Tomb Raiders: Treasure Raiders

Chapter 253 Modern Warfare

Chapter 253 Modern Warfare (5)
Di Hua blurted out: "Protect your short-sighted and fierce martial arts."

Sauron exclaimed, "Master Kuwu?"

Kuang Wu grabbed the hedgehog's neck and lifted it up, saying, "It's Lao Tzu, apprentice, have you seen the name of the teacher?"

The hedgehog said stubbornly: "I will never forget your humiliation today, and one day I will make you kneel on the ground and kowtow."

Kuang Wu sighed and said, "You child, is it embarrassing for you to be my apprentice? As long as you join my Martial God Sect, you will be allowed to run rampant in this world, and Master will help you settle any troubles."

Han Feng said: "Hedgehog, don't talk to your master like this. Just now I didn't let you learn from your teacher. I was just angry. It is your blessing to be able to worship Kuang Wu as your teacher. From now on, you must respect your master and treat him as your father." .”

The hedgehog turned around and saluted and said: "Yes, master, the hedgehog has remembered." Then he said to Kuang Wu: "Master."

Kuang Wu remained silent, this apprentice was so useless, not only did the apprentice not appreciate it, but also made everyone laugh for a long time.Kuang Wu was not angry but full of emotions. Although Han Feng's bodyguard aptitude is not very good, this kind of loyalty is extremely rare. It would be great if all his apprentices were like him.

Sauron came to Kuangwu respectfully and said, "Master, have you left the customs?"

Sauron was ecstatic in his heart. If Kuang Wu joined his camp, it would be equivalent to controlling half of the country. There are many disciples and grandchildren of Kuang Wu, and these people have formed a huge force. Coupled with Kuang Wu's prestige, he will completely Overwhelm Colin.

Kuang Wu was taken aback for a moment, and Han Feng hurriedly said: "That's right, Master Kuang Wu has been practicing in closed-door training on Yage Star. I just met the master by chance, and he happened to come back with me. I thought I would introduce it to you later. , I didn’t expect my elder brother to recognize Master Kuangwu.”

Kuang Wu didn't seem to see Sauron, but clasped his fists at Dihua and said, "You are the elder brother of little brother Han Feng, and Han Feng passed on your ancestral cultivation method to me in private, I hope you don't mind."

Dihua immediately came to his senses, the ancestral training method was clearly his own original spiritual power training method, Han Feng was talking about running cars, and lying was almost becoming a habit of his life.

Dihua quickly said: "Master, you are serious. The decision made by my brother is my decision. I have always admired the master. Unfortunately, I didn't have the opportunity before. In the future, I will come and go with the master often."

Seeing that Kuangwu ignored him, Sauron continued without any discouragement: "I also admire Master very much. I originally planned to worship you as my teacher back then, but at that time you had already started to retreat."

Kuang Wu said mercilessly: "Your aptitude is even worse, not as good as my apprentice. I will definitely not accept you as an apprentice."

Sauron smiled wryly, Kuangwu was naturally protective and extremely arrogant, the royal family of the Leo Empire was worthless in his eyes, the most abominable thing was that as long as he joined the Martial God Sect, it was equivalent to having amulets, Kuangwu's disciples provoked Many troubles were suppressed by him.

(End of this chapter)

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