Chapter 954
At midnight, the warship driven by Magellan landed at the military airport on the outskirts of Thursburg. Emperor Lan Yin and Lan Mei, who were dressed in civilian clothes, greeted Magellan at the airport, who was like a savior, and accepted the captured warship by the way.

The battleship Magellan was driving was a product of the Free Empire. Although Magellan said it was a "fool" battleship, it was already a very advanced guy for the Holy Martial Empire, and there were still a large number of orcs in the battleship Magellan was driving. , This cannot be known to outsiders, so as not to cause panic.

When Magellan and Dihua stepped out of the battleship, they saw troops with live ammunition everywhere. These soldiers were all elites from the garrison, and their combat effectiveness was among the best in the Holy Martial Empire.

Magellan's two short legs were too slow to walk, the anxious Dihua picked up Magellan and came to Lan Mei and said, "Lan Mei, you know the situation, now you must hurry up and prepare, if there is any danger, you should take the This battleship leaves, Magellan will take you to a safe place."

Magellan patted Dihua with his wings, but Dihua didn't understand his intention, Magellan said discouragedly: "Emperor Lanyin is in front of you, so be careful when you speak."

Only then did Ti Hua look at the bearded Emperor Lan Yin in surprise. The appearance of Emperor Lan Yin and Lan Mei was so different that they didn't look like brothers and sisters, and they were dressed in casual clothes, so Di Hua didn't expect this to be The famous Emperor Lanyin.

Emperor Lan Yin looked inside the battleship and said, "What do half-orcs look like? Can you find one to open my eyes?"

Magellan made a sound like a beast roaring at the battleship. The language of the half-orcs was very simple. Magellan had already mastered this "foreign language", and it was very easy to communicate with the half-orcs, which made Dihua very envious.

A half-human, half-ape creature heard Magellan's voice and timidly came to the door of the battleship. Seeing so many fighters outside, it hurriedly retreated.

This half-human, half-ape half-orc is the most evolved type, and their IQ is relatively high. Magellan roared again in anger, and the half-orc stretched out his head again, and then retracted again.

Magellan said nonchalantly: "These guys haven't evolved well, and they are a little shy. Just ignore them and just treat them as novel animals. As for the scientific researchers I personally trained, let them immediately accept the new technology I brought.

The Liberty Empire is very powerful, so powerful that it frightens me. I declare in advance that if you can't resist their attack, I will take Princess Lanmei and escape with the boss as far as possible. "

Lan Mei said lightly: "Brother Emperor also thinks the same way. It's not surprising that you have such intentions, but don't count me in. I won't go with you. I believe Han Feng is not such a coward who runs away."

Magellan blinked his small eyes, Magellan didn't feel ashamed, it's normal to run away if you can't fight, and as long as the boss and Lan Mei are together, isn't it good, why bother to die with others?

Lan Mei came to Magellan and said firmly: "Never give up your subjects is the belief that flows in the blood of the royal family of the Shengwu Empire. If this belief is lost, the royal family will be on the verge of decline. I will not leave."

(End of this chapter)

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