Chapter 490

"The relationship between the two seems to be very good, and the face is full of surprises after a long absence, not like that kind of hypocrisy."

Upon hearing the inquiry, Ji Jin took the initiative to say: "Miss calls me a younger brother, but how dare I assign her as a younger brother?
Miss is my benefactor, without Miss, I would not be where I am today! "

The people immediately understood: "Oh, so the divine doctor has treated you. You are so young, what disease is so serious that you need the divine doctor to treat you personally?"

"No, my health has been good since I was a child, and I seldom get sick! It was only two days ago that I realized that Miss is a miracle doctor."

The people were surprised: "Then how do you say that the princess is your benefactor? You are not sick, are you poisoned?"

Ji Jin laughed at herself: "Who would poison a homeless orphan? Doesn't poison cost money?"


Princess Yaoxian couldn't wait any longer, and urged: "You might as well finish the whole story at once, the more you listen, the more confused you become!"

Ji Jin smiled: "Both my parents died when I was young, and there are a few relatives in my family, but the relatives are just ordinary people, not rich, and no one is willing to take me in.

So I wandered alone, and sometimes I met kind-hearted people who pitied me for begging for food at such a young age, and would also give a few leftover steamed buns.But there are not many kind-hearted people. After all, everyone has to live.

Therefore, sometimes I am hungry for two or three days, and when I am extremely hungry, I will grab food from the dog.The rotten vegetable leaves and steamed bun dregs thrown by the roadside are all my food. "

Mo Li didn't want him to recall these bad experiences, so she interrupted him: "Ji Jin, it's rare to see each other, let's go to the Li Hotel to catch up on the past."

Princess Yaoxian said: "Don't make noise, Ji Jin, and then, Mo Li gave you the money?"

Ji Jin shook her head: "Later, I met Miss. Miss placed me in the Welfare Hall."

"Ah, the Welfare Hall!" Many people sighed, "I heard that the Welfare Hall specializes in taking in orphans, beggars, and lonely old people who have no one to support them."

"I really admire the kind man who built the Welfare Hall! How much money does it cost to adopt so many people and provide them with food, drink and clothes every day?

Who can do it for a long time without a sufficient financial foundation?
I heard that the welfare hall has been around for several years, and I heard that several branch halls have opened in different cities recently. "

"It turns out that this Mr. Ji grew up in the Welfare Hall. He has only heard of the Welfare Hall, but he has never seen it with his own eyes. Mr. Ji, does the Welfare Hall really provide free food and drink for beggars?"

"Of course it is true." Ji Jin said with certainty, "Not only are we free of charge for food, clothing, housing and transportation, but we also hired a special gentleman to teach us how to read and write.

Not only that, but also invited embroiderers, luthiers, painters, etc., regardless of orphans and beggars, as long as they are willing to learn, they can learn for free. "

The common people opened their mouths in astonishment, and most of their eyes were suspicious.

"Impossible, how much money will it cost?"

"Is there such a good thing in the world? It makes me want to go to the welfare hall."

"The benevolent person in the Jianfu Hall provides food, drink, shelter, and also asks his husband to teach him various knowledge. He spends so much money, what is he asking for? Is he spending money for people to help him?

No matter how rich a person is, he can't afford to spend so much, right?Besides, there are many thieves and hooligans among those beggars. Such people are not worthy of help! "

Ji Jin smiled and shook her head: "You guys are too small! The Welfare Hall also hired a gentleman who teaches people to be kind.

As for the thieves among the beggars, they are more likely to take this road because they are forced to survive.Now the Welfare Hall provides them with food and clothing, and people are kind-hearted, so how could they go on evil paths again?
As for what this good man is asking for..."

Mo Li cleared his throat: "Let's go back, we'll talk later when we have something to say, aren't you tired from standing?"

Yao Xian was excited when he heard it: "Don't make noise! ​​If you are tired, go to the store to rest, and I still want to listen. Mr. Ji, tell me quickly, what is this good man asking for?"

The people stretched their necks and listened.

Ji Jin smiled and said: "I hope that there will be no more hunger and poverty in the world, that everyone can reflect the value of their existence in the world, and that the world is full of warmth and beauty.

No one will be trapped in hunger, poverty, no one will be treated differently, and everyone will have equal opportunities to receive education. "

The common people opened their mouths in disbelief as if they were listening to a scripture from heaven.

"how can that be?"

"It's too idealistic. Such a world simply cannot exist in reality, nor can it be realized."

"Sure enough, this great benevolent man is a fool. If he wasn't stupid, who would spend so much money to support idlers?"

Ji Jin didn't feel insulted either, and smiled lightly: "But good people say, how do you know the result if you haven't tried it?
Everyone uses their spare time to do what they can, and starts from the little things. One day, everyone will live a carefree life and no longer run around for a full stomach. "

Someone shouted loudly: "What does this have to do with the princess being your benefactor?"

Ji Jin smiled naturally and kindly: "Miss is the stupid and rich good person you say!"


The crowd almost exploded!

More people asked in disbelief: "Are you kidding me? How could Mo Li open the Welfare Hall? When the first Welfare Hall was built, Mo Li was only in his teens, right?"

Mo Li stroked her forehead, looking at the out-of-control scene with some helplessness.Ye Feng and Ye Ying had forgotten their responsibilities and stood upright like two logs.Yuan opened his mouth, like two humanoid sculptures.

Ji Jin replied: "That's right, Miss is different, she established the first welfare hall when she was just a teenager.

I just want to repay the lady for her dedication and kindness, so I studied hard with my husband in the welfare hall, and went all the way to Beijing for the scientific examination, and I will wait for next year's spring. "

Yaoxian was even more surprised: "So, you are already a Juren?"

Ji Jin said modestly: "Thanks to Miss, I got a Jieyuan test."

There was another burst of exclamation from the crowd.

"No wonder this young master said that Mo Li is his benefactor. If there is no Mo Li, I'm afraid he is still wandering, and he is one of the beggars? How can he have a chance to be elected?"

"It's unbelievable, I still can't believe it. Mo Li is already a poisonous beauty and a genius doctor, so how could he be a great benevolent person in Jianfutang?"

"The establishment of the Welfare Hall has reduced a lot of trouble for the imperial court. When the identity of the poisonous beauty was exposed before, there were still people who denounced Mo Li's snake and scorpion's heart, and some even went to make trouble in front of the Li Hotel. How about it, slap in the face?"

"Can a person with a heart of snakes and scorpions become a miracle doctor? Can he build a welfare hall with his own funds to help others?"

"Mo Li is too low-key. With so many identities, if you just pull one out, it will be beyond compare."

"Establishing a welfare hall in her teens shows that Mo Li has been kind since she was a child, and it also shows that she has already earned a lot of money at such a young age.

Think about me in my teens, being chased all over the street by my mother with a stick! "

(End of this chapter)

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