The regent walks with wind after his wedding

Chapter 478 The Emperor's Marriage

Chapter 478 The Emperor's Marriage
Now that the witnesses and material evidences have all been sorted out, they will definitely be able to take down the leftist faction in one fell swoop.

He had originally planned to present the evidence to the emperor today, and ordered the Dali Temple and other three divisions to interrogate, catching the left minister by surprise.

But I didn't expect Zhan Beixiao to let him accompany Princess Xifan all the time.

Zhan Beixiao knew that he liked Mo Li...

Since the emperor ordered that the matter of Prime Minister Zuo be resolved within three days, he simply postponed it until the last day.In the two free days, he could devote himself to arranging the search for Mo Li.

However, another two days passed, and there was still no news of Moli.

Zhan Beiqing even went out of the city to investigate in person, but Xianyun Sanren covered up the traces without leaving any traces.

On the third day, before dawn, the streets of the entire capital suddenly heard various noisy hooves, footsteps, and even shouts of killing.

The common people dared not go out, and lay down behind the door one after another. Looking out through the small cracks in the door, they saw groups of soldiers running past with spears, knives or bows and arrows.

Occasionally, I can still see a prison car passing by. The people on the prison car seem to have seen it somewhere, and they look a little familiar...

Soon, the prisoner in the prison car was recognized, and the people were astonished.

Wang Shilang of the Ministry of Punishment, Sun Langzhong of the Ministry of Industry, Li Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, Jia Hanlin, Huang Shishi...

The capital is... the sky has changed?

All the people in the capital stayed behind closed doors, until there were no more officers and soldiers outside, and when the outside became quiet, everyone opened the door and looked around.

Gradually, the number of people on the street increased.

Gradually, restaurants and teahouses became lively again.

Gradually, there was a lot of noise everywhere...

Mingxiang is in the middle, and everyone is exchanging the information they have obtained.

"What happened, why are so many officials suddenly arrested?"

"I saw Wang Shilang from the Ministry of Punishment. He used to have his nostrils upturned. Every time he came out, he shouted and drank. This time, it's really satisfying!"

"Mr. Sun from the Ministry of Industry was in charge of buying stone materials last time when he built the imperial mausoleum. I don't know how much money he squeezed out of the stone merchants. I heard that because of this, one person was even forced to death. This matter has been suppressed.

Was it finally poked out by someone? "

"I heard that a dozen officials were arrested this morning. If they committed crimes separately, how could they be arrested at the same time? It is very likely that they committed the same major crime."

A man with the appearance of a scholar came in from the outside, saw that everyone was discussing enthusiastically, and joined in: "I just passed by Zuo Xiang's mansion, something happened to Zuo Xiang's mansion!"

Everyone in Mingxiang fell silent. After all, the official positions discussed just now are not comparable to the prime minister.

One person's face was dignified, but there were traces of excitement in his eyes that could not be concealed: "What happened?"

The scholar said vividly: "Something has happened! Zuo Xiangfu has been surrounded by the Imperial Forest Army, and a seal has been pasted on the door!"

The crowd gasped.Regarding the behavior of Chu Jian, Chu Xiang's perverted son, everyone's scalp tingles when they think about it.Chu Jian takes killing as a hobby, not only killing small animals, but also killing people, the more blood he sees, the more excited he is.The people fear and hate him deeply.

As the Prime Minister of a country, Prime Minister Chu can only acquiesce, connive, and cover up his son Chu Jian's behavior. The guards, the eyes are on the top of the head.

Now that Prime Minister Chu had an accident, everyone was surprised and applauded.

A middle-aged man stroked his goatee and analyzed: "It seems that the officials who were arrested were all involved in the case of Prime Minister Zuo. The court's move is really beautiful! It's very satisfying!"

"From now on, we will never be oppressed by those corrupt officials again!"

"I was worried all morning. It turned out to be a good thing to cheer people up. If I knew it, I would set off firecrackers at home to cheer, haha..."

"It's no wonder the regent hasn't come out with Princess Xifan these days. It seems that she has been staying behind closed doors at the regent's mansion. It turns out that she is doing something important. Fortunately, there is a regent. Otherwise, someone else may not have such ability and courage."

Although there were all witnesses and material evidence, due to the large number of people involved in the crime and the number of cases involved, it took two full days for the three divisions to finish the joint trial.Zhan Beiqing also stayed with him for two days.

The Zuoxiang faction solved it, and the tense nerves of Gongzhong Zhan Beixiao also relaxed.It's just that many official positions were vacant. He ordered Xiao Youxiang to discuss with the Ministry of Punishment, the Ministry of War, and the Ministry of Officials, and draw up a list and resume to him.

Chu Xiang's case was settled, and a stone hanging in Zhan Beixiao's and Zhan Beiqing's hearts fell to the ground.

"Brother Emperor, follow me to the Imperial Study Room." As soon as the morning court ended, Zhan Beixiao called Zhan Beiqing to stop him.

The two came to the imperial study one after the other, and Zhan Beixiao smiled: "Brother Emperor, what do you think of Princess Yaoxian?"

Zhan Beiqing looked indifferent: "I don't know what the emperor said?"

"It's just...appearance, personality, etc., what does Brother Dahuang think of her?"

Zhan Beiqing's brows and eyes were flat and unwavering: "The appearance is fair, but the character is unknown. The emperor knows the subject. I will never try to understand people and things that I am not interested in, and I don't want to understand!"

Zhan Beixiao asked back: "Princess Yaoxian's appearance, Brother Da Huang just thinks it is acceptable? Brother Da Huang has really high standards for beauties!"

Zhan Beiqing said indifferently: "It seems that the emperor thinks she is beautiful. The so-called beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Maybe the emperor already has feelings for her in his heart."

Zhan Beixiao was surprised for a moment, and laughed: "Brother Dahuang has learned how to joke, and even joked with me. I think she is beautiful because everyone who has seen her says she is beautiful. I won't argue with you about this.

Brother Dahuang, you also know that among the three neighboring countries, our relationship with Xifan is the most distant.Now the fastest and best way to promote the relationship between the two countries is to make peace.The emperor of Xifan Kingdom agreed to let Princess Yaoxian come to our country as an envoy, which is also implied..."

"Since the emperor thinks that marriage is the most effective, why not take Princess Yaoxian into the harem." Zhan Beiqing directly blocked Zhan Beixiao's words.

Zhan Beixiao laughed twice: "Royal brother, the queen mother believes that the royal blood must be pure. You can also see the appearance of Princess Yaoxian, who is very different from the people of our three kingdoms. The queen mother does not allow her to be accepted into the harem.

King Heng already has a concubine and a concubine. Although King Qi has restrained himself recently, he still can't change his lustful habits.Although the remaining few princes have positions in the court, they don't participate much, but they are insignificant positions.

Princess Yaoxian was born of Empress Xifan, and Emperor Xifan attached great importance to it, so after much deliberation, only the emperor's brother is the most suitable. "

Zhan Beixiao looked at Zhan Beiqing seriously, and said solemnly: "So, I intend to marry you and Princess Yaoxian!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhan Beiqing resolutely refused: "Impossible!"

Zhan Beixiao persuaded: "Brother Dahuang, I know you have Mo Li in your heart, but you must put the overall situation first."

 PS: Thank you [Ellen] for your kind appreciation~~(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

(End of this chapter)

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