Tomb Raiders: Treasure Raiders

Chapter 297 Unknown Fear

Chapter 297 Unknown Fear (1)
(Trouble readers, please add comments and support, my little brother is not easy to code, thank you all!)
For two days in a row, Lan Mei didn't show up, and Han Feng was not in a hurry. In the past two days, Magellan reassembled the metal parts he got from the underground garbage dump and turned it into an unattractive but powerful energy search device.Magellan is eagerly waiting to go to the mine to show his talents, trying to find the instrument for making power stones buried in the mine once.

Media and the others persuaded Han Feng, and they secretly hoped that Han Feng could put down his stance and apologize to Lan Mei, and accept the title, so that the negotiation could proceed smoothly, the Leo Empire could get the energy stone as soon as possible, and the Shengwu Empire could also Get much-needed technology and weapons.

Han Feng doesn't consider their suggestions at all. If the opponent in the negotiation is someone else, Han Feng doesn't mind being humble, but the opponent is Lan Mei, and Han Feng doesn't want to bow his head in front of Lan Mei. Han Feng can't tell the specific reason, anyway. I just don't want to bow my head.

On the morning of the third day, Lan Mei finally arrived accompanied by Levi's. The eagerly awaited Media and the others looked at Lan Mei with a heavy expression, and everyone had a bad feeling in their hearts.

When Han Feng and the others came to the conference room to continue the unfinished negotiations, Lan Mei took out the draft from that day and said confidently: "There is no room for negotiation about the two motherships and the title. must be accepted."

Han Feng returned the draft to Lan Mei and said, "There's nothing to talk about."

Media looked at Han Feng anxiously, and Han Feng stood up and said, "Go back and think about it for a few days, anyway, I'm not in a hurry."

Lan Mei's small face was like a cloudy and rainy day in June, ready to trigger a storm at any time, Media tentatively said, "Why don't we think of a workaround?"

Levi's echoed loudly: "It makes sense, we can make concessions on the issue of the two motherships, but His Majesty the Emperor of our country believes that Han Feng's mother is from the Shengwu Empire, and Han Feng must accept the title. This is not a problem that can be solved by bargaining .”

Media was stunned. The Shengwu Empire gave up the request for two mother ships, but insisted that Han Feng must accept the title. What does this mean?Win over the Korean style?This must be the reason.

Media and the officials of the Leo Empire looked at each other, and one official said: "This condition is related to the personal issue of the leader, and we have no right to make decisions."

Han Feng said firmly, "No."

Lan Mei also stood up and said, "There is really nothing to say."

Seeing that the negotiation was about to come to an impasse again, an official said in a deep voice: "Princess Lan Mei, Mr. Levi, our Leo Empire will make some technical concessions, how about the two of you?"

Levi's quietly looked at Lan Mei, and said awkwardly: "This condition was proposed by His Majesty, it is really difficult to meet."

Another official said: "Our captain has personal factors. Our Leo Empire cannot make things difficult for the captain. I believe that the technology of the power furnace of the Zeus-type main battleship can satisfy your country."

(End of this chapter)

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