Tomb Raiders: Treasure Raiders

Chapter 962 Waiting for the battle

Chapter 962 Waiting for the battle (2)
The greatest contribution of the Holy Martial Empire is these space torpedoes and pulse induction bombs. The factory is still running 24 hours a day. Everyone knows that these weapons are the first line of defense against the Free Empire, and it is also the most lethal line of defense. If the Free Empire Breaking through this line of defense, the human fleet is no match for the enemy at all.

Magellan is ready, if he can't resist, Magellan will drive the battleship to take Lan Mei away. This is the private order of Emperor Lan Yin, and Emperor Lan Yin even prepared a substitute for Lan Mei.

When the last moment comes, several guards around Lan Mei will take Lan Mei away forcibly, and let the doubles confuse the people, and Emperor Lan Yin himself is ready to die, and he will live and die with this country.

It takes about two days to cross the wormhole, and the news from Xuan Mingjue shows that the vanguard of the Freedom Empire entered the wormhole two days ago, and it should be arriving soon.

Magellan was an inconspicuous repairman in the ancient civilization. He can be said to be the most low-level office worker. After a long sleep, after waking up, Magellan's IQ has evolved a lot, but he never thought that he would become the ruler of human destiny. commander.

Magellan's right wing is on a button, and the pulse induction bomb in space can change its position according to the established route. This requires the ability to adapt to the situation on the battlefield, and a slight mistake will lead to wasted effort.

Maybe it will arrive in a few minutes, and Magellan's wings can't help but tremble. Whether the defensive position composed of space torpedoes and pulse induction bombs can destroy the enemy's vanguard will determine the success or failure of the next battle.

How many enemy warships can be destroyed is unknown, and no one knows whether the vanguard of the Free Empire can maintain its formation when it comes out of the wormhole, and this is the key of the key.

When the first battleship suddenly showed a huge body from the empty universe, all the people watching the live broadcast exclaimed, this battleship is not so huge, at least it cannot be seen on the screen, people exclaimed Because the enemy really showed up.

The tense nerves reached the verge of collapse, and everyone felt their hearts were pinched tightly. The pain of suffocation made people unable to breathe, and the eyes of fighting cocks were fixed on the screen.

The second warship and the third warship came one after another. Dozens of warships had already flown out of the wormhole in ten seconds, but the first warship had already seen dense space torpedoes and pulse induction bombs heading towards the battleship. direction to fly.

In all directions, up, down, left, and right are covered. Compared with huge battleships, space torpedoes and pulse induction bombs are like the difference between elephants and ants. They are negligibly small, but they carry deadly destructive power.

A space torpedo entered the acceleration stage, but was destroyed by a neutron cannon when it was more than 1000 meters away from the battleship. The explosion of the space torpedo triggered a series of explosions.

Magellan pressed down decisively, and one after another space torpedoes and pulse induction bombs rushed towards the explosion point crazily, joining the ranks of martyrdom.

(End of this chapter)

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