Tomb Raiders: Treasure Raiders

Chapter 439 Tricky Questions

Chapter 439 Tricky Questions (3)
In the early morning, the bright sunshine poured down on the streets and alleys of Brad, and the preoccupied Feng Wu walked slowly towards the Summer Palace Hotel from a distance. Feng Wu was released from house arrest by Feng Zhengxing last night. Feng Wu thought for a long time, I didn't understand what my father meant by that either.

So Feng Wu got up early, and she has been wandering around the Summer Palace Hotel, not knowing whether she should visit Han Feng or not.Maybe his attitude is still very unfriendly, the closer Feng Wu is to the Summer Palace Hotel, the heavier his footsteps will be.

He seemed to be bored with himself, could it be that he already knew some secret?Feng Wu racked her brains to think about all the possibilities, and when she saw the sneaky Carlos get out of the car and walk into the Summer Palace Hotel, Feng Wu finally made up her mind.

Carlos obviously had no experience as a spy, and the way he kept looking back would be suspicious to anyone, but Carlos felt that he was doing it very cautiously, and he didn't realize that Feng Wu had followed him.

Feng Wu waited for Carlos to enter the elevator and rushed over quickly. Carlos stared at the sudden Feng Wu with rounded eyes, pointed at Feng Wu's nose and was speechless.

Feng Wu smiled sweetly: "It's a coincidence."

Carlos was stunned for a long time before saying, "It's a coincidence, what a coincidence."

Feng Wu looked at the distraught Carlos, and doubts arose in her heart, what is Carlos doing here?This playboy hates him like a fly every time he sees him, why is he so honest today?Feng Wu stared at Carlos, and Carlos' panicked eyes avoided the mirror-like smooth wall of the elevator, neither of them had any intention of speaking.

After the elevator stopped, Carlos said goodbye, "I still have something to do, see you later."

Unexpectedly, Feng Wu also stepped out of the elevator and said, "Isn't it to meet Kino? Then we happened to be on the same road."

Carlos touched his pocket subconsciously, and Feng Wu's eyes immediately fell on it.In Carlos’s pocket is the communicator that Slim gave him, and he is going to return it to Han Feng. Carlos doesn’t know what this strange thing is, but he only knows that Slim warned him very seriously||If this thing falls into the If it is in the hands of others or seen by others, you can jump off the building.

Feng Wu stared at Carlos and said, "You have a ghost in your heart, ha! I already know everything."

Carlos was in a cold sweat. He stepped back step by step and was overwhelmed with nervousness. Feng Wu became more and more proud. The things on Carlos were not trivial. What made him so nervous?

Carlos suddenly turned around and ran, heading straight to Han Feng's room. When Han Feng faintly heard the sound of running, he gave Qu Mowei a wink.

Qu Mowei opened the door and glanced outside, smiled and greeted him, pretending to be very familiar, patted Carlos on the shoulder and said, "Master Carlos, have you brought enough money today? If you don't have money, you can do it." Use other things as collateral, my boss is easy to talk to."

Carlos saw Qu Mowei greeted him, and the tight string in his heart relaxed. The thief must have moved the things. Carlos glanced at Feng Wu from the corner of his eyes, touched his pocket again and whispered: "There are too many people talking."

(End of this chapter)

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