Chapter 960
And I, together with the prime minister and the marshal, will accept your supervision. From now on, every minute and every second will be under your supervision. My basic necessities of life will be under the supervision of this camera, let you watch yours How the sovereign is with you, not a coward who flees. "

This is Lukewei's method, so that Emperor Lanyin has been living under the supervision of everyone, and let people know that the monarch has not abandoned everyone. As long as Emperor Lanyin does not disappear in front of people's screens, people's panic can be contained to the lowest point .

Through the pictures sent back from various places, Emperor Lan Yin saw that people were eagerly listening to his speech. Emperor Lan Yin knew that people's hearts were stable, even though he had become a monkey that people can admire at any time in the zoo.

"What are you waiting for? Go back and do what you need to do, don't cause trouble anymore, get out!" Following the roar of Emperor Lan Yin, Lan Mei appeared on the street under the protection of a group of guards. From now on, Lan Mei will sleep on the street. Like Emperor Lanyin, he became the target of people's supervision.

(End of this chapter)

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