Tomb Raiders: Treasure Raiders

Chapter 499: Private Han Feng

Chapter 499: Private Han Feng (7)
Han Feng sat in the swivel chair, Zhang Yang had just activated the transfer button, the closed door was pushed open, and a group of young people in military uniforms came in, their eyes fell directly on the swivel chair.

Zhang Yang secretly groaned, these young masters were clearly here to watch the fun and seek trouble, so it was impossible for them to cheat.These sons are all fighters who have passed the test to become the fighters of the robot army. They all know every step of the test and the criteria for passing.

A young man with sweat on his face asked, "Instructor Zhang Yang, why didn't the doctor and examiner present for this man's test? It seems to be against the rules."

Zhang Yang looked at the young man with a stern face, gritted his teeth and said, "His physical fitness is excellent. The tests I did were only to verify his physical limits. In fact, he doesn't need these tests at all to be a qualified robot warrior."

Han Feng was already a little dizzy during the high-speed rotation, especially when he had to swing the helmet from side to side with the "beep" sound, and the nausea made Han Feng pale.

During the rotation, Han Feng discovered these people who came in, and the mental power released by Han Feng also heard the conversation between the young man and Zhang Yang. Han Feng knew that he had to perform extremely well, so that Zhang Yang's lies would not be exposed, even if In order to publicize, we must also work hard to perform better.

(End of this chapter)

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