The regent walks with wind after his wedding

Chapter 232 Mo Changhai's Ingratitude

Chapter 232 Mo Changhai's Ingratitude

"I couldn't think about it for a while, so I chose the most cowardly and irresponsible way of escape-suicide.

It was the shopkeeper Mo who was passing by who rescued me in time, took me home as a stranger, and gave me warmth.He listened carefully to my talk, patiently enlightened me, and gave me a large sum of money so that after I paid off all the foreign debts, I would still have money to support my parents.

He gave me hope to live.

I have no other specialties, I only know how to write and count accounts, so I resolutely became the accountant for the shopkeeper Mo. "

Mo Li listened quietly and was moved.

"Later I found out that shopkeeper Mo was not the only one who helped me. He was generous and sponsored many poor scholars who were forced by life and had more energy than energy and devoted themselves to learning.

Among them, there is Mo Changhai.Mo Changhai loves reading very much. At that time, he went to Nancang Kingdom with his master's family to do business. One day, he met shopkeeper Mo in a teahouse by chance. During the conversation, he lamented the injustice of fate and regretted that he had talents but could not display them.

Shopkeeper Mo generously gave him a large sum of money, enough for him to go back to East Tang to take part in the scientific examination.

Mo Changhai took the silver, and after thanking him, he bid farewell to the master's house and returned to Dongtang.

This is all I know about Mo Changhai, and I haven't seen him since.

Shopkeeper Mo's generosity, open-mindedness and good karma also made his business more prosperous and bigger.During this period, I recognized him as my eldest brother, and changed from accountant to his right-hand man.

Since I was a child, my parents taught me that I must repay my kindness. My elder brother saved my life, so I naturally did my best. I only regret that my ability is too weak to repay one or two things.

Then the eldest brother fell in love with a woman..."

Mo Li's heart was pounding, this woman must be her mother.

"I've only seen it twice, and that woman is really beautiful." The second shopkeeper looked at Mo Li and smiled gratifiedly, "Miss looks very much like her!

He frowned: "I heard from my eldest brother that the woman came from a noble family, and her family did not agree with them being together. To put it bluntly, they thought that the businessman was not good enough for her.

But the woman's attitude is very firm. She and her eldest brother privately agreed to life, worshiped heaven and earth, and became my sister-in-law.Although there is no blessing from the woman's natal family, they are still very happy.

At that time, I was in charge of business in another city and couldn't leave. I heard all these things from my elder brother's letter. "

The more Mo Li listened, the more puzzled she became. She could be sure that the sister-in-law mentioned by the second shopkeeper was her mother.If the shopkeeper Mo Yuqing is really her father, then her parents are both from Nancang, so she is also from Nancang.

Why did she become Mo Changhai's daughter in the capital of the Eastern Tang Kingdom thousands of miles away...

The second shopkeeper pulled back his thoughts and continued: "Not long after the happy days of elder brother and elder sister-in-law, elder sister-in-law's family came to find them. It seems that elder sister-in-law's family background is prominent, and elder brother is powerless and unable to compete with them.

In order to avoid it, the eldest brother and sister-in-law embarked on the road of running around.

They thought they would avoid it for a few days, but when the sister-in-law's family saw that the uncooked rice was ripe, they would give up and stop breaking them up.But I didn't expect my sister-in-law's family to pursue her all the way, maybe..."

Seeing his expression, Mo Li's heart tightened: "What could it be?"

The second shopkeeper frowned and looked at her worriedly: "Brother used the word chasing soldiers in the letter sent back. The letter was very vague, but I have a vague feeling that sister-in-law's family should be of high authority. The dignitaries of...

Perhaps because of the private worship of the two of them, they became angry from embarrassment.

Anyway, the last time I received a letter from my eldest brother, he said in the letter that he had left Nancang for Dongtang.He said that after a while, he would bring his sister-in-law back and let me take care of the business.

After that, I never heard from him again..."

Mo Li had mixed feelings in her heart: "So, you don't know the exact origin of my mother?"

The second shopkeeper shook his head: "I don't know, I don't even know my sister-in-law's name. Over the years, I have been looking for my eldest brother and found some clues.

Eldest brother disappeared in Ngee Ann City in Eastern Tang Dynasty, so I opened several shops near Ngee Ann City. Since I couldn’t find any further clues, I gradually expanded my business to Dajing City, hoping to get news from Eldest Brother.

Fortunately, the heavens paid off and let me find you! "

The second shopkeeper looked at her with a little excitement: "Miss, you have the shadow of the elder brother on your body, and the seal of the Mo family of the elder brother, you must be the daughter of the elder brother, there is no doubt about it!
Something must have happened, Mo Changhai pretended to be your father.Eldest brother is kind to Mo Changhai, if not for his generous support and encouragement, he is still just a mediocre servant, how could he be where he is today?
Since you were brought up by him, he must be repaying the elder brother's kindness to him.

Will he know the whereabouts of his eldest brother?Let's go and ask him! "

Mo Li frowned and pondered for a while, then shook her head: "Wait!"

"What?" The second shopkeeper's excited expression floated on his face, "After searching for so many years, I finally got news about my eldest brother. No matter whether the news is good or bad, I am mentally prepared.

With you here, my eldest brother's business will be followed by others, and I have no regrets! "

Mo Li thought and shook her head: "Father... Mo Changhai's side is not as simple as you think."

The second shopkeeper was stunned for a moment: "What do you mean?"

Mo Li raised her head to look at him, and said solemnly, "Do you know that my mother has a maid named Xiuhuan?"

"My sister-in-law has two maids, but I don't know what they are called. It seems that they are called Xiu." The second shopkeeper recalled.

"My mother passed away within a few months after I was born. Mo Changhai threw me and Xiuhuan into the deep mountains and old forests, and ignored them. After more than ten years, I was taken to the capital in the past two months.

The reason he was taken to the capital was because he wanted to use me, otherwise I would still be abandoned in the mountains. "

There was a trace of sarcasm at the corner of Mo Li's mouth: "You said, is this a way to repay your kindness?"

"There is such a thing!" After the second shopkeeper was shocked, he immediately became furious.

He said angrily, "Mo Changhai is such an ungrateful person!
Big brother entrusted you to him, and he treats you like this, even a stranger without the kindness of knowing you, would not be cold-blooded enough to ignore a newborn baby!
You are the eldest brother's daughter, then I will be your second uncle, let's go, I will go find him with you! "

"Don't worry!" Mo Li stopped again.

"Are you afraid? Miss, you don't have to be afraid." The second shopkeeper was furious, "Although Mo Changhai is an official and we are businessmen, after so many years of operation, the Mo family's property cannot be underestimated.

Even the government of Nancang Kingdom needs to rely on us, and we also have business dealings in the rivers and lakes.Moreover, the envoy from Nancang Kingdom is on his way, and it is estimated that he will arrive in the capital in the near future, so you don't have to worry. "

After hearing these words, Mo Li's heart warmed...

(End of this chapter)

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