fear of scaring fourth sister-in-law.

At this time, Hongli, who was in the front yard, looked at the guard and the blood droplet at the sticky pole meaningfully.

The people in these two places, even he can't dispatch them, and they are directly under Huang Ama's orders. Even the fourth elder brother's mansion doesn't have such a large number of sticky stick guards and blood drops. Why are there so many of the fifth brother's mansion?
The battle for the throne has always been cruel, and there is no room for him to be careless.

Hongli glanced at Fifth Prince's mansion with sinister eyes, and immediately called Li Yu to whisper.


Visiting the front line in person and witnessing the disastrous defeat of the Qing Dynasty, Hong Zhou felt very depressed.

But compared to Huang Ama and Er Niang, these are not important.

"Master, there is news from the capital!"

Hong Zhou took the letter paper, which had two copies, one was written by Fujin, and the other was written by the housekeeper.

Hong Zhou took the lead in opening Fujin's family letter.

A little lost, there are only a few words in the family letter: The concubine and the children are safe, and the master cherishes himself.

So he opened the housekeeper's letter with a lack of interest, and scattered several sheets of paper.

After seeing clearly the content above, his eyes immediately turned red.

"Tiandihui?! It's a joke. Why is there no trace of rebels in the prince's mansion next to it? What are the people from Tiandihui staring at the mansion of the Lord?"

He is not stupid. Everyone in the world knows that Huang Ama's favorite candidate for the crown prince is his fourth brother, and those rebels from the Tiandihui will only attack the mansion of this absurd prince because they have their brains flooded.

"Fourth brother, fourth brother, are you so afraid of me?"

Hong Zhou sneered and threw the butler's letter into the charcoal basin.

"Chuan Ye's order, let those people outside protect Fujin, if Fujin and Ye's son-in-law make any mistakes, let them commit suicide and apologize!"

"What's wrong with Shanrou's child?"

Li Jingui, who hid outside and listened to the corner for a while, broke into the tent anxiously.

"Emiang, it's nothing serious, it's just some clowns, my son can solve it by himself."

"No, just now you said the Heaven and Earth Council! Zhou'er, if you don't tell me what's going on, Er Niang can find out by herself after she goes back."

Hong Zhou looked at E Niang's injured cheek with distress, and turned his face away.

"It's just that the rebels from Tiandihui attacked Shanrou while his son was not in the mansion."

"What! What happened to your elder brothers' mansions? Are the family members in their mansion all right?"

"It's all good, don't worry, Er Niang, how can it be bad if the fourth brother is in charge of the capital?"

Hong Zhou didn't want to point it out, anyway, it would be several months before Er Niang returned to the capital to find out the truth.

It's better than making things worse at this time.

April [-]th in the ninth year of Yongzheng.

The Sifu Jin Fucha clan personally sits in the fifth elder brother's mansion. At this time, seeing the pots of blood coming out of the room, he was immediately worried.

For a woman to have a baby is to walk through the gates of hell, and this is Shanrou's first child, which is even more difficult.

"Fu Jin, the empress has sent a Jingqi nanny!"

"Let them serve outside. Remember, don't let those nuns touch anything delivered to the house. If you can't hold it down, tie up those nuns in the name of Ben Fujin, and say they are not doing their job well!"

Fu Cha's expression was serious, but his tone of voice was still soft and pleasant to listen to.

After all, they are relatives and sisters-in-law, so naturally the Fucha family will not let the poisonous women of Jingren Palace kill Shanrou.

(End of this chapter)

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