Chapter 354
At this time, Xiao Qiang had already driven the truck for a long distance.

But the gasoline at the beginning has been ignited, like a fuse, and the flames exploded and extended directly to the truck!

The zombie that ignited the gasoline has also been burned to the knees and fell down, and has been burned to the point where only the scorched skeleton remains...

"Brother Dong, over there!"

"You don't need to point it out, I saw it!"

Xiao Dong's eyes widened, and he kept calling Xiao Qiang's name, his eyes followed the ignited gasoline line, and the flames kept burning, rushing towards the truck!

But Xiao Qiang didn't notice it at all at this time, so he stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and then the body of the truck kept rising and falling, crushing the corpse under the tires, as if it might roll over at any time.

The door next to the driver's seat has also been kicked down, and it is now completely hollowed out, so there are constantly screaming zombies, trying to jump into the driver's seat.

Xiao Qiang kicked the rushing zombie while turning the steering wheel, trying to maintain the center of gravity of the truck so that it would not lose its balance and turn over due to the rolling.

Keep moving forward in a "zigzag" shape, thinking to pour gasoline on a wider area as much as possible, so that after ignition, most of the battlefield can be ignited.It was a one-time cleanup.

According to what Yan Xiang said, those tentacles seem to be afraid of fire, so those biochemical monsters must be burned to ashes!
"Xiao Qiang~!"

And at this time, the zombie who had just kicked away and almost jumped in, suddenly heard a voice.Xiao Qiang was stunned for a moment, isn't this the voice of his elder brother Xiao Dong?

Immediately, the first reaction was to look at the rearview mirror, but it didn't matter if he looked at it, and he shuddered directly...

Well, what is that?The fire in the back!

Immediately, he leaned out and looked directly behind, Xiao Qiang stared wide-eyed, only to see that the gasoline tracks poured from the truck had been ignited now!Now it seems to be catching up with the burning!A trajectory that is already very obvious.

At this time, the fuel tank was still leaking, and at this moment, his mind seemed to be empty again.

what to do?This is the only way to open up such a small place!
Xiao Qiang frowned and kept looking at the flames chasing after him in the rearview mirror.

"Buzz buzz~~"

The sound of the engine suddenly seemed to explode, Xiao Qiang just gritted his teeth and ignored it.Now I can clearly see those moving tentacles outside, and I will definitely give up if I don't solve those things.

Immediately, he slammed the steering wheel again, causing the whole truck to bend out of a line. The front of the truck was constantly ups and downs, as if it was more difficult to walk than a mountain road.And those who kept colliding were all walking corpses, acting like human shields one by one.

At this moment Xiao Dong was standing on the city wall, staring blankly at the truck below, with a bunch of question marks in his mind.

Xiao Qiang definitely heard his own voice, otherwise he wouldn't have changed direction so suddenly.But why doesn't he stop!The flame behind will catch up soon!


The sound of the engine seemed to fill his ears, and he ignored the rushing zombies and just turned the steering wheel to knock them away.

Almost all attention was on the rearview mirror, Xiao Qiang kept looking at where the flames were chasing behind.

But the road is full of all kinds of corpses, and it feels like it will be blocked and overturned at any time. If it runs over a giant zombie, the speed will slow down sharply.

After walking a short distance, I saw that the flame behind had rushed over, getting closer and closer!
Xiao Qiang tensed his nerves, an idea suddenly came to his mind, and he didn't struggle with it for half a second, and immediately implemented it.


He tore the tattered knit T-shirt he was wearing, then ignored the steering wheel, leaned down, and wrapped the gas pedal with the strip of cloth.

Just as he let go of the steering wheel, the car body also changed its direction following the bumps, and tilted once violently, as if Xiao Qiang was almost shaken out just as he tied the accelerator.

But now there is no need to wait for the last moment, he directly put his feet on the edge of the driving seat, and then jumped out.

This truck has also entered the unmanned state, crashing and crushing zombies everywhere, just like this, it has been heading straight in a chaotic direction.

After knocking down an ordinary zombie, Xiao Qiang got up immediately and made up for another blow with the black blade.But as soon as he got up, he saw the flames following the route he had just driven, and he kept chasing after him!

Directly passing by, the flames were emitting black smoke, but the flames that contrasted sharply with the darkness also illuminated the surroundings very brightly, as if the sight was lit.

Xiao Qiang panted heavily, and turned his head, but just after he saw the truck that had driven some distance away, he saw a giant zombie suddenly hit by the moving front of the truck, followed by a fierce Shaking, the rear wheels spun a few times, and the whole body fell sideways!


With a pleasant muffled sound, the truck finally stopped, but the engine was still running and the wheels were spinning rapidly.

However, what attracted attention just now was the flames that followed the gasoline line...

Only a few seconds later...


Accompanied by the flames that illuminated the entire battlefield, the ground was shaken accordingly, the truck had already exploded, and a wave of heat rushed over in an instant.

