Apocalypse Mutants Rise

Chapter 314 Xiao Qiang and the Colonel

Chapter 314 Xiao Qiang and the Colonel

The moonlight gradually faded, replaced by this hazy sky, dawn is about to usher.

Many things in the wasteland can be clearly seen in outline, but at the same time, more are all white that blurs vision.It seems to extend to a place that cannot be seen, but it is different from the sky.

Somewhere down a steep slope with scattered trees, there was a stream.The stream was not frozen, and still made a sound, flowing continuously into the distance.

The huge wind current gradually weakened, the rotor gradually slowed down, and the helicopter stopped on the steep slope, next to the stream.

The hatch opened, and Yao Yan walked out first.

His eyes were bloodshot, and he hadn't closed his eyes all night.

And others, they have no way of knowing.I only know that this is the fourth change of location.After stopping for a while, I changed places, and at the same time hoped to see a familiar figure in the snow.

But every time I am disappointed...

"Let's take a good rest here first." Yao Yan turned and said to Yan Xiang who had just come down.

The cold wind passed by, blowing the long hair behind the shoulders, covering the ears, and fluttering at the end of the eyebrows.

Yan Xiang looked back into the cabin, and saw that Fang Qing and Xuan Wutai were already asleep leaning against the seats.Looked very embarrassed.

Who is not...

But neither of them felt any drowsiness, even though their eyes were exhausted to the limit, just as they closed their eyes, they suddenly saw the fire that used to shoot into the sky again.Then I personally brought it into the explosion, and then I was awakened.

When the village was detonated, the helicopter had already flown a very long distance.But explosions of that scale can still be seen clearly in the sky.The fire that is used to rushing into the sky, and the trembling earth.

As long as he thought about whether Xiao Qiang was still there, he would no longer feel sleepy in his consciousness.If you close your eyes, they will open quickly.

As for Fang Qing and Xuan Wutai, they didn't sleep well either.It's just that the body and consciousness are really exhausted, so at some point, they fell asleep and fell asleep.

That's okay, they always need a rest.

"Is there no place for people to live near here?" Yao Yan asked, brushing her hair behind her ear.

"This is the junction, very remote. Generally, the more this kind of place is before the end of the world, the more likely there will be riots. So no one wants to live in this kind of area after a long time." Yan Xiang said quickly, "It's just There is one, but the safety of that place is not yet confirmed. It is just a temporary rest stop. Before we find Xiao Qiang, we should rest here first..."

Yao Yan frowned slightly, but didn't say much more.

Just standing here, breathing in the cool breeze, both of them were thinking at the same time, which direction could Xiao Qiang go?Should I go back and have a look, go back to that village to see what happened there.

But at this time, it is still not sure whether the village is safe.Whether the team of the World Extermination Organization and the army have withdrawn.Even the source of the explosion and the scope of its spread are completely unclear.

"Wait a little longer, let's go back and have a look." Yao Yan said, "We will definitely find some clues."

Yan Xiang nodded his head acquiescingly, this wasteland is so big, now thinking about it, this is the only feasible way.

And at the original border, along the direction where the long river stretches, there is the only trace of a tire in the snow.It looks very organized.



Xiao Qiang shot a bullet and immediately woke up instinctively.Immediately turned his head and looked aside, when did he sit in the co-pilot seat!
"You, when did you wake up!"

Immediately regained his energy, he stared blankly at the colonel sitting in the driver's seat.The tactical vest on his body was already full of rips, and a piece on the back was directly torn.His complexion was also very bad, but he still tried to start the pickup truck.

As soon as Xiao Qiang woke up, he immediately looked at his pocket...

"Don't look for it, the gun is here." Xiao Qiang said helplessly.

"What is this place!" asked the Colonel.

"I don't know, but it's very far away from that village. I don't know how long I drove to get here." Xiao Qiang replied.

The colonel looked away for a while, looking very tangled in his expression, while looking down at one of his arms.It has been tightly bound with soft cotton and strips of cloth.It's a bandage to stop the bleeding.

"You made this?"

Xiao Qiang nodded: "You have a lot of trauma, but now the bleeding has stopped. I bandaged it pretty well~"

The colonel frowned tightly, shook his head and stared at Xiao Qiang, his eyes were full of doubts:
"What are your plans?"

"Attempt?" Xiao Qiang was stunned for a moment, "What, attempt?"

"Why save me?"

"You just want to ask this?" Xiao Qiang exhaled helplessly, "There are so many reasons, I think you are dying, and you are not like that kind of soldier with twisted thinking, so I will help you a little."

"I still want to play tricks..." The colonel turned his head, "What conditions do you want to ask?"

"Conditions?" Xiao Qiang was even more confused, "I just saved you, why are there so many messes? Make it seem like I still owe you something."

"I've seen a lot of people like you, and I don't want to waste time with you." The colonel said, "Whether you want to..."


