Apocalypse Mutants Rise

Chapter 399 No regrets

Chapter 399 No regrets
The sunlight covered the entire land, as if there were no gaps, and it was very difficult for people to open their eyes.

Luokai Town, in the best green shaded garden, the air is quiet, as if permeated with a comfortable atmosphere of people all the time.

However, these... can't help but make people feel a little sad.

Zhong Yi stood in front of a tombstone. After standing there for a long time, he sat down and looked at the opposite tombstone as if he was just kneeling.

It is now spring, but the temperature has not yet turned, and it will still be very cold.What is more dazzling is the dead wood and weeds around this tombstone...

It seems that new green shoots have bloomed, filling the originally black and white picture with some color.

Zhong Yi sat quietly, his eyes fixed on the tombstone and the name engraved on it.

"Elena Mian"

He just didn't say a word, as if he had been sitting here all morning.

Zhong Yi's eyes trembled from time to time, he was completely unaccustomed to looking at a person like this, and he didn't even like being in this kind of place, next to the tombstone...

What does God want me to do?So far, isn't there too many people who have sent away?
relatives, friends...

In the end, I was alone and didn't ask about unnecessary world affairs, but I met you in the end.

But you shouldn't have been chasing me like this, it's not worth it, and in that case, at least you can still live, live to a certain day in the future, maybe we will meet again.

But now...it's too late to say anything.

You have fallen asleep peacefully, and I can only watch you here quietly.

Destiny... what is it?
Zhong Yi frowned slightly, then stood up and took out something from his pocket.

The metal necklace and the connected cross became very dazzling under the reflection of the sun.

This was given to him by Elena a long time ago when she was about to say goodbye to Zhong Yi.

She has faith, and she entrusts her blessings to a person with her faith.Finally, now, there is nothing left...

Zhong Yi hung the metal necklace of the cross on the oblique corner of the tombstone.

"The Bible says that you will go to the most beautiful place, and faith will take you there. Sleep well, I will never forget you..."

The voice trembled immediately, Zhong Yi just stopped and didn't continue talking.

There was some heartache and sentimentality between the eyebrows, but he had to turn around, and he had to say goodbye to those who had gone.

The face of a young girl is still deeply imprinted in the memory, that smile seems to be the same as the sunshine at this moment forever, very thorough and dazzling.

The light reflected on this cross, revealing a dazzling light, reflecting the back of the person walking away.

Zhong Yi turned his head and looked at the tender shoots that had just grown out of the soil.

It will be very beautiful here in summer...

At lunch time, Xiao Qiang and others gathered together again at the dining table in Xiao Dong's residence.

All kinds of dishes are also very rich, but they all have a general understanding of the operation of Luokai Town.Usually, even Xiao Dong, it is very rare to have such a sumptuous meal.

But now, in order to thank these people, it is only natural to take out these dishes.The people in the town are also very willing.

The operation of Luokai Town is also very orderly.

A lot of crops and various vegetables are planted, and the management method is very proper. In addition, the terrain here is very good, so the harvest of the crops is also very good.

There are also places dedicated to raising poultry, wild pheasants, tame wild boars and the like...

And this lunch, of course, is also based on the fruits of those labors.

However, the previous lunches were basically very ordinary, not as rich as this time.

However, the reason why it is rich, of course, has its reasons...

"Have you really thought about it?" Xiao asked with a little surprise and uneasiness while holding the rice in his hands.

"Brother, you have already asked three times." Xiao Qiang said, his appetite is quite good now.After all, from last night until now, I haven't eaten anything.

Xiao Dong took another mouthful of rice, but he frowned, as if he was so worried that it was difficult to swallow.

"Are you sure it's okay? That's too risky!"

"What's going on, you'll know if you go there. Don't worry too much, it should be fine." Xiao Qiang said.

"Should be fine?" Xiao Dong put down his chopsticks, looked at the people sitting on both sides, "Are you sure you really want to accompany this kid?"

Yan Xiang and the others continued to eat their lunch with a very calm expression, which was in stark contrast to Xiao Dong's current mood.

"He decided to go there, of course we have to follow." Yan Xiang said.

"But that... that's the territory of the government army! You actually want to break into the safe zone!" Xiao Dong was so emotional that his scalp felt numb when he said these things.

The current situation is also very obvious.Indeed, Xiao Qiang's decision is to go!

It sounded like a powerful and unconstrained style, and Xiao Dong was indeed shocked. The astonished expression on his face has not faded until now, and he can't eat one-third of the rice.

"Don't worry brother, we have military here, he memorized the map of that place." Xiao Qiang said, looking at Yan Xiang.

"This is too risky! The territory of the army! Imagine, you can enter their base as much as you want? Anti-aircraft guns and machine guns will blow you into scum in seconds!" Xiao Dong said.

"We won't hit the muzzle, so don't worry too much, bro."

"What do you mean don't worry, let anyone see that you are all hitting the muzzle!"