The zombies around the truck were all blown out, and because of the gasoline contamination, the bodies of the zombies were all burned one by one.

The trajectory that was originally detoured all started to the left and right, and at a glance, it could be seen that there were burning flames everywhere.

What's even more eye-catching is the foot of the city, which is also burning at the moment, like a line of defense, and the zombies who staggered over were all ignited one by one.Especially the python-like tentacles, it seems that the body itself has combustible components, as soon as it touches the flames, the body immediately looks like a rotten log, and is quickly burnt to black...

Xiao Qiang panted heavily, looking around, his body could clearly feel the heat flow.What echoed in my ears were heartbeats and the low growls of zombies.

It's just that it's too quiet now, at least here, the northern border of Luokai Town, the situation has been completely controlled.Moreover, this large number of zombies who came to attack the city were finally successfully stopped and wiped out one by one.

On the city wall, there was another very hurried footstep, stepping on the stairs from the city and turning the corner, with a nervous face full of panic, he ran over quickly.

The people who stopped also gave in one after another, because seeing the eyes of this person coming up, it was enough to feel what she was looking for.

This person is Fang Qing...

The black hair in the shawl was messed up by the blowing cold wind, Fang Qing only wrapped in a coat and ran over quickly.Then he searched among the crowd on the city wall, and soon saw Xiao Dong's figure first, and then looked aside...

Xiao Dongzheng was a little dazed, and recognized the girl at a glance.Didn't he come here with that Colonel Liu?How did she come here!

But before she could ask a question, Fang Qing quickly ran to the front, but to her surprise, she came here for this infected body.

"Yan Xiang, Yan Xiang!"

Fang Qing's voice was a little choked and trembling, she knelt down, and when she saw Yan Xiang's current state, tears filled her eyes again.And kept calling his name.

"I... I'm fine." Yan Xiang immediately opened his eyes.

I originally thought that it would be best to fall asleep, because if I fell asleep, these pains would not be so obvious, and even if it was an attack type, after waking up, the key injuries would definitely heal.But when he heard Fang Qing's voice at this time, he no longer had any intention of falling asleep.

The corner of her mouth raised, but at this time, she felt very relieved to be able to see Fang Qing at a glance.


"Da da da da da da da da da da!"



Gunshots, explosions, flashes of fire, trembling ground.All of this sketched out the situation of the battle outside the city wall of the southern boundary.

The ears were so shaken that they roared all the time, the flames continued, and the bullets were pulled into a huge firepower net to cover them at any time!
Compared with the battle in the northern boundary of the city, this place is more like a real large-scale battlefield.

All the original defenses and formations are now in use, all kinds of sophisticated weapons, sufficient ammunition, and the confrontation, of course, is this huge number of main zombie teams!

Because the speed zombie team that was driving at the front was blocked and wiped out, the difficulty of combat is relatively reduced now.

But it still doesn't seem to have half a second to breathe. The zombies are like a huge flow of corpses. What we need to do now is to stop it from spreading!

The huge firepower and the rockets flying past played a very decisive blocking role, but even so, it only temporarily slowed down the footsteps of these walking corpses. If there is any negligence, this powerful stream of corpses, It will break through the defense and rush in...

If you look at it from the top of the city wall, it is completely dark, and the restless momentum on the ground makes people think that the enemy with thousands of troops has already attacked the foot of the city.

But the battles in the last days are always different from those before the last days, because what we have to deal with now are these zombies who don't know pain and only know how to move completely for food.

And even if the firepower is very fierce at this moment, many people who were at the forefront of the front line of the city wall were injured, and a group of people were also lost.And these wounded ones were all forced to come here in the chaotic battle.

At that time, they were dealing with the last small team of speed zombies, but now, all those skinny monsters have been wiped out.Although some people were lost...

At the rear of the city wall, stretchers and white sheets are everywhere, but they are constantly stained red with blood.

Fortunately, Yao Yan has arrived here now, and with the addition of a capable doctor, the efficiency has improved a lot.But many of these wounded are dying.

There are also many who are bitten or scratched by speed zombies. They know that they are infected with the virus and will soon become zombies.Therefore, only the main areas were simply bandaged, and some of them gritted their teeth and rushed to the front line of the battlefield before even stopping the bleeding.

The reason is simple, they are true iron-blooded soldiers.With his last breath left, he also chose to use up his last strength on this battlefield. In this way, even if this life will end here, there is no regret.

Yao Yan kept wiping the sweat from her forehead, and never stopped since she arrived here.It was also Liu Shan who summoned him to come here.At that time, I also saw the whole process of the battle on the roof of the northern boundary, but after seeing the end, I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But the end of the world can always tense people's nerves. The northern border is coming to an end, while the southern border has become the main battlefield and now is the time for fierce fighting.

Although there is still a city wall separated, the scale of the battle outside the city wall can already be clearly felt.The sound of explosions continued to be deafening, and the ground trembled continuously.

Yao Yan tore off several layers of gauze, then used scissors to sew up a soldier's wound, and at the same time wrapped the gauze skillfully and quickly.

