Tomb Raiders: Treasure Raiders

Chapter 758 Chapter 109 Ancient Battle Spirit

Chapter 758 Chapter 109 Ancient Battle Spirit (7)
The white-haired old man kicked the end of the wind-split gun with his toes, and began to use the wind-split gun's moves one by one. Han Feng subconsciously danced the wind-split gun to imitate the old man's moves.

From the most basic rhinoceros looking at the moon and dragon wagging its tail, Hanfeng is the most basic move of marksmanship. Every move and every move is a very traditional move. It is this bland move that makes Douglas feel at a loss.

There was a whistling sound of wind every time the spear was stabbed out, and Douglas' avatar was restrained in the face of the sharp marksmanship. Han Feng's wind-split gun was still the original wind-split gun, but the powerful energy contained in the tip of the gun made Douglas dare not face it head-on. .

Following the old man's moves, Han Feng gradually accelerated his speed. The bodies of the nine Douglas moved forward alternately. Every time they rushed to Han Feng's side, they were forced to retreat by the invisible strong pressure.

Han Feng's marksmanship is getting faster and faster, and the traditional moves are no longer performed according to the original moves in Han Feng, but interspersed and disrupted. The eyes are about to pop out of their sockets, the last move, the name of the last move is Phoenix Nirvana.

(End of this chapter)

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