Moe God Believer

Chapter 661 Seven Deadly Sins Church Intervention

Chapter 661 Seven Deadly Sins Church Intervention

"I haven't been able to take down that dark elf tribe yet!!" All parties of the dark forces looked at the returning remnants of the defeated general, and their eyes were full of disbelief.

"Where is Master Moto?"

The members of the Church of the Bone God looked around and asked if they saw Motuo.

"Well, Lord Motuo has already..."

Facing the questioning, the four top experts who fled back hesitated for a while before telling the truth.

"What, what!!"

When they learned that Motuo had fallen, the members of the Church of the Bone God suddenly felt dark, because Motuo was the highest-ranked believer of the Bone God.The fall of Motuo was definitely a huge blow to the Church of the Bone God.

"Damn cute god sect!!"

At the same time as they learned of Motuo's fall, all parties in the dark forces also knew that it was the Mengshen Cult that was helping the Dark Elf tribe. For this, all parties also hated it.

"Or, let's go and destroy the Mengshen Sect first." The staff of the Bone God said angrily.However, no one from other churches responded to the suggestion made by the members of the Church of the Bones God.

"Everyone, if that Luo Yi is not removed, then this plan will not go ahead." Looking at the silent crowd, the staff of the Bone God Church said loudly.

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of all parties moved slightly. Indeed, the support of the Mengshen Cult made them fail to attack the Dark Elf tribe twice. Therefore, if the factor of the Mengshen Cult is not removed, then the Dark Elf tribe is really not sure. If it can be won, if there is no dark elf tribe, then how can this pry open the gate of the main city of the dark elves to blackmail the dark elves.

But to attack the Mengshen Sect, it is tantamount to completely offending the Mengshen Sect. Many churches are not willing to deal with such an enemy as the Mengshen Sect.

After all, Luo Yi can kill a strong man like Motuo. Such a strong combat power is enough for many weak churches to think about it.

Moreover, according to the narration of the four top powerhouses, the female devil who was frightened in the dark world before seems to have a close relationship with the Mengshen Sect.

"Otherwise, send some people to attack the Mengshen Sect and force Luo Yi back, and then another group of people is attacking the Dark Elf Tribe, what do you think?" The staff of the God of Enslavement Church said.

The Thousand Eyes Demon God and the Enslaved God Church agree with the proposal of the Skeleton God Church to attack the Moe God Sect. However, the Thousand Eyes Demon God and the Enslaved God Church have no power in Twilight City, so it is useless for them to agree However, it is still possible to come up with an idea to fan the hostility towards the Mengshen Sect.

Regarding the proposal of the Church of the God of Slavery, many churches thought it was good, but some churches shook their heads and said: "Our church's troops have been lost in this battle, and we really can't send any more personnel."

Attacking the Dark Elf Tribe twice, and failing twice, caused the major churches to lose a lot of their elite forces. The powerful churches were alright, but this was a big loss for those weaker churches.

"Everyone, you want benefits but don't want to contribute. How can there be such a good thing in this world." Seeing that those churches did not plan to produce people, the staff of the God of Slavery Church couldn't help it, said.

"Attacking the Mengshen Sect to force that Luo Yi to come back is also counted as an action here." At this time, the strongest leaders of the church spoke and said.

Hearing that, those churches shut their mouths one after another. Since they can also get contributions by attacking the Mengshen Sect and participate in the final share of the loot, there is no problem.

As for the shortage of personnel, although it is a little bit, it has not yet reached the point where no one can be sent out.

Soon, all parties quickly formulated a third wave plan. Among them, churches that are not particularly strong, such as the God of Bones, are responsible for attacking the Mengshen Sect. They do not need to really destroy the Mengshen Sect, as long as they can force Luo Yi to come back. Therefore, it does not need too much strength.

And the most powerful churches sent personnel to attack the dark elf tribe again.

However, this plan was severely stopped by the Church of Darkness and Destruction before it even started. They went to attack the Dark Elves and ripped off the Dark Elves. The Church of Darkness and Destruction has no objections. The dark world is the law of the jungle, and the weak are exploited by the strong. It's normal, but it's absolutely impossible to attack the Mengshen Sect.

The Church of Darkness and Destruction is still waiting for Luo Yi to expose the power of darkness and break up with the forces of light. Now that the church of dark forces is attacking the Mengshen Sect, isn't this a stumbling block for the plan of the Church of Darkness and Destruction? Besides, this cute God's religion is really so easy to mess with.

"How to do?"

The plan was rejected by the Church of Darkness and Destruction, and the forces of all parties gathered together to discuss again. Although all parties were very annoyed by the forcible intervention of the Church of Darkness and Destruction, they did not have the courage to sing against the Church of Darkness and Destruction.

Just when all parties were thinking hard to find a new solution, a man in a Chinese robe walked in, and then, the man looked at everyone arrogantly, "A small cute god can't solve it, it's really useless to be so blind Many people, but you are also very lucky, I have brought you good news."

"Does the Church of Sin of Pride also want to participate in this operation?" The only one in the dark world who is so arrogant and rude is the Church of Sin of Pride, one of the seven deadly sins.

"No, I'm just here to provide support for you." The man said lightly.

Those who are not interested in the attack of the Dark Elves against the Church of the Seven Deadly Sins, not only some of the top churches in the dark world of the Church of the Seven Deadly Sins, actually did not participate in this attack, because those top powerhouses have no worse background than the Dark Elves. The treasures of the elves are not as eager as other churches, and if those top churches make a move, they will push the dark elves to a desperate situation.

Once the dark elves who have reached a desperate situation become crazy, the entire dark world will be in big trouble.

Therefore, the church of the seven deadly sins will not participate in the attack on the dark elves, and the purpose of the church of the seven deadly sins is not the dark elves, but the gods.

The reason why the Church of the Seven Deadly Sins suddenly took action against the Moe God Sect is very simple. They had previously obtained information related to Nolan. Through this information, the Church of the Seven Deadly Sins also launched a large-scale investigation, and finally found out that Nolan was a serious problem. , actually has a very close relationship with the Mengshen Sect, and may even be a member of the Mengshen Sect.

Nolan is a member of the Moe God Sect. This news also caused the high-level members of the Church of the Seven Deadly Sins to explode instantly. At this moment, the Church of the Seven Deadly Sins suddenly felt excited to find their roots and found the power behind Nolan. Then, when dealing with Nolan It's much easier.

After all, the single-handed Nolan is the most difficult to deal with. She comes and goes without a trace. Even if the Church of the Seven Deadly Sins is powerful, there is nothing they can do to Nolan. In the end, the Church of the Seven Deadly Sins stopped under the mediation of the Church of Darkness and Destruction.

Now that he has finally found the force behind Nolan, the female devil, then all he needs to do next is to attack the force behind Nolan.

(End of this chapter)

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