But in the next second, the soldier...had stopped moving.

Only then did he realize that he had been hit by a shrapnel in his chest. Even if the bleeding was stopped, he would still have no heartbeat.

Yao Yan frowned tightly, her gaze trembling.

No matter how many times, I don't want to see this scene again.But I still can't stop, there are many other people who need to be treated...

"Go, Colonel!"

On the city wall, a communications soldier ran over panting heavily.

Liu Shan put down the binoculars in his hand, and was watching the battlefield with all his attention.

"what happened?"

"Yes, good news. Colonel!" said the soldier, "The situation in the northern border has been completely controlled. The zombies are almost beaten, and now it's the finale. I just heard that you can command this side with peace of mind." battle."

Liu Shan nodded and took a long breath.

It seemed that while he was caring about that side, Xiao Dong was also worrying about this place all the time.This is of course absolutely good news.

It's just that it's just started here not long ago, and what we can do now is to fight with all our strength!

"Da da da da da da da da da..."

"Da da da da da!"

Several Gatlings were attacking forward, with powerful firepower and bullets ejected from the rapidly rotating wheels.The zombies who were also rushing to the front were disintegrated directly by the powerful firepower, as if their bodies were scattered.Falling down in layers.

At this moment, it was as if a wire was separated in the middle, dividing these zombies out of the boundary, and the bullets covering them fully played the role of this boundary.Let these zombies fall in groups, and the corpses pile up, becoming a battle like a war of attrition.

Moreover, Liu Shan's original arrangement for this battle formation is very reasonable, and they can all work together to play the greatest role.

But even so, it should have been smoother.Because now a very important part of the formation is missing... that is, the combat team in the air.

As for the armed planes, all of them have been dispatched to the northern boundary, and even the empty ammunition in reserve has been exhausted.Therefore, without the combat team in the air, it can be regarded as a great loss of strength.

Liu Shan stood on the city wall with binoculars in his hands, looking for something among the huge crowd of zombies.

Because I don't know why, I feel that the current situation is a bit too good.It should be said that it is too stable... like a complete war of attrition.

But in such a huge team of walking corpses, how could there not be a few special individuals in it?If the World Extermination Organization arranges this zombie attack, it is absolutely impossible to prepare only these.

However, it has been so long since the battle started, but there is still no obvious movement.

Liu Shan frowned tightly, put down the binoculars and let out a long breath.Is it because I think too much...


"Uh ah ah!"

However, suddenly at the next moment, after a loud explosion, it was mixed with people's screams.

Liu Shan looked over immediately, and immediately searched for the root cause!He also took a breath for an instant.

I saw that at the forefront of the combat team, there was already a Gatling machine gunner missing.Turning his eyes again, he looked at the air. The machine gunner was wrapped around his neck by a python-like tentacles, and then the tentacles locked tightly, directly strangling the soldier's neck!Hanging on the spine, blood gushed out!

But... that thing is... a biochemical body?

But how could there be such long tentacles!This biochemical body has never been seen before!
And at the moment of shock, another person at the forefront of the battle line was also wrapped around his body by a tentacle that jumped out violently, and he was torn to death abruptly.

It was as if a few boa constrictors were really attacking.

Liu Shan frowned tightly, obviously just let go of his worries a little bit, but unexpectedly, it really came true!
"Da da da da da da da da da da!"

"Da da da da da da..."

The gunfire didn't stop, and because it was too dense, it couldn't be noticed without the two in front.But everyone also saw the scene just now, and now they only felt a chill down their backs.And he can't wait to annihilate this group of corpses every second.

"Uh woo woo!"

At this moment, the roar that distinguishes the roar of the zombies poured into the ears again!

Then I saw a monster with a swollen body standing up from the corpses, and it was only when it was raised that I saw that this monster was actually eating its own kind!

Isn't this the style of a biochemical body?But how come... this monster doesn't look like a biochemical body at all!
"Contact the northern border immediately and report the situation here. If they encounter the same monster, I need the actual combat information of this monster!" Liu Shan said quickly.

"Ugh woohoo!"

The roaring sound continued, and the tentacles in front pulled back the corpses of the two machine gunners, and then directly swallowed them into the bloody mouth of the abdomen, and the blood overflowed.And its body seems to be changing slightly.

"Colonel Liu, about the corpse fluid..." Yao Yan walked over quickly, wanting to add some information that Liu Shan probably didn't have time to understand.

That is what I learned when I was at the information station of the World Extermination Organization.

"Wait, wait a minute." Immediately, Liu Shan's eyes widened instantly, and then he looked towards the distance among the huge zombie team, with a very shocked expression, "That's...could it be said!"

Yao Yan immediately followed his gaze, but the next second, she was also stunned in astonishment.

Among this very huge group of corpses, there was actually a figure rushing toward him, splitting a path of blood from the middle!And there is only one figure, alone!

Is that... an infected body?

(End of this chapter)

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