Tomb Raiders: Treasure Raiders

Chapter 256 Confidential Information

Chapter 256 Confidential Information (1)
There is not much time left for Han Feng, and there are still nine days until the duel. Now Han Feng only has one wind-split gun. Although the power is good, it will inevitably appear weak.

Sauron said that Han Feng left in a hurry after dinner, and he wanted to go back and mobilize all available forces to help Han Feng find weapons, for attack and self-defense, as long as Han Feng can use them.

Sauron didn't show up for two consecutive days. On the third day, *** arrived unexpectedly. Han Feng was working hard on basic skills under Dihua's training: squats, leapfrogs, leg presses, pull-ups, push up...

Kuang Wu spent almost all day training his new disciple in a small room, and he didn't show up at all except for meal time. The hedgehog's screams could be heard from time to time in the room, which complemented Han Feng's rapid breathing.

*** stopped the sweating Han Feng and said, "Hurry up and change your clothes, my miser friend has some good things. By the way, you must bring enough money, and you owed [-] last time. Remember to make it up this time, so others don’t follow.”

Han Feng is overjoyed, Grandet's old friend is definitely a big businessman, and Grandet runs a pawn shop, maybe there will be some rare treasures.Han Feng asked for a check from Qu Mowei, and happily left with ***.

Grandet's pawn shop is in an inconspicuous alley. Inside the alley are several antique-looking old shops, each of which has its own characteristics. Grandet's Tunjin Pawn Shop is in the innermost position. .

The store clerk at the door looked lazy and listless. When *** entered the pawn shop with a Han style, Grandet was using an ivory abacus that was definitely an antique to calculate the amount in the account.

Han Feng came to Grandet with straight eyes, looked eagerly at the ivory abacus and said, "This is an antique of more than 5000 years, really good."

Grandet proudly twirled his mustache and pushed the abacus to Han Feng, saying: "This is a peerless treasure. I can guarantee that this is the only one in the world. How much do you think it is worth?"

Han Feng stroked the smooth ivory beads on the abacus and said, "About two to three million yuan, no one would buy more. Although this thing is old enough and the material is rare, this kind of antique is too rare, and rich people don't want to buy it." Buy it, those who have no money can’t afford it.”

Grandet laughed loudly, the laughter was full of joy, *** said contemptuously: "To tell you the truth, there is someone who is willing to waste money, and he spent 200 million to buy this stupid abacus."

Han Feng grinned, 200 million to buy such a thing, Grandet is really generous.Han Feng clenched his ring tightly, and began to look around the store. This carved table was made of agarwood from the tyrant era more than 3000 years ago, and the pen holder was made of top-quality black jade more than 2000 years ago.

Han Feng finally understood what a rich person is. A rich person just doesn't regard money as money. The value of this table cannot be measured if the other things in this small shop in Grandet are not counted.It is a miracle that the wooden table from the tyrant era can be preserved intact, and it is impossible to buy it with money.

(End of this chapter)

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