Tomb Raiders: Treasure Raiders

Chapter 776: At No Cost

Chapter 776: At No Cost (4)
The six monarchs of the abyss were killed by Han Feng, Jovinel, Zeni killed DiCaprio, and Rodsell killed Zeni.There are only three monarchs left in Shenyuan and Han Feng, the newly promoted new monarch.

Now is the time when the demons of the abyss are at their weakest. Han Feng doesn't want to lament the opportunity of missing Zeni's revenge in the future, and the wind hermit is angry because of the death of the shadow hunter. Even if Han Feng wants to retreat, he won't agree.

Magellan sat on the back of Onyxi, who had turned into a dragon, casually glanced at the information handed over by Han Feng and said with disdain: "There is no need to panic, this kind of neutron bomb can only be used in the universe. At that time, this kind of weapon was the basic weapon used to create wormholes, and it was useless in war.”

Han Feng didn't understand. The theory of wormholes is understandable. When the mothership jumps in space, it enters wormholes. Wormholes are a special spectacle in the universe. out the other end of the hole.

Humans have now mastered several important and stable wormholes, which are the main channels for communication between planets. When humans first began to explore space, they could only rely on spacecraft to fly slowly. It was not until the discovery of wormholes that the magnificent universe opened up. Great development.

The existence of wormholes makes the vast universe no longer a shackle that hinders the pace of people's exploration, and the journey of the past few years or even decades has been shortened to about half a month.

Can wormholes be artificially created?If human beings master this technology, they can go to a wider universe and explore more unknown worlds. Why didn't Magellan mention this technology before?
What Han Feng didn't understand the most was why the Kester Republic made this kind of neutron-directed bomb?Moreover, it was a technique handed over by Xuan Mingjue.

Suddenly Han Feng and Magellan exclaimed at the same time, they both thought of a fatal problem||Xuan Mingjue’s external incarnation found the freedom fighters left over from ancient times. These freedom fighters may be trapped somewhere in the universe, and the neutron directed bomb It is to open up a new wormhole to release them.

Han Feng quickly dialed Lan Mei's communicator and said, "Neutron bombs must be prevented from being transported to space at all costs, remember, at all costs."

Lan Mei had never seen Han Feng so anxious, Lan Mei knew that the matter must be crucial, Lan Mei immediately conveyed the news to Emperor Lan Yin.

Emperor Lan Yin was holding a meeting. When he heard the news, he looked at the ministers coldly and said, "What do you think of a war?"

The ministers looked at each other, and Lukewei, who reacted the fastest, praised loudly: "Your Majesty, your wisdom illuminates the entire sky, and the Shengwu Empire will advance to glory because of your great guidance. May I ask who is Your Majesty planning to fight against?"

Emperor Lan Yin slapped the table heavily and said: "Han Feng has sent a very important message. The Kester Republic is inhumanely planning to launch destructive weapons. They have become the public enemy of all mankind. We, the Holy Martial Empire, must bear the responsibility. Take up the important task of saving mankind, and immediately call the Leo Empire, let them issue a statement to support our just actions.

(End of this chapter)

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