Tomb Raiders: Treasure Raiders

Chapter 596 Space Jump

Chapter 596 Space Jump (6)
Han Feng subconsciously touched his nostrils. Han Feng remembered that his nose seemed to be bleeding. When Han Feng touched his nose, he didn't feel anything. Is the bleeding an illusion?
Han Feng didn't know that after his mental strength adapted to the frequency of the space jump, the blood from his facial features burst into fine dust and dissipated.

Magellan pointed at Han Feng this time and said in horror: "Boss's voice is wrong, your voice keeps echoing, but the echo is very fast. Boss, what's wrong with you?"

Han Feng didn't feel that something was wrong with him at all, he asked suspiciously: "Magellan, is there something wrong with you?"

Magellan exclaimed, "Impossible."

Magellan reached out to touch Han Feng, and when its small wings touched Han Feng's body, it retracted like lightning.Magellan has adapted to the invisible tremor of the space jump, but Han Feng's mental power is trembling at the same frequency.

The frequency of Han Feng's mental tremor is the same as that of the mothership's space jump, so he is safe and sound, but Magellan, an outsider, can't bear it. The moment his wings touch Han Feng, he feels two opposite forces pulling repeatedly. Magellan shrank fast, and his wings would definitely be pulled into pieces by these two forces.

In this short period of time, Han Feng's mental power was consumed rapidly, and Han Feng felt that his mental power was about to fail, so he hurriedly said: "I'm too tired, I need to rest, and you can return honestly." In the sleep cabin, you are not allowed to come out and cause trouble, do you understand?"

Magellan curled his lips unconvinced. Magellan's beak was originally cute, but after curling his lips, it became extremely funny. Han Feng wanted to touch Magellan with a smile, but Magellan fled to the distance in a panic and said, "Boss, please don't worry!" Don't touch me, the strange power on your body is exactly the same as the space jump frequency of the mothership, I can't bear it."

Han Feng stepped into the dormant cabin with his feet hanging in the air. Unfortunately, Magellan had already escaped into his own dormant cabin. Han Feng, who had exhausted his mental strength, could only choose to enter the dormant cabin.

The moment the dormant cabin was closed, a hypnotic gas enveloped Han Feng, and Han Feng fell asleep in the gas. Before falling asleep, Han Feng repeatedly told himself in his mind||I will wake up in eight hours, eight hours later. I'll wake up in an hour, I'll definitely wake up.

This is a bit of experience that *** passed on to everyone when chatting with everyone. This method is self-hypnosis, which leaves this order in people's subconscious mind, and people with strong will will execute this order at a certain period of time. .

Han Feng believed that he would wake up in eight hours. Han Feng had great confidence in his mental strength and willpower. After eight hours, Han Feng slowly opened his eyes.

The deep sleep state allowed Han Feng's body to recover a lot, but only a little bit of exhausted mental power.Han Feng replenished his mental power according to Dihua's mental power training method, and when his mental power reached its peak, Han Feng opened the dormant cabin.

(End of this chapter)

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