Chapter 257
At this moment, everyone who saw this scene widened their eyes completely without blinking their eyelids. They focused their gazes in the same direction in astonishment, and then slowly moved upwards.

I saw Xiao Qiang running directly along the wall of this building, and then galloping up step by step, as if running on flat ground.But this, this is a vertical building!


Every step up, you can hear the sound of bricks and stones being broken.

Looking carefully, Xiao Qiang's every step almost created a sunken crack on the wall.The bloody fibers on the calves and ankles also burst out continuously, but only at the moment when they touched the wall.As if keeping the body parallel to the ground, he ran up straight with both feet stepping on the wall.

All the people on the air fighter looked at the scene directly below in horror.

An infected body is running up the wall of the building!This, how could such a thing happen!



Of course the attack didn't stop there, a missile flew over and directly hit the wall of this building, just above where Xiao Qiang hadn't reached yet.The impact of the huge explosion spread out, a gap was blown out of the wall of the building, and the shattered masonry fell to the ground, making the sound of the masonry crumbling.

I thought that the infected body would be shaken down, but unexpectedly, his right arm, in the form of a huge black blade, pierced directly into the wall, and then hung his body on the wall of the building.After all the gravel fell down, he stepped on the wall again and continued to run upwards!

In addition to being frightened, the empty team panicked for a while, the infected body was obviously coming towards him.

But it's okay, it's absolutely impossible for him to touch it.This is in the air, so what if he ran to the building.



Immediately afterwards, several missiles flew out, aiming at the side wall of the building. The sound of the explosion was deafening, and the falling huge bricks and stones seemed to feel that the whole building was about to collapse.

The gunpowder smoke gradually dissipated, and everyone searched for the figure of the infected body with all their strength.But there is no sign of him on the bombed and incomplete wall, below?All piled up gravel bricks.

Just when I was about to breathe a sigh of relief, there was another voice from the communicator!A helicopter saw the infected body on the other wall of the building, and he continued to run upwards!

The empty team was originally in a dispersed form, but now it has surrounded the building.

But I saw that the infected body ran to another wall at some point, and his feet seemed to be completely flexible on this wall, as if they had the same freedom as running on flat ground!
At this time, it was too late to launch another missile. With an explosion, the missile just hit the building.And at this time Xiao Qiang had already reached the top of the building!On top of these dozens of stories of high-rise buildings!
The cold wind whistled wantonly in his ears, but Xiao Qiang didn't feel anything at all.His eyes were full of anger and murderous look around the sky, the several planes in the building.

"Da da da da da!"

"Da da da da da da da da da..."

At this time, the machine guns on several planes had been activated at the same time, and the center of firepower was Xiao Qiang!All the bullets flew fiercely.

However, this did not have any effective effect on Xiao Qiang. When the bullet hit him, it was either blocked by the black armor horniness, or blood-colored fibers burst out, as if it healed itself in an instant.

Of course, it is impossible for these planes to use this machine gun as the main attack, they are just delaying a little.Then raise the altitude of the plane a little bit, and at the same time keep a little distance from the roof of the building, otherwise, based on the current state of the infected monster, no one would have expected him to do something amazing again.

After finally drawing some distance away from the roof of the building, the missile flew over again!



They flew over from several different directions together.All hit the roof of the building where Xiao Qiang was.

"Boom! Boom!"

The flames of the explosion covered the pupils, and the flames at this height seemed to be visible from many corners of the city.

But the power of the missile was too powerful. The roof of the building was blown up beyond recognition. It collapsed and shattered, and the upper floors all disintegrated!A group of cracked stones fell together.

They all saw that the top floors of the building, including the roof, had collapsed. I am afraid that the infected body...


However, in the next second, all expectations were rejected.I saw a black shadow jumping out of the smoke on the roof of the collapsed building!

The figure drew an arc in the air, as if jumping with all its strength.Taking a closer look, this is not some broken masonry item, it is Xiao Qiang!

His entire body leaped onto the roof of another building across the road, and his body completed an impossible leap in the air.

Of course, this was not the end at all, I saw that he had just landed on the ground, then he picked up the huge stone and threw it out.

Like flying shells, they flew towards the fighter plane one by one.

One of the approaching planes failed to react and retreated, and was directly hit by the slate on the link under the rotor.Immediately afterwards, the entire plane lost its gravity balance, and then began to spin and gradually fall.

Xiao Qiang stomped on the roof of the building fiercely, then raised huge bricks and threw them continuously.



Of course, this is not worth the missile attack at all.Several missiles flew over again...



This time the scene was even more grand, as the roof of the building was completely blown apart.However, it was also the same, at that moment Xiao Qiang's whole body jumped out violently!

"Da da da da da da da da da..."

The machine gun was pointed and fired, but it was too difficult to aim and even a hit seemed to have no effect on him.If the missile is fired again, it will only pass behind or in front of him.

Xiao Qiang immediately jumped to the roof of the next building.The moment he landed, the ground of the roof was cracked by the impact brought by his feet.

At this time, several fighter jets turned around and aimed at this side again.

It's just that before the missile was launched this time, Xiao Qiang suddenly ran across the roof, dashed forward and then ran to the edge of the building like a run-up, and then explosively exerted force with his legs, and his whole body slammed Jumped into the air!
And a fighter plane that only reacted at this time did not expect him to attack in this direction at all!Seeing the infected body leaping from the roof enlarge in the pupils, the distance is getting closer and closer!

With a muffled sound, Xiao Qiang leaped directly to the front window of the fighter plane.The ferocious and murderous look in the pupils sent chills down the driver's spine.

He, he is only separated by a glass now!
The next second interrupted this thought, because more than...

Xiao Qiang raised an arm backwards, and then that arm mutated into the shape of a heavy hammer, and then slammed it towards the glass surface of the fighter!
(End of this chapter)

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