Tomb Raiders: Treasure Raiders

Chapter 436 The Underground Council

Chapter 436 The Underground Council (7)
The one-eyed old seventh has never seen what it looks like to have 800 million in front of his eyes. The most money he has ever seen was the suitcase that Qu Mowei brought with him when he was at the beach, and it was only 500 million.

The one-eyed old seven was so discouraged that he didn't dare to speak. Han Feng said: "What the one-eyed old seven said is not unreasonable, but I really need to practice my gambling skills, so I will be prepared."

As Han Feng spoke, he took out three dice, and the one-eyed old seven recognized at a glance that they were the three dice Han Feng got from him.

Han Feng flipped the dice up and down and said, "Four, five, six."

Han Feng threw three dice on the table next to the computer. When the three dice stopped spinning, the three dice went up at four, five, and six respectively, as if showing off Han Feng's superb throwing skills to Qu Mowei and the others. Dice tricks.

"Silk!" Qu Mowei and the others made a toothache-like inhalation sound at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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