Apocalypse Mutants Rise

Chapter 384 That's Fear

Chapter 384 That's Fear
Elena recalled, her eyes trembled unknowingly.

At that time, a group of zombies came from the forest and attacked their camp. Moreover, it was late at night, and the night watchmen couldn't react in time.

So in the end, only one-third of the people survived.

This one-third of the people escaped from the camp, followed the road, and finally ran into a gas station on the road, where they took a breath.

But for two consecutive days, I didn't sleep well, those screams and bloody scenes were still shaking in front of my eyes.There is no sense of security in the air.

And the change is not only limited to the number of people, there are a total of nine people who survived in the end.

Seven men, including Elena, a total of two women.

It seems that the realization of the cruelty of the end times started from that time...

At that time, it was temporarily decided to treat the gas station as a temporary camp.Because the terrain is good, there is enough gasoline, and there are cars, even if zombies come, it is easy to escape.

So a seemingly stable life seems to have begun.

But after all, it just seems like...

Originally, the leader of the team failed to escape from the zombie attack and died there.

So this seemingly stable nine-member team was actually extremely chaotic.When no one takes the lead, there will be no orders and restraints, and the selfish nature of people will be fully exposed.

From those few days, Eileen felt that the eyes of those people looking at her were not right.But in order to survive, he didn't say much.

It wasn't until I drove back to look for supplies that I realized that the team was over.

The woman other than himself had committed suicide by swallowing a gun when he went back.When he died, his clothes were still in tatters.

Those four men gave this woman to Lun. cut...

The bruises on this woman's body are enough to imagine her struggle and the beatings of these men.

But no matter how convulsed or uncomfortable her heart was, it was useless, she was already dead.And these four men were also out of control.

They killed the other three men who were upright in the end, and Eileen herself escaped at the end under the cover of those three.

That was the first time, apart from zombies, he faced another threat, but it was much more penetrating.It seems to be much more terrifying than zombie monsters...

After that, Elena, who broke away from the team, was in a state of being alone, and hardly knew how to survive.Facing this entire end times, I don't even know where to go or where to stay.

Until later, finally passed out on the edge of a small town without even drinking a sip of water for two days.

At that time, I thought that I must be dead, as if I could clearly feel the slowing down of my heartbeat.

It's just the fact that it seems to be completely opposite to what I imagined once again.

Afterwards, I do not know when I suddenly woke up again, and my whole body felt like convulsions, as if all the confinement were about to be pulled out of my body alive.The pain doesn't even have the energy to cry out.

That's right... that's when the infected virus cells.I don't know what happened during the time I was in a coma.But after waking up, the whole person is completely different.

Like all infected bodies, they will have a strong desire to eat meat, and Elena is no exception.She preyed on a whole wild deer in the forest!
After that, he was drifting again in the apocalypse, but at that time, even the way he looked at himself changed, and he felt that he had finally become the monster he least wanted to be.

But in the end, there is nothing I can do, because I don’t want to die, I want to live, my instinctive desire to live...

And looking at the colors of this world, they all seem to be gray, and there is no depression in the air.

But it was also for survival, killing human beings, being chased and killed by human beings, and in the end, it was forced to survive and joined the extermination organization.

In the days of the extermination organization, it seemed that life was getting better again.Because they are all of the same kind around them, and they are considered united. At least there are clear rules and leaders, and no one dares to cross the line easily.

But in the final analysis, the World Extermination Organization is just an organization organized by a group of monsters.Killing is like a family meal, and it is more terrifying than cannibals. Because of the monster's instinctive desire, it becomes meat-eating.

Then, later on, after following the Mieshi organization for a long time, there was an operation, but it was ambushed...

It was only later that I realized that it was not an ambush, it was just a coincidence.

A huge army, and several armed aircraft, but that time around him, there were only five infected bodies of the same kind.

There was gunfire, explosions, flames, shaking of the ground.

It was also the first time that Elena realized that she had become someone the army wanted to put to death, and she had to fight them.I want to kill them myself.It was also at that time that I was a little sober.

But with only six infected bodies, it is not enough to compete with that army.I don't know how to deal with the armed planes in the sky alone.

Several other infected bodies were headshot by bullets one after another, or were disintegrated by the bomb, and even their hearts jumped out.

And Elena looked at these, but her body couldn't help trembling.He hid behind an abandoned factory house, but the blood in front of him seemed to be splattering all the time.

That time, she clearly felt the fear, the fear that went deep into the bone marrow.

Fear those people, more afraid of yourself.And Qi also seems to understand that death is already in front of him.

Then several armored vehicles surrounded them, and shells bombarded the abandoned factory house.And Elena hid inside, only watching the house collapse, but did not dare to go out.

The things experienced in the last days flashed quickly in my mind like a comic strip.

Zombies, monsters, death, human nature, fighting, blood, screaming...

Until finally one of the slabs in the house was about to collapse.Elena picked up a pistol and aimed it at her head, thinking of ending all of this, her fingers were trembling on the trigger under the impact of the explosion outside, and she pulled it slowly, short of breath, but These are really enough, I don't want to hold on any longer, so I close my eyes...


The gunshot rang out, but at that moment, he clearly felt a certain force holding his wrist, causing the muzzle of the gun to deviate from his head.Of course, the bullet did not hit the target.

Elena opened her eyes suddenly, before she had time to react, she saw a man standing in front of her, holding her wrist tightly with one hand.He looked at himself coldly and silently, paused for a second, then moved his lips, and finally spoke:
"Do me a favor, I need someone to distract them..."

(End of this chapter)

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