Tomb Raiders: Treasure Raiders

Chapter 966 Waiting for the battle

Chapter 966 Waiting for the battle (6)
The marshal didn't make a sound, but Morrison's voice sounded: "Liberty Eagle, don't you want the warriors of the Liberty Empire to set foot on the land of mankind? I can see that you had such thoughts."

Morrison walked in from another door, and the Liberty Eagle saw from the open door that there were still some senior generals in the room, and they had been listening to the conversation between the Liberty Eagle and the Marshal.

The Liberty Eagle looked at Morrison sadly and said, "There are courtiers among humans, and you are the villain of the Free Empire, Morrison, don't talk to me, I will lose my anger."

Morrison said indifferently: "Liberty Eagle, you hold a grudge against me because you have no real loyalty to your country, because you have human emotions in you.

I suspect you're hiding something more important, and you won't come out without some pressure, come on, bring him up. "

Following Morrison's voice, a young man was brought in by a freedom fighter. Morrison said coldly: "His life and death depend on you. If you don't tell the truth, he will be in the worst pain." die in punishment."

This young man is a member of the hostage mothership and the driver of a Leo God of War. The young man looked at the Liberty Eagle viciously, and spat out a mouthful of blood on the ground and said, "Liberty Eagle, I know you. I clearly remember the scene where you fought Han Feng.

No wonder my brothers said that you who hijacked the mothership have no humanity, so you really have no humanity, because you are not human at all, hahaha..."

The young man smiled happily. He refused to be caught without a fight after carrying the burden. When he was imprisoned, he kept figuring out how to escape and encouraged his companions to strengthen their confidence. He can be said to be the backbone of the heavy responsibility.

Morrison said: "See? Humans hate you and want to cut you to pieces. Do you still have to pity such stupid creatures?"

The young man looked at the Liberty Eagle in surprise. Does the Liberty Eagle have any secrets that it hasn't told the Liberty Empire?It is said that Xuan Mingjue's body is actually the incarnation of Xuan Mingjue in the body of Liberty Eagle. It seems that he still has a trace of humanity in his heart.

Liberty Eagle said indifferently: "I don't understand what you mean. Could it be that the purpose of bringing such a person here is to let him insult me?"

Morrison said proudly: "Of course not, I just want you to know that if you don't tell, then this person will die in front of you, a very cruel way of death, and there will be a steady stream of people coming after him If you don’t tell me, they will die one by one until your heart softens.”

The Eagle of Liberty turned to the big screen indifferently and said: "Master Marshal, Morrison is ridiculous. Do I have to make up a lie just because a weak human died in front of me? I opened the wormhole, and I gave the freedom to the empire. I have brought news of humans, Lord Marshal, do you think that I am so loyal to be doubted? Has everyone forgotten my previous efforts?"

(End of this chapter)

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