"We have a plan." Yan Xiang interjected, "Don't worry so much, no one will ask himself to die."

"But this..."

Xiao Dong frowned, and looked at Xiao Qiang again, no matter how hard he seemed to be able to eat this lunch.

So many things have happened in Luokai Town these days, I still don't know how to be grateful to these people, and it's only been a few days since I was reunited with Xiao Qiang.

There is a famous military base in the safe zone of China.The first safe zone they are going to is even more heavily guarded.Of course, Xiao Qiang and Yan Xiang also knew about these things.During the siege of the World Extermination Organization, the defenses built in the safe zone, and the speed at which the reinforcements arrived, were relatively terrifying.

It's like watertight, otherwise it wouldn't be called a safe zone.In addition to large-scale zombie monsters and corresponding strategies, they can shake it there.

On Xiao Qiang's side, there are only a few people, so how can people not be worried?No matter how you think about it, it is beyond reality!
Looking at Xiao Qiang's appearance, it seems that he has made up his mind.Looking at the people on his side, there was not much anxiety, they showed mutual trust.

Xiao Dong didn't say anything more, with his temper, and seeing Xiao Qiang's current appearance, he became ruthless and believed him too!

A sumptuous lunch replenished energy, and at the same time, the off-road vehicle and some necessary luggage were all prepared.

After lunch, Xiao Dong also prepared lunch boxes for each of them, so they must take them with them.

Although the off-road vehicle is only for a certain distance, when it arrives at a certain place, there will be someone to meet it, and these are already arranged.

Thanks also to Yan Xiang, and his messy and incomprehensible assembled instruments.Only then did I get in touch with someone outside, a certain foreign aid...

After the response, the next step is the topic!In other words, go to China's No. [-] safe zone!

"Okay bro, I can't take so many things with me, just bring some necessary supplies." Xiao Qiang said.

Xiao Dong was still frowning, his eyes only revealing reluctance:

"Your boy... Brother is waiting for you to come back! The communication code has also been given to Yan Xiang, so you must contact me if you have anything!"

"Understood, bro, don't make it look like a farewell to death. Don't worry!" Xiao Qiang said.

"Really, your kid has grown up a lot!"

"Okay, everything is ready. The route has also been arranged." Yan Xiang said.

At this moment, the hour hand has entered the afternoon stage. Outside the huge city gate of the southern boundary, a Hummer off-road vehicle has been prepared, the fuel tank is full, and the necessities are also in the trunk.

From the map, there is a very long distance from Luokai Town to China's No. [-] safe zone.If you drive all the time, the road conditions are unknown, even if it is clear all the time, you will have to drive from now until noon tomorrow.Nearly twelve hours, after all, this place is located on the southern border of China.

But if you really drive all the way, you can just give up without going there. With such a long journey, by the time it arrives, the wedding is probably over.

But in Xiao Qiang's view, time is absolutely enough, and the most important point is the transfer station for the reception!

In the next ten hours, it is absolutely impossible to wait for half a second.

"Haven't you seen anyone yet?" Xiao Qiang looked around and asked.

Yao Yan nodded: "Forget it, he doesn't have much to do with this place. Maybe he's already gone."

"It's correct to think so, we can't waste time here, let's go." Yan Xiang added.

And the him mentioned here refers to Zhong Yi, of course.

Since Yao Yan saw him once on the roof last night, he seemed to disappear suddenly.Except in the morning, someone claimed to have seen Zhong Yi in the garden.

But then disappeared again, and there was no trace of it.

Xiao Dong also sent someone to look for it a little bit, but the town is so big, and he turned over again and again, but he couldn't see anyone else.

It's all right... I can't care so much now.

What is certain is that Zhong Yi has no hostility or threat to this place, and the person who has always been used to walking alone doesn't have to worry about where he goes now.

If he left, he was on his own way again.No one knew what he was thinking.

But there will always be a meeting, as long as there is life, there will be this feeling.


The sound of the Hummer off-road vehicle's engine was already heard, and Yao Yan, who had the best driving skills, sat in the driving seat as a matter of course.Xiao Qiang sat in the co-pilot, Yan Xiang and Xuan Wutai sat in the back.

At the city gate, there were still many people who came to see them off, Xiao Qiang leaned out to recruit them.Seeing that he could clearly see the tears glistening in his elder brother's eyes.

There was also a woman pushing a stroller, and the baby in the stroller was also sitting, clapping her hands and looking at herself.

Xiao Qiang recognized that child, maybe it was the one he rescued on the road when he first arrived here.

Step on the accelerator, and then these figures became farther and farther away in sight, and even began to blur...

Xiao Qiang took a deep breath and sat back in his seat.

This is definitely not a farewell, and there are more important things waiting for me ahead...

No matter what, once you make a decision, you will never regret it.Do your best and don't leave yourself with regrets.

(End of this chapter)

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