Tomb Raiders: Treasure Raiders

Chapter 300 Unknown Fear

Chapter 300 Unknown Fear (4)
Han Feng had nothing to say, Lan Mei had done everything he hadn't thought of for the time being, Han Feng owed her a favor, and Han Feng only let Han Feng know about this favor after signing the contract.Lan Mei didn't want to use this method to gain an advantage in terms of negotiating conditions. This is a considerate and humane little girl. It would be great if she wasn't born in the royal family.

Han Feng looked at the coffin and said, "I want to see my father again."

Lan Mei forced a smile and said, "Why bother? Uncle Han was seriously injured when he was killed. His body was pieced together by several skilled forensic doctors. Seeing it will only make you sadder. Why don't you Miss it in my heart."

Han Feng was unmoved, Lan Mei pulled Han Feng's sleeve and said: "Let Uncle Han leave the best impression in your heart, just like in the photo, the faint sadness because of missing his dead wife is very Handsome uncle."

Han Feng bit his lips fiercely and followed Lan Mei to go out. His father's body must not bear to be seen, so Lan Mei stopped him. What Lan Mei said made sense, let his father's voice and smile live forever in my heart.

Magellan obediently followed behind Han Feng and Lan Mei, and followed them to the mine on the mountain, where the mining disaster happened.

The original mine has completely collapsed, and the mine has been reopened in order to sort out the remains. The black hole of the mine is like the entrance to the abyss and hell, and it is also like the hearts of endlessly greedy people.

Han Feng stopped at the entrance of the mine for a while and then walked up the mountain. His father liked to climb mountains near the mine before his death. He said that looking at his property from a high place would give him a sense of accomplishment.

Lan Mei obediently followed Han Feng, walking lightly. When Han Feng was holding Magellan up a steep hill, he hurriedly made a gesture to stop Lan Mei who wanted to follow.

Lan Mei looked at Han Feng with surprised eyes, and Han Feng made a silent gesture, signaling Lan Mei to back away.Lan Mei's eyes were slightly rippling, and her complexion changed and she stretched out her hand to grab Han Feng.

When Han Feng climbed the hillside, he sensed the breath of several people. These people were well ambush. If Han Feng hadn't climbed the hillside, he would never be able to find them.

When Han Feng also wanted to retreat, two blue lights shot up into the sky, circled in the air and rushed towards Han Feng, Han Feng shouted: "Go!"

Han Feng put on the golden armor with his left hand, and drew out the flying knife with his right hand, ready to fight and rushed forward.

Lan Mei didn't catch Han Feng, she jumped up the hillside, but Han Feng ruthlessly pushed Lan Mei who was in the air down, and roared, "Hurry up and find help."

Lan Mei dexterously turned over in the air and stood firmly on the slope, biting her lip and looking at Han Feng who looked like an angry lion, turned around and rushed towards the mourning hall.

The two blue lights in the sky converged, revealing two middle-aged men holding long swords. Zhao Tingbi said in a proud voice, "Han Feng, you didn't expect me to be here, did you? Are you surprised?"

(End of this chapter)

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