Chapter 277
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The mothership landed in the sky above the Holy Martial Empire, and several small spaceships flew out of it, carrying Han Feng and others to the military airport of the Holy Martial Empire. This time, Han Feng brought more than 130 people to the Holy Martial Empire, most of them were Sauron selected guards from the most loyal and reliable royal guards, and the person in charge of these guards was Media whom Han Feng had seen many times.

There are also more than a dozen mining experts, as well as several diplomats. They are all accompanying Han Feng to the Holy Martial Empire. Their task is to assist Han Feng to win the mine as soon as possible and mine it as soon as possible.

Kuang Wu, Hedgehog, Dihua, Qu Mowei, Lan Mei and her two bodyguards all went with Han Feng. Han Feng believed that he had never been so safe. Don't tell others, Kuang Wu alone can take the Han Feng was safe and sound.

This time Han Feng visited in secret, neither the Leo Empire nor the Holy Martial Empire made any publicity, so when Han Feng got off the spaceship, only a serious official from the Holy Martial Empire received them and sent them to the country as quickly as possible. hotel.Lan Mei left first, surrounded by a group of bodyguards.

Han Feng knew why Lan Mei was in such a hurry to leave. Han Feng decided to leave for the Holy Martial Empire on the third day of the duel with Yiwen, but Sauron actually appointed Han Feng as the plenipotentiary representative of the Leo Empire. Han Feng decides everything, which is far beyond Lan Mei's expectation.

Coupled with the fact that Han Feng set off so fast, Lan Mei didn't have time to report the news to the Holy Martial Empire. Lan Mei was anxious to go back to communicate with her brother. I'm afraid the Holy Martial Empire was also eager to learn about Han Feng's details and movements through Lan Mei. .

Han Feng has repeatedly studied the map of Thursberg on the mothership. As the capital of the Holy Martial Empire, Thursberg has formed a super city with a population of tens of millions after hundreds of years of construction.

The Royal Palace is in the center of Thursburg, and Lingyange Street is the wide road facing the Royal Palace, and the State Guest House is at No. 82 Lingyange Street.

Before departure, Han Feng had already inquired a lot of information. On both sides of Lingyange Street are the residences of high-ranking officials of the Shengwu Empire. None of the people living on this street are ordinary people. The closer the residence is to the palace, the identity The more prominent.

When Han Feng deduced from the clues in the letter that his mother's family and relatives were still alive, Han Feng was so excited that he couldn't sleep all night. Han Feng was full of joy and thought that he was no longer alone in this world.

But the mother's family is definitely an important minister of the Shengwu Empire. Although I don't know the specific location on Lingyan Pavilion Street, the identity of the mother's family has been revealed too clearly.

No wonder the mother's family objected to the relationship between the mother and the father. It seemed that the Shengwu Empire looked down on merchants at all, even a mining family like the Han family did not look down on them.

Han Feng couldn't wait to come to the Shengwu Empire. On the one hand, he was looking for a contract for the mine, and on the other hand, he wanted to see the people of his mother's family. They were Han Feng's only relatives in this world. I just want to see them from a distance, and I am still a businessman, so naturally I won't be seen by them.

(End of this chapter)

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