Xiao Qiang interrupted the colonel before he finished speaking, and pushed the door of the driver's seat open.

"If you talk about these messes, you can go straight down." Xiao Qiang said, "Where are there so many things, now I don't know where it is, and I still try to play tricks? If you don't believe it, just get off the car, and I will I didn't save you."

This series of words made the colonel a little stunned, and he actually asked himself to get out of the car?

Shouldn't it be his life now?How could you let him go so easily?

"That's what you said."

"Well, go down quickly." Xiao Qiang said impatiently.

The colonel is still very vigilant, after all, the one sitting next to him is an infected body.But since he was letting himself go, what was he doing staying in this threatening carriage?
Immediately, he struggled to move his body and wanted to get out of the car.But as soon as the body moved, a piercing pain burst out from everywhere.

Gritting his teeth, he insisted on moving his feet out of the driving seat.The snow on the snow field outside made a "squeak" sound, and then dragged his body and the other foot to get off, barely standing on his knees, and he got off the car.

There was still a cold wind blowing outside, and the sky had just dawned, so the air in the early morning was dry and cold.Looking around again, there is a vast expanse of snow, as far as the eye can see.It's like a snow-covered desert, with no end in sight, let alone where you are.


Xiao Qiang closed the car door tightly, then moved and sat on the driver's seat, looking helplessly at the dazed colonel standing outside.

Turning the key, the engine started normally, and then turned the steering wheel and stepped on the accelerator to drive out.

I have been coming out of that village yesterday, I don't know how far I drove, and finally stopped here when I was really tired.I thought about sleeping for a while and resting, but I didn't expect that it would be daytime when I woke up.

What's more, he didn't expect that the colonel was quite tough. The injuries on his body looked terrible, but he woke up fine and could move around freely.

Forget it, there was no need to save him anyway.After all, one army and one infected body are originally hostile.


The engine made a strenuous sound, as if it was about to be scrapped, but the car still gradually moved away in sight.

The colonel, that is, Liu Shan, was completely dazed, looking at the pickup truck in a daze...

Hey, why did you really leave yourself here?

What is this place?

Isn't this body looking for death if it wants to get out of here?

And what's the matter with the infected body, there is no condition or conspiracy, it really saved him so simply?And it's so easy to throw it away!Just throw it away!
"If you don't even have a word of thanks, you're looking for trouble. If you knew it, you shouldn't have rescued him." Xiao Qiang steered the steering wheel and stepped on the gas pedal.Glancing in the rearview mirror, he was immediately taken aback.

In the rearview mirror, the colonel was waving with one hand up in a very funny way, while shouting "stop" or something.

Frowning, he took a deep breath helplessly.


Xiao Qiang turned the steering wheel again, then turned around and drove back, and carried the colonel to the passenger seat again...

Continue to turn the steering wheel, turn the car around, and drive forward.

But this time the colonel was finally a lot more honest, and he sat in the passenger seat honestly as soon as he got up, and didn't say much.It looked very tangled and a little awkward.

"Colonel Liu, your name is Liu Shan, right?" Xiao Qiang asked.

"Ah... well, yes, how do you know?"

"I saw the nameplate you're carrying, and it has your name engraved on it. It seems that all soldiers have this."

"This is not for everyone." Liu Shan said, feeling extremely embarrassed.



The engine made a rattling sound, and the car seemed to be stuck as if it had been hindered.Although it is still moving forward, it has become a little bumpy.

It seems that after driving all night, the car has reached its limit.

Xiao Qiang looked at the front cover of the car, but there was nothing he could do, he didn't know how to repair a car at all.

But now he is much more energetic, and after a good night's sleep, all the injuries on his body have recovered.Although this body is still a bit awkward, as long as the virus cells are not called, there won't be too many strange and difficult feelings.

"Do you have a target location?" Liu Shan asked tentatively.

"No." Xiao Qiang replied very simply, "But they are heading in this direction, so they should be able to meet if they keep going forward."

Liu Shan looked helpless, it seems that the infected body's thinking level is very limited, how could it be so naive.

But this seems to be the only choice for Xiao Qiang in the current situation.

Scattered with Yan Xiang and Yao Yan, all I can think of now is to find them and reunite with them.

"They mean your companions?" Liu Shan exhaled coldly, his brows still frowning, because he was very puzzled.

How could there be such an infection?He didn't seem to pose any threat to himself, and he didn't care.

Thinking back to when he was in that village, it seemed that the World Extermination Organization also wanted his life.It shows that they are really hostile to those infected bodies.

"Are you really an infected body?" Liu Shan asked again.

Xiao Qiang nodded: "You have so many questions, can you help me find a solution now? We seem to be lost."

Looking around, it was completely white.It should be said that it doesn't seem to be right now, it is simply lost now...

Moreover, according to the data displayed on the previous instrument, there is not much gasoline left.

I was a little anxious because I didn't know how Yao Yan and the others were doing at the moment, let alone where they were.

"Road, map..." Liu Shan frowned.He glanced at the infected body sitting beside him again.It just feels like confusion in my mind.I never imagined that there would be such a day, in the same car as an infected body.It's crazy...

But now it seems that there is no room for any choice. This situation is considered very good, and I am still alive.So let's not think about those too complicated things for the time being, and take care of the present first.

"I know the map of this area." Liu Shan said.

"Are you familiar?" Xiao Qiang raised his spirits, as if he saw some hope.

Liu Shan was still not quite used to it, so he just nodded: "I know this area quite well. I have to make sure that there should be a long river here, in which direction? So we can judge our current approximate location."

"That river..." Xiao Qiang frowned, and immediately remembered, "The thing I've been paying attention to before is walking in the direction of that river. It's right here!"

Said, pointed to the past.

Liu Shan looked in this direction, but there was more white snow in his sight.But take a closer look... It is true that you can see the wave light reflected by the undulations in the farther distance.Presumably there is the surface of the water.



The engine seems to be getting harder and harder, and it feels like the front of the car is going to smoke soon.

Xiao Qiang rubbed his fingers, he could still clearly feel the biting chill.Now the clothes on his body are only a broken sweater and jeans. The glass of this car is cracked and there are gaps, and the cold wind can still blow in.

But at this time, Yao Yan and the others were more concerned.

What I can be sure of is that I am fine now, and they don't know what it is...

"The approximate location in this direction." Liu Shan pondered for a moment, and finally realized right away, "I know it should be near here, and there is a temporary resting place. You can refuel and stay there. It used to be privately run."

Xiao Qiang frowned slightly: "I want to..."

"Are you looking for your companion?" Liu Shan interrupted, and then breathed out a cold breath, "You don't know where they went, and now you don't even know where you are. This car is about to be scrapped. There is not much left. You and I are both like this... Do you think there is no possibility to continue blindly looking for important things, or stop first, and then have a chance to discuss important things in the long run?"

The Colonel gave a long list of reasons, each of which was absolutely true at the moment.It can only be said that he is worthy of being a colonel. He has this kind of summarizing ability.Let no one have any reason to refute.

After struggling for a moment, Xiao Qiang let out a long breath, then stepped on the brakes:

"Come and point out the direction, the direction of that place..."


After dawn, the sun rose, and the morning light shone on the entire land, making this endless snow-covered wasteland even more white.The cold wind has been diluted a lot, as if there is no wind.

In addition to the huge wind current driven by the rotor in the air.

"Huh, huh, huh~~"

A helicopter flew across the sky, heading towards a completely scorched area in the wasteland.

Yan Xiang was driving in the driver's seat, and there were already dark circles around his eyes.However, there is still no sleepiness. When thinking about Xiao Qiang's situation, I feel inexplicably anxious in my heart. I want to find the answer as soon as possible, at least to know whether he is still alive.

The helicopter kept moving forward, and the scorched area gradually became clearer.

Yao Yan was also looking down through the window, but at this moment everyone's eyes were filled with complete astonishment...

I thought that the World Extermination Organization and the government had decided the outcome, so this place should be occupied by a certain party.So at the beginning, there was still a vigilant defense, thinking that if you can't get close, you can escape at any time.

But now it seems that there is no need to turn around at all, this place... has turned into ruins!
Was the explosion really in this village...

Looking down from the sky, the completely collapsed ruins, the flames have been burned out, and the original appearance cannot be distinguished at all.

"What the hell happened?"




The engine of the pickup truck is already at its limit, and now the speed has slowed down, and it freezes after a certain distance.The oil in the fuel tank is also the last stage of depletion.

Xiao Qiang stepped on the accelerator, looked at the snow-covered wasteland in front of him, and finally saw a building.Slightly relieved.

It seems to be going well, I thought I would find the wrong place.

The car continued to move forward, getting closer and closer to the rest stop.Then the outline can be seen clearly.

This seems to be a rather large private courtyard, and there is a building with about four floors inside, and it should have a square meter, but it is not very obvious when looking through the fence.

And this fence seems...someone deliberately modified it.

Barbed wire was added on it, and some wooden boards and the like were raised.It seems to be taking precautions.

But the door to this place is open, and two very tall wooden doors are wide open on both sides, and if you get closer, you can see some of the inside clearly.

It looks like a western-style building in the 70s, and you can't see a single person at a glance, but the place is deserted.

"Is it right here?" Xiao Qiang looked around and asked.

Liu Shan nodded, his face was not very good, and his brows were still furrowed, as if he was completely vigilant.He watches it all:
"Give me the gun..."

"Ah?" Xiao Qiang was taken aback for a moment, Benben raised a little excitement, but why did he suddenly?

"I said give me back the gun." Liu Shan repeated, looking around, with more and more warning in his sharp eyes, "There is something wrong here..."

(End of this chapter)

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