The regent walks with wind after his wedding

Chapter 157 How Did You Replace 'Others'

Chapter 157 How Did You Replace 'Others'
"Congratulations to the lord!"

Zhan Beiqing glanced at Mo Li meaningfully, and strode away.

Mo Li was about to go back to the school, but was stopped by the headmaster: "Mo Li, wait a moment and discuss the projects you want to sign up for."

Gao Jin said excitedly: "Of course it's calligraphy, Mo Li will win!"

Li Sanniang excitedly said: "Dance, Mo Li will also win! Originally, I was a little worried that Xiao Yuxuan and Zhen Jing would not be able to cope with the opponent's strength. If Mo Li is involved, our official school will definitely win the dance event!"

Yang Qi quarreled: "Of course it is to participate in arithmetic. The arithmetic in women's schools is generally weak. I was afraid that Feng Jiayin would lose face when I asked Feng Jiayin to participate.

It's great that Mo Li can participate, old man, I have full confidence in her! "

The luthier Yu Fan sat aside, looked at Mo Li indifferently, but did not speak.

The manager raised his hand and signaled them to be calm: "Each person is limited to two entries, and Mo Li can only participate in two entries."

Gao Jin patted the table: "Calligraphy, you must participate!"

Li Sanniang simply stood up: "The dance must be done!"

Yang Qi poked his neck and shouted: "Arithmetic, it must be arithmetic! The women's college is the weakest in arithmetic, and arithmetic cannot be the weakness of the other two colleges attacking the official college!"


"Dance, dance!"

"Arithmetic arithmetic!"


Mo Li stared dumbfounded at the two gentlemen. A dancer had no image of an elder, and she was arguing about what she was going to participate in, blushing and thick neck.In order to show off his momentum, Gao Jin stood on the chair anxiously!

Seeing that the three of them were arguing really outrageously, the manager shouted loudly: "Sit down, what's the proper way?"

The three glared at each other unconvinced, and sat back on their chairs.

"Anyway, calligraphy must participate!"

"Why, how can such a good dance talent of Mo Li be buried?"

Seeing that the three of them were about to quarrel again, the manager raised his face and slapped the table heavily: "Quiet!
The students are still here, do you still have the slightest teacher demeanor?The old man is blushing for you! "

Although the three of them were not convinced, they did not say anything.

The director said: "Although the news of the competition has not been officially announced, it has already spread in the school.

Now that Feng Jiayin is suddenly replaced, he can still explain that it was the regent who gave the order.The projects of the other three people must never be changed again, and they must always take care of the face of Xiao Youxiang and Old General Zhen.

Each item is limited to two people, and now there are two people for calligraphy and dancing, so Mo Li can apply for arithmetic and piano! "

Gao Jin and Li Sanniang were not reconciled, and regretted endlessly: "It's cheaper for you two!"

Yang Qi laughed proudly: "With Mo Li participating in the arithmetic, I don't have to worry about anything.

Mo Li, wait for the old man to come up with a few more difficult questions, you go back and do it, if you don't understand anything, the old man will teach you again. "

The luthier Yu Fan stood up, and said in a slightly aggressive tone, "Master, Mo Yunmei is only required to participate in the piano art. She will definitely win, and there is no need for her to participate."

Mo Li glanced at him puzzledly. Although Yu Fan was also a husband, he was extremely young and looked not much older than her.With long hair fluttering behind her head, she was dressed in a white dress with wide sleeves, and she looked very refined, with the air of an accomplished luthier.

She asked herself that it was the first time she met him and she had never offended him, why did she feel that Yu Fan seemed to have a problem with her...

However, she did not want to participate in two.

She didn't want to participate in the competition at all, but now she is forced to participate. She can just apply for one item and go through the motions. Two items are too troublesome.Calculations are much faster than playing the piano.

When Yu Fan said this, it hit her heart.

"Director, I haven't played the piano very much, and my piano skills are limited, just sign up for arithmetic."

The manager looked at the two of them: "Since Yu Qinshi has so much confidence in Mo Yunmei, then Mo Li will only do arithmetic.

After all, one project cannot produce two firsts.It's the same for people from the same government academy, whoever gets the first place. "

Mo Li followed behind the manager and returned to the school together.

The eyes of all the ladies fell on her one after another, guessing what she was called to the tea room for.

Mo Li returned to her seat and announced in charge: "The candidates and events representing the official academy have been determined, and the announcement is as follows:

Zhen Jing: Dance

Xiao Yuxuan: dance, calligraphy

Mo Yunmei: Qin art, calligraphy..."

Every time someone in charge read aloud, everyone applauded and congratulated.

After reading Mo Yunmei, Feng Jiayin raised her head proudly, waiting for the highlight moment of her first half of her life, waiting for everyone to applaud her.

Hearing the director continue to read loudly: "Mo Li: Arithmetic!"

The applause of the crowd had just been clapped a few times, and when they realized it, they stopped sparsely and looked at Feng Jiayin who had been congratulated all morning in amazement.

"What's going on, isn't it rumored to be Feng Jiayin? How did it become Mo Li?"

"Feng Jiayin came here this morning with an air of arrogance, obviously confident, why the sudden change?"

"I have to say, it's a good exchange! If Feng Jiayin goes to participate in the arithmetic, our women's college will have to admit defeat in the arithmetic. If Mo Li participates, the chances of winning are basically guaranteed!"

"That's what you said, but the big gift from Feng Shilang isn't counted?"

"Maybe Mo Shilang gave a bigger gift?"

She is not the only one who thinks this way, Gao Wei and Feng Jiayin also think the same way.

Feng Jiayin was about to cry. Never before had she felt ashamed as she is now, even the last time she was kicked out of the dance hall.

Ever since she received the news of the competition last night, she was so excited that she didn't fall asleep all night.Today I specially changed into new clothes, and came to the school early to wait for others to bless me, and to see the envious and jealous eyes in others' eyes.

After listening to other people's compliments until now, why is it that she suddenly has nothing to do with her?

Gao Wei saw her tears rolling in her eyes, and hurriedly comforted her: "Jiayin, don't worry.

Yunmei, what's going on?The Master in charge was called away just now, because Master Mo came to give gifts?Master Mo doesn't like Mo Li, how could he give a gift that surpasses that of Shi Lang Feng? "

And it's a little unethical to give gifts at the moment that the contestants have already set...

Mo Yunmei frowned and shook her head: "It shouldn't be my father... After all, my father is an official in the same dynasty as Feng Shilang, and the relationship has always been good. It is impossible to do this!"

Not to mention that father doesn't like Mo Li, if such a big gift is really given, mother will try her best to stop it.

Gao Wei frowned: "I also think Mrs. Mo won't do this, that's strange..."

"Quiet!" The steward raised his voice, and everyone fell silent.

"These four ladies represent our Houde Women's College. The imperial court attaches great importance to this competition. I hope you can cherish this hard-won opportunity and put in your best efforts in the past half month to win honor for the official college."

When the manager left and everyone was resting, Mo Li was surrounded by crowds.

Someone said sourly: "Mo Li, tell me how you replaced 'others' and successfully squeezed into the competition?"

(End of this chapter)

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