Doomsday Crazy Meow

Chapter 219 Everyone suddenly came here, is the party early?

Chapter 219 Everyone suddenly came here, is the party early?
The fighter plane that lost its pilot crashed in the ruins, exploding a huge fireball and billowing thick smoke. The remaining two fighter jets immediately raised their altitude and began to circle and fly over the ruins of Zicheng, no longer approaching.

The lizard man took a few mouthfuls of the corpse in his hand, threw the corpse aside casually, smacked his lips, and his eyes showed joy, as if he was very satisfied with the taste.

There was a sound of crawling, and more than a dozen mutated zombies climbed to the roof at the same time, roared wildly, and rushed towards the lizard man.

The lizard man waved his arms, reached out and grabbed the two zombies that jumped up, and sent them to his mouth respectively, tearing off the flesh and blood of one zombie!
The lizard man chewed the flesh in his mouth carefully, narrowed his eyes, and then nodded, as if he was also very satisfied with the taste of the zombies.

At this time, all the mutated zombies around had rushed over, and the lizardman squeezed his hands hard, directly crushing the heads of two mutated zombies, and then flicked his tail, and the stab at the tip of the tail was like a sharp blade, smashing the bodies of more than a dozen zombies. Torn in two!

After finishing all this, as if he was just playing a game, he threw away the corpse in his hand, jumped, jumped from the top of dozens of floors, and landed in the shuttle-shaped spaceship just now.

With a hissing sound in his mouth, as if talking to himself, the lizard man took out a belt-like thing from the small cabin of the spaceship, and wrapped it around his waist.

Then he took out a few cylindrical sticks from the spaceship, and he returned to the roof again, placed the sticks in a circle, and pressed a button on the metal belt.

In the next instant, an energy barrier was projected from the sticks around him, forming an energy mask that enveloped him in it.

The lizard man stood there quietly as if he had entered a dormant state, no longer making any movements.

And around him, the bodies of the dozen or so destroyed mutant zombies rushed towards the mask as if they were attracted by an invisible force.

Then it was quickly decomposed the moment it came into contact with the mask, turning into a cocoon-like thing, shrouded outside the mask!

Soon, there was a sound of footsteps running like a giant beast, and a mutated zombie like a hill of muscles appeared in the center of the ruins of Zicheng. After seeing the cocoon, it immediately stopped, let out a low growl, and hesitated. forward.

Immediately afterwards, there was another sound of running wildly, and several powerful mutated zombies and mutated beasts appeared nearby.

These aliens were different from the mutated zombies who attacked before, all of them carried powerful energy fluctuations, and their eyes shone with wisdom.

Obviously, these aliens have all evolved their own intelligence.

Facing the mysterious cocoon and the mysterious existence inside, they did not act rashly.

At this moment, the sound of the propellers of the armed helicopter came, and several helicopters from Jicheng Fortress flew from the west and landed on the top of several ruined buildings.

A group of fully armed human soldiers filed out from the cabin, and set up anti-materiel sniper rifles and individual missiles and other heavy fire weapons on the roofs of each building, aiming at the meat cocoons on the building.

Seeing these humans appear, the mutated zombies and mutated beasts on the other side all let out a threatening roar, but they didn't fight immediately.

Because they can also feel that among the humans coming out of these helicopters, there are some evolutionaries with terrifying energy coercion, they are the S-class fighters of the human fortress!
At this time, thousands of zombies in the ruins of the city were completely attracted by the sound of the propellers, rushing towards them like a tide.

What also attracts them is the smell of humans!
Dozens of low-level mutated zombies began to climb along the outer wall of the building, trying to devour the humans on the roof.

"Colonel Leng Xiang, the ground reinforcements will arrive soon, please instruct me whether to launch an attack!" On the top of a building, a soldier saluted another soldier wearing a gray-black urban camouflage combat uniform, loudly Said.

Standing in front of him was a man in his thirties with a firm face and sharp eyes. He was the current S-rank soldier in the Jicheng Fortress, who had defeated Colonel Leng Xiang in the Abyss of Wei!

Hearing this name, many soldiers around showed reverence.

For them, the man in front of them is their biggest idol.

"Order the squads. No attack is allowed without orders. The 42nd Armored Regiment is holding off on its advance, and is defending the periphery of the ruins of Zicheng, ready to evacuate at any time." Leng Xiang said slowly, looking at the huge cocoon not far away.

He could feel the huge energy fluctuations contained in this cocoon, faintly much stronger than the energy fluctuations in the Weizhi Abyss before!
Moreover, it has been reported by the first attacking force just now that the opponent was able to jump onto a fighter jet flying at low altitude and killed a pilot by hand, which definitely possesses extremely powerful strength.

The most important thing is that there are not only human beings present, but also more and more aliens. Among the aliens arriving now, there are a few of them who are close to the beast king and the abyss.

For humans, all non-human creatures in the wilderness are enemies, and they must not act rashly at this time.

What's more, human beings are not monolithic.

Although he didn't have a deep understanding, he also heard the wind and knew the existence of the God's Profound Organization...

At this moment, on a nearby building, an officer also wearing gray and black camouflage jumped, jumping like a projectile to the roof of the building where Leng Xiang was.

This man has sharp brows and star eyes, with a playful smile on his face. He looks like he is in his 20s and close to 30 years old, but with turbulent energy fluctuations, he is also an S-rank fighter.

"Wang Hao, why are you here?" Leng Xiang frowned, and asked in a deep voice, "A battle may break out at any time, and the tactical organization must not be chaotic."

"Go to the fucking tactical team, Uncle Xiang, how about it, shall we do it?" Wang Hao waved his hands with a smile, sitting on the head of a zombie like a rascal, and asked Leng Xiang, "Can you Don't frown, you already look old, the more you frown, the bigger you become."

As he spoke, he took out a cigarette and prepared to light it.

"You haven't been in good shape all day. You are a soldier, so you have to look like a soldier!" Leng Xiang frowned again, stepped forward and grabbed the cigarette in the opponent's hand, and threw it aside.

"Okay, okay, listen to you, who told you to save my life..." Wang Hao waved his hand, put away the lighter, and said nonchalantly: "There are two S-levels of us, and two quasi-S-levels. The monsters in the wilderness haven't come yet, how about we fuck the fuck first?"

"Although I have picked up a lot of meteorite energy fragments before, and the lunatics in Shenlin are also secretly messing around every day, this is the first time that aliens have appeared. If some epoch-making high-tech is found from it, maybe the fate of mankind Just turn it around." Wang Hao closed one eye, made a pistol motion, and aimed at the callus, "biu!"

"Wait a little longer, although the opponent quickly launched an attack, it is still impossible to confirm whether there is any real hostility, and..." Leng Xiang narrowed his eyes, and his tone became cold, "The bastard of Shenlin has arrived..."

As he spoke, he turned his head to look at a group of buildings in the ruins.

Wang Hao also turned his head to look, and immediately became vigilant.

The building complex was a shopping plaza, and it looked no different from other places. There were also a large number of zombies gathered, but these zombies did not roar in chaos, only a few mutated zombies roared in the direction of the shopping mall.

"Attack inhibitor? Or some new equipment?" Wang Hao sneered, "These rats hide really deep. It is said that even the management of the fortress has their people... What exactly do they want?"

Just as Leng Xiang was about to answer, the sound of howling wind suddenly came from the southwest direction of the ruins, and he saw a crimson figure shuttle among the corpses of the ruins. Wherever they passed, those zombies were like docile little sheep, Respectfully stepped aside, revealing a path.

The crimson figure came to the center of the ruins of Zicheng, jumped up and jumped hundreds of meters high, like a crimson leaf, it floated down to the top of a building, and a woman's figure appeared.

This woman's face is pure and enchanting, with a charming look, she looks familiar, she is an absolute beauty of the role.

The slender waist is gripped tightly, and the jade legs are slender, but it has eight legs!
Behind her, more than a dozen powerful mutant zombies appeared one after another, standing there respectfully.

"Facing the abyss..." Wang Hao narrowed his eyes, as if facing a formidable enemy. "Or, she should be called the Blood-Red Queen. It is said that even the lunatic in the Chaos Kingdom was killed by her..."

Originally, he wanted to launch an attack on the mysterious cocoon as soon as possible, and catch the lizardman who suddenly appeared, but now he realized that his thoughts were a bit reckless.

"This woman is so beautiful... She has eight legs and can play for eight years..." Wang Hao whispered.

"Shut up." Leng Xiang stared intently at the cocoon, and said in a deep voice: "The blood-red queen is just the beginning, there will definitely be beast kings and even abyssal ones appearing later, go back to your tactical team and be ready to deal with attacks at any time .”

At this time, Wang Hao finally didn't dare to be careless, and jumped back to the building where his team was located.

The eight armed helicopters of the fortress military are now distributed on the roofs of four buildings, divided into four teams.

Each squad has an S-rank or quasi-S-rank fighter in charge, and the rest are all evolutionary soldiers.

For this kind of battle, the fortress military also knows the truth that more expensive and less expensive.

Soon, another burst of smoke and dust appeared, and a large number of mutated zombies and mutated beasts appeared in the ruins of Zicheng in the wilderness.

Like two giant rolling mines, a Guinea Pig Beastmaster and a Hedgehog Beastmaster appeared at the same time, causing a commotion among mutant beasts and mutant zombies.

Shu Duqiang and Ah Yao saw the Linzhi Abyss in the distance, and raised their paws to say hello at the same time, and the other party also nodded and smiled at them in return.

The muscular zombie who arrived first saw their appearance, walked over with heavy steps, and asked:

"Where's the cat? Climb the ladder, early?"

(End of this chapter)

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