Tomb Raiders: Treasure Raiders

Chapter 323 Alien Technology

Chapter 323 Alien Technology (6)
When the old man spoke, he looked at Lan Mei, and his intentions were self-evident. The excited face of Emperor Lan Yin flushed, and he tried his best to suppress his excitement and said, "Lan Mei, your alien friend must have heard you. The conversation between me, if you want, they will definitely send you the little blueprint of the particle collider."

Lan Mei said with a straight face: "No, what if they are bad people with ulterior motives? As a member of the royal family, I cannot bring shame to my family and country."

Han Feng asked, "Is it necessary to conduct a particle collider experiment?"

Magellan said: "There is no need at all. This is a product of my era. If they are allowed to personally test and apply it to the military field, it will take 100 years, and they will do their best. The particle collision test requires accurate data. The experiment will take two to 30 years.”

Han Feng said in surprise: "It's useless to give them this information. I also plan to let them equip the army as soon as possible to restrain the Kester Republic."

Magellan laughed and said, "I can send them the information of the weapon, so that they only need to manufacture one weapon to know the authenticity."

Magellan has already prepared another document, and as long as Lan Mei opens his mouth, Magellan will send it.

But Lan Mei had resentment in her heart, so she just refused to agree. Emperor Lan Yin felt a little uncomfortable in front of the ministers. The white-haired old man came to Lan Mei tremblingly and said, "Your Highness, our Holy Martial Empire has been established for a thousand years. , After so many years of ups and downs, relying on the wise leadership of His Majesty and the hard work of the people, we can stand on this land. We have experienced the invasion of the enemy and the betrayal of careerists, but the Holy Martial Empire Still prosperous and strong.

But technology is not as good as human beings, our Holy Martial Empire will always be inferior to others, the Kester Republic is watching, and they have also received technological assistance from the Leo Empire. One of my feet has already stepped into the grave. Eyes, but what about others?Who can protect my fellow man? "

Lan Mei said sadly: "Master Hai, I understand what you mean, I will ask them, but don't disturb me in the future, I know what to do."

This sentence was said to Emperor Lan Yin, who looked at Master Hai with a straight face, pretending not to hear it.

When Lan Mei came to the computer, another file had already been sent. Lan Mei accepted the file under the watchful eyes of dozens of pairs of eyes. When they found out that it was the manufacturing blueprint of the particle weapon, cheers resounded throughout the room. Room.

If the first document might be faked by someone else, then the second document is the touchstone. As long as the weapon is manufactured according to the blueprint, all doubts will disappear, and it is not difficult to manufacture a weapon according to the blueprint.

The iron-clad facts are in front of us. Aliens with real high-tech technology really favor Princess Zhang of the Empire. This is the glory of the Holy Martial Empire and an opportunity for the development of the Holy Martial Empire.

(End of this chapter)

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