Chapter 671
In the past, when Huang Ama was here, he had to make Jin Gui suffer, but now he is the lord of the world with all the people in the world.

What kind of man is he who can't even protect his own wife and children?Not worthy of being a king.

"My lord will accompany you to guard our children."


Unexpectedly, fourth master suddenly changed his mind and agreed to keep the child.

Li Jingui burst into tears of joy, just now she was ready to argue endlessly with Fourth Master.

"Leave, stay, stay, Madam taught me the lesson."

Zhang Tingyu covered his red ears that had been pulled by his wife, and Zhang Tingyu, who had picked up poems and songs from Shi Ziji, was always speechless in front of Lan Qier.

No one believed it, but the man who was so nervous that he stuttered at this time turned out to be Zhang Tingyu, the chief minister of the court.

As time passed, Li Jingui's heart also rose to his throat.

Worried about the baby's accident, after discussing with Si Ye, Li Jingui decided to completely block the news of pregnancy until the baby started to move.

Yinzhen can't stay in the Rehe Palace for too long, and now the mediation with Lao Ba and the others has reached a fever pitch.

If he hadn't been worried about Jingui, he wouldn't have come to see her day and night.

After the Lantern Festival, the New Year's rest was over, and the child in her womb was already in her early six months. At this time, Li Jingui sat on the embroidery pier with a sad brow.

"Don't worry, I am the Son of Heaven, and I will stay with you two until the child is born!"

Yinzhen said consolingly, but actually those quack doctors of Li Sheng had given an ultimatum, if there is no fetal movement in these few days, then at the latest five days later, they must try to conceive for the imperial concubine.

"Golden Osmanthus.."

Yinzhen bent over and put his cheek against the child.

"Huang Er, don't torment your mother-in-law and your Huang Ama!"

A wry smile appeared on the corner of Li Jingui's mouth, and he put his hand against the back of Fourth Master's hand, wanting the child to feel the love Huang Ama and Erniang had for him.

"Grandpa, I'm scared. Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo."

Hearing Jingui's suppressed sobs inside, Lan Qi'er, who was supporting his stomach, felt a little sad.

"Nerd, let's go back to Beijing first, and I'll ask someone to speak to the emperor later."

Although she was very worried about Jingui and the little prince in her womb, Lan Qier knew that Jingui's mood was very tense and hesitant.

If she, a normal pregnant woman, dangled in front of Jingui at this time, it would definitely make her feel uncomfortable.

The joy that she and the nerd are about to become parents again cannot be based on the pain that Jingui and Yinzhen may lose their children.

"Move! Move! Move!"

Supported by the nerd, Lan Qier was about to turn around and leave, but she heard exclamations of joy from inside.

"Jingui, but the child moved!"

Lan Qi'er, who was holding a ball in her belly, was walking like flying, but she happily shook off Zhang Tingyu's hand, and rushed into the hall in three steps at a time.

"Lan Qier, the child... the child is moving!"

"Great! I said that the child is lazy and refuses to move. You just don't believe me. Look, now that the child has moved, are you at ease?"

"Yeah! I...I'm happy."

Li Jingui burst into tears and laughed, talking incoherently with joy.

The news that the imperial concubine was pregnant with the first son of the Long Live Lord soon spread.

The Forbidden City immediately got the news that the imperial concubine was pregnant with a dragon fetus.

"Prince!? How could it be a prince? Is this news accurate? What if it's a princess!"

Unexpectedly, in the end it was Li Jingui, a bitch, who came first, and Ulanarasu gracefully smashed the tourmaline in his hand to pieces.

 See you tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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