Chapter 692

In the autumn of the third year of Yongzheng, Li Jingui was dressed in coarse sackcloth, and was sitting on the bow of the awning boat, reading the latest mansion newspaper with great concern.

Now the New Deal implemented by the fourth master is already in full swing throughout the Qing Dynasty.

Although the several reforms carried out by the fourth master are beneficial to the people at the bottom and promote the fairness of the class, they offend all the officials and gentry.

Regrettably, no one sang praises to Fourth Master, and those who grasped the pen to record history were precisely those literati whose interests had been harmed.

On the one hand, many gentry class used hidden acrostic poems to insinuate Siye, on the other hand they wrote unofficial novels, mocking and cursing Siye.

In the twelfth lunar month of the second year of Yongzheng, Si Ye had to start a large-scale implementation of literary inquisition.

Others don't understand Si Ye, but Li Jingui knows that the reason why Si Ye opened the literary prison is actually a helpless act.

Punishment must always be well-known, and the fourth master can never punish officials in the name of opposing the New Deal, so he has to punish people with this serious crime of anti-Qing and Ming Dynasty, which is tantamount to rebellion.

The so-called anti-Qing and Ming-ming claims by those scholastic classes who have made progress are by no means the truth.

When the Qing Dynasty entered the customs and forced them to shave their hair and change clothes, they all recognized it. After obeying the rule for so many years, why did they suddenly miss the Ming Dynasty again?

If they had such backbone, they would have turned against each other long ago, so why wait until today.

For those scholastic classes who opposed the Fourth Lord, anti-Qing and Ming dynasty is false, and dissatisfaction with Fourth Lord's weakening of the privileges of officials and gentry is true. They just express their dissatisfaction with Fourth Lord by nostalgia for the Ming Dynasty.

But the irony is that although the people at the bottom benefited most from Si Ye's new policies, the people at the bottom are easily instigated by those literati and inkmen, they are not united, and instead follow and oppose Si Ye's new policies.

As an educated class, the officials and gentry have always held the right to speak.

And the ignorant people kept spreading the lies made by the literati, and regarded Siye as the biggest tyrant.

One of the rare monarchs who acted for the people and carried out reforms was belittled and smeared by ignorant and foolish people. It is conceivable that the fourth master will also leave a strong mark in the history, but it must be the negative image of the emperors of the past.

If he knew that the people he was devoted to protecting regarded him like a scourge, fourth master would definitely be very sad.

Li Jingui stuffed the dibao into the fish basket casually, and immediately picked up the gong placed on the bow of the awning boat and beat it vigorously.

After a while, all the fishermen around were attracted by the sound of gongs and drums.One after another propped up the boat and gathered around her awning boat.

"Come on, come on, let's talk about the emperor's new policy of sharing the land into the mu."

"Si Niang, the scholars and the storytellers in the town have said that the reason for all the tenants to enter the mu is to allow the court to grab more land according to the head. The current emperor is really bad."

"Hehehe, Dong Da, come here, let me talk to you today about this benefit to all people."

Apportion of Ding to Mu, that is, the Dingyin collected per person in the tax is apportioned to the Diyin in the land burden, which greatly reduces the burden on the poor people.

You must know that in the past, the tax system of the Qing Dynasty followed the Ming Dynasty. In addition to collecting land silver based on the amount of land, it also collected small silver calculated based on the size of the population.

It is obviously unwise to talk about political affairs with these illiterate people.

Li Jingui could only use popular metaphors, traveling across states and counties all the way, tirelessly persuading these people to understand and accept the content of Si Ye's New Deal over and over again.

Although it is only a drop in the bucket, the fire of salary can also become a prairie fire.

(End of this chapter)

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