Tomb Raiders: Treasure Raiders

Chapter 645 Chapter 93 Years Past

Chapter 645 Chapter 93 The Millennium Past (6)
Han Feng's "I need" made Lan Mei realize the urgency of the situation. Han Feng said that he needed it was an urgent need. Lan Mei hung up the communicator and quickly returned to Shengwu Empire to prepare.

After Han Feng cut off the communication equipment, he heard Onyxi ask: "Hey! Hey, did you hear that? Belle Jiss may not be the opponent of the abyssal demon. I want you to protect her at all costs."

Han Feng asked leisurely: "You don't hate her?"

Onyxie said resentfully: "Of course I hate it. I wish I could knock her down to the ground and beat her up, but I can't let her die. This is the order my master gave me."

Han Feng drove the guardian and flew towards the direction where the Queen of Sheba left. The guardian's search function was extremely powerful. Through the virtual screen, Han Feng could clearly see that the army of undead in the distance was rushing towards an erupting volcano like a tide. volcano.

How big is it in here?The guardian's search area is a hundred kilometers in diameter, but there is no end in sight.Han Feng locked the position of the volcano, and in the crater, a giant with two horns on his head was waving a claw hammer and sending out flames falling towards the army of undead.

The giant is more than four meters tall, covered with green hair, with a bony body and ribs are clearly visible.The Queen of Sheba stepped down a huge water shield in front of the undead army.The flames emitted by the giant collided with the water shield and burst into steaming mist.

Han Feng lowered the flying height, even so the giant still found Han Feng, its attack speed slowed down, the Queen of Sheba screamed: "This is my prey, unless you want to fight, don't come here .”

Han Feng stopped "obediently". Han Feng hadn't figured out the strength of the Queen of Sheba yet, so it was good to use this opportunity to find out. More importantly, Han Feng didn't want to help the Queen of Sheba.

Han Feng despicably hoped that the Queen of Sheba would die in the battle with the giant. That would be the most ideal ending. Of course, Han Feng knew in his heart that the Queen of Sheba would never be so stupid.

The strategy of the Queen of Sheba is no different from the past. More than 70 skeleton mages are quietly gathering and approaching the giant. The unsuspecting giant is also a little scared in the face of the mighty skeleton army. It keeps shouting to cheer for itself.

On the one hand, the Queen of Sheba used water magic to resist the flames released by the giant, and on the other hand, she directed the skeleton mage to move forward.

The skeleton mages had unknowingly approached to a place less than 30 meters away from the giant, but the giant still didn't notice the difference between these skeleton mages and other skeletons.

The inadvertent smile on the corner of Queen Sheba's mouth, the abyssal demon is not very good, the typical strong limbs are simple-minded, so obvious tactics can't be seen.

Just when the skeleton mage was about to launch a suicidal self-explosion, the magma in the crater suddenly spewed out, and a crack on the ground began to spread to the skeleton army at a speed that was difficult to track with the naked eye.

(End of this chapter